William Bowers 教父2 侠盗双雄 侠盗双雄 破茧杀机 暴徒 Split Second 天牢喋血 -30- 罪网 日日夜夜 龙吟虎啸 沉醉春风 糊涂劫车案 内讧 枪手 枪手 彩凤伴金龙 亡命快枪手 警匪争夺战 巴黎任务 Seven Days' Leave 糊涂太空人 The Best Things in Life Are Free She Couldn't Say No River Lady Imitation General Jungle Patrol Sing Your Way Home The Adventures of a Rookie Advance to the Rear The Last Time I Saw Archie Mrs. O'Malley and Mr. Malone 枭雄情焰 Mobile Two The Gal Who Took the West The Sheepman The Gun and the Pulpit Kate Bliss and the Ticker Tape Kid The San Francisco Story Sidekicks More Wild Wild West The Notorious Lone Wolf The Gal Who Took the West Ladies' Man The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap Black Bart Goodnight, August The Countess of Monte Cristo The Fabulous Suzanne 诱惑 十字交锋 The Wild Wild West Revisited 最佳拍档 最佳拍档 最佳拍档