SERIöS - Das Serienquartett 2019
ONE makes the hearts of real serial nerds beat faster and invites to a serious talk about series. Kurt Krömer, the scriptwriters Annette Hess ("Weißensee") and Ralf Husmann ("Stromberg") as well as presenter and all-gazer Annie Hoffmann present their current series favorites and do not hold back even with negative criticism.
Ghosts 2025
German Remake of Ghosts. It will centre around young couple Emma and Felix, who inherit an old mansion and decide to turn it into a hotel, but after a near-death accident, Emma begins seeing ghosts.
Comedy Cuisine 2019
How To Tatort 2020
In the mockumentary "How to Tatort," Jasna Fritzi Bauer, Luise Wolfram and Dar Salim have to prove that they have what it takes to be part of the "Tatort" team. In the style of a fictional documentary, the series accompanies the newcomers during their fictional preparations for their roles as the new Bremen Tatort team - with plenty of satirical exaggeration and a whole lot of self-irony.