
课室风云 2008


新学期伊始,教师与学生们返回一所普通的社区学校。法语老师兼班主任的弗朗索瓦·马林(François Bégaudeau 饰)面对升一年级的新班级,继续用坦诚又有些好辩的方式教学,这群14岁左右的学生思维活跃,时常在宽松的课堂上反诘马林或是斗嘴、传播八卦,马林不得不一次次中断进度,解决无数琐碎的问题。这所学校内汇聚了来自多国的移民学生,随之而来的问题时常在课堂细节中体现,马林试图尽量让学生们找到自尊,但这些擅于让老师头疼的孩子似乎不太接受马林的说辞。课堂上的唇枪舌剑与部分学生敌视老师的态度让潜藏着的矛盾随时会爆发。


Side by Side

Side by Side 2012


Winner of the International Emmy Award for Best Telenovela, "Side by Side" focuses on two women of different origins and social classes. The brave Isabel, daughter of a former slave and in love with the capoeira player Zé Maria; and Laura, descendant from a wealthy family and destined to an undesired marriage to Edgar. In addition to an unshakable friendship, the two share the same purpose in life: the conquest of freedom in the conservative society of Rio de Janeiro of the early 20th century.


A Casa das Sete Mulheres

A Casa das Sete Mulheres 2003


When the men go to war, the women also battle. This tale takes place in the XIX century, during a terrible civil war. Italy’s revolutionary leader Garibaldi must choose between two loves: a sweet aristocratic lady or a brave woman who leaves her husband to accompany him into battle. This super-production recounts the saga of women who do not go to war but must bear pain, solitude and new passions while their husbands and fathers fight the battles.