Jay Woelfel Valkyrie and Jack: A Love Story 肉商 The Escape The Satanic Socks 异种保卫战 女巨人攻击 外星人大战泰坦尼克 007好色特工队 地狱公路 肉商 The Bagman Ghost Lake Ghost Lake Demonicus Come to Me Softly Come to Me Softly Come to Me Softly At the Door of Darkness 入侵异次元6 飞越梦之门 飞越梦之门 Unseen Evil 怪形故事 Demonicus Butterscotch: Lost But Found Tomorrow by Midnight Silhouette 血堂 Flight To Danger Jacob's Honor Iron Thunder Bronx Cheers Foreign Correspondents Sunset Society 亡灵艺术 魔鬼游乐园 弗兰肯斯坦崛起 魔鬼游乐园 Ghost Lake 飞越梦之门 Revenge of the First Wives 反击大行动 Camp Utopia Evil Sister Demon's Kiss Battlestar Galactica: The Second Coming Demonicus 疯人怨 疯人怨 疯人怨 The Screaming 性档案:亘古欲望 Train Quest 异种保卫战 Beyond Dream's Door 黑色的房间 怪形故事 怪形故事 Halloween Pussy Trap Kill! Kill! Human Prey 犯罪意图 Cyberdorm 魔鬼游乐园 魔鬼游乐园 去地狱的派对巴士 The Escape The Escape The Escape The Escape The Satanic Socks The Satanic Socks The Satanic Socks The Satanic Socks Ghost Lake Iron Thunder Public Enemy Iron Thunder Public Enemy Public Enemy 入侵异次元6 入侵异次元6 Starlets The Shadows of Summer The Shadows of Summer The Pact A Sirens Call Revenge of the Werepoodle Revenge of the Werepoodle The Birthmark Eddie Presley Eddie Presley 透明人倒霉的性事 性档案:外星人大骚动 Angel of Fear Angel of Fear Angel of Fear Carts Carts HE! HE! HE! 恐怖独立8