Al Jolson 爵士歌手 Rhapsody in Blue Rose of Washington Square Hollywood and the Stars Showbiz Goes to War Hollywood Cavalcade Hollywood Handicap Mammy The Legend of Rudolph Valentino 乞丐的赞美 奇景吧 Swanee River 歌唱的孩子 New York Nights Big Boy 唱歌的傻瓜 A Plantation Act Say It with Songs Go Into Your Dance Going Hollywood: The '30s 好莱坞歌女 Screen Snapshots: Series 16, No. 12 The Golden Twenties The Dawn of Sound: How Movies Learned to Talk Screen Snapshots: Memorial to Al Jolson The Jolson Story Jolson Sings Again Show-Business at War Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? Myrna Loy: So Nice to Come Home To Take It or Leave It Salsa Okay for Sound The Voice That Thrilled the World A Day at Santa Anita Screen Snapshots Series 18, No. 8 Studio Highlights Purple Heart Diary Gene Kelly mène la danse Sunshine State 异世浮生 Startime 希区柯克剧场