Louis Hayward 无人生还 涨潮小屋 跳吧,女孩子 道路崎岖 陌生女人 重蹈覆辙 The Making of a Great Motion Picture 雾起荒原 海盗船长 冷酷 风流世家 铁面人 The Rage of Paris The Phynx The Saint in New York 基督山之子 The Saint's Return Fortunes of Captain Blood Joe Navidad The Search for Bridey Murphy The Son of Dr. Jekyll The Duke of West Point 卡普里岛海盗 The Lady and the Bandit Absolute Quiet The Royal African Rifles 试夫记 Duffy of San Quentin Young Widow Condemned Women 爱的化学测试 A Feather in Her Hat My Son, My Son! 午夜性侵者 The Woman I Love The Flame Within The Black Arrow The Luckiest Girl in the World 道连·格雷的画像 Self Made Lady 血洗英雄堡 The Return of Monte Cristo Breakdowns of 1936 恐怖蜡像馆 Lady In The Iron Mask The Man Outside Sorrell and Son El magnifico extranjero The Thirteenth Candle With the Marines at Tarawa Burke's Law Studio One Rawhide Lux Video Theatre Schlitz Playhouse of Stars Climax! Matinee Theater 夜间画廊 Riverboat The Lone Wolf The Magician Lux Video Theatre The Pursuers 希区柯克长篇故事集