Bureau 39: Kim's Cash Machine 2020
How is it possible that North Korea, one of the poorest countries on earth finances a nuclear weapons program large enough to challenge the USA? The answer: Bureau 39, a legendary organization nestled deep inside the government apparatus. Its aim is to procure foreign exchange by any means possible to provide Kim Jong-un’s regime with money.
The Rising of China Arctic 2022
This documentary exposes the new geopolitical situation in one of the most remote regions of the planet: the Arctic. The arrival of China in this part of the world, thanks to the opening of new sea lanes, modifies the fragile balance between the superpowers that must deal with the new arrival.
Die Welt der Reichsbürger - Träumer, Aussteiger, Extremisten 2017
An increasing number of people in Germany no longer want anything to do with their state. A mixture of idiosyncrats and anti-system activists are turning their backs on the Federal Republic. How did the "Reichsbürger" movement become radical? What are their motives? What emerges is a European community of anarchists, businessmen, esotericists and adventurers - between a self-declared fight for freedom and obstinacy.
Bundeswehr-Einsatz im Mali: Das nächste Desaster? 2022
One of the Bundeswehr's most dangerous missions is taking place in Mali. More than 1,000 soldiers are serving in the UN mission in Africa. They are supposed to create and secure peace.
Das Afgahnistan-Drama: Deutschlands Krieg am Hindukusch 2021
NATO went to war in Afghanistan. This developed into a 20-year operation that ended in defeat. This senseless war cost thousands of lives.
Rechte Verschwörer - Angriff von innen? 2020
Right-wing extremists in the police and the Bundeswehr are making plans for a coup, stockpiling weapons and keeping lists of opponents - the preparations for "Day X" are more concrete than expected.
Putin und die Mafia 2019
Inside fan curve - fans, ultras, hooligans 2024
Football in the stadium: pure emotion and excitement. Thousands united in joy, anger and disappointment. Who gathers there peacefully, and where does passion cross borders?
Inside Ultras – More than football 2024
The world of ultras is as fascinating as it is inaccessible: They create a colorful atmosphere in the stadiums and support their club unconditionally - even radically if necessary.