Detective Opera Milky Holmes - Season 3 Episode 2 By Become, You Mean...

Detective Opera Milky Holmes
Alice and Kazumi decide to sneak into Holmes Academy for a chance to see Milky Holmes, where they end up getting inadvertently knocked out by them. As the two state their desire to be just like Milky Holmes, they simply respond by saying if they want it, they should just do it, whilst trying to keep up a classy image. Later that night, Alice and Kazumi encounter the thief from before, donning their new detective uniforms to fight against him. Whilst Kazumi's Arrow Toys prove to be ineffective, when combined with Alice's Barrier Toys, they combine into a powerful arrow that knocks the thief out. The girls leave the thief in the custody of the police, leaving behind a calling card naming themselves "Feathers".
TitleDetective Opera Milky Holmes - Season 3 Episode 2 By Become, You Mean...
Cast, , , ,
Alternative TitlesTantei Opera Milky Holmes, 偵探歌劇 少女福爾摩斯, 探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ 第2幕, Tantei Opera Milky Holmes, 探偵歌劇 ミルキィホームズ TD, ふたりはミルキィホームズ, Tantei Kageki Milky Holmes TD, 偵探歌劇 少女福爾摩斯, Futari wa Milky Holmes, Tantei Opera Milky Holmes: Act 2
Keyword, , ,
First Air DateOct 07, 2010
Last Air dateMar 28, 2015
Season4 Season
Episode48 Episode
Runtime25:14 minutes
IMDb: 9.00/ 10 by 4.00 users