Ali Baba and his sinister Genie use a magnetic ray as a tractor-beam to bring down the private airplane of Russian scientist Professor Nabakov, who was on his way to a big scientific convention being attended by scientists from all over the world; they kidnap him. By sheer coincidence, Lori and Judy are at the International Scientific Convention HQ, covering the convention for Newsmaker magazine. They are summoned by Frank; our heroines Electra-change and dash into Electra-base. Frank tells them the kidnapped Professor had invented a new Metamorphosis formula-- which can change people into their exact opposites.
Ali Baba appears on the Crime-scope viewing monitor; he boasts that he has captured the Professor. Frank has Crime-scope zero in on the point of transmission: Ali Baba's lair. Then, Frank gives our heroines his latest attachment for their Electra-comps: the Electra-freeze, which can drop the temperature of any object far below freezing. Electra Woman tests it on a s
Electra Woman and Dyna Girl - Season 1 Episode 7 Ali Baba (1)