Frieda Inescort 狐火 郎心似铁 吸血鬼归来 Tarzan Finds a Son! 黄金梦 The Underworld Story Street of Chance 人鱼怪兽 鳄鱼变 琴韵补情天 傲慢与偏见 The Amazing Mrs. Holliday 香笺泪 Shadows on the Stairs Sunny 塞城春晓 血洒情天 The Great O'Malley Beauty for the Asking 巧遇佳偶 The Garden Murder Case Convicted Woman Senior Prom Father's Son Flame of the Islands 奥宫春色 Juke Box Rhythm 毛衣女孩 It Comes Up Love The Courtship of Andy Hardy 冒牌卡萨诺瓦 Heavenly Days The Dark Angel The Zero Hour 苏格兰女王玛丽 Give Me Your Heart The Judge Steps Out Call It a Day Portia on Trial Hollywood Boulevard The Trial of Mary Dugan 不列颠之战 Remember the Day Woman Doctor Never Wave at a WAC A Woman is the Judge Hedda Hopper’s Hollywood No. 6 Mission to Moscow Bourbon Street Beat 梅森探案集 General Electric Theater The Millionaire Thriller Lux Video Theatre Climax! The Rebel Meet Corliss Archer Crossroads Letter to Loretta Four Star Playhouse