通往夏天的隧道,再见的出口 2022
1995年冬天的底特律,每逢周末乐手们都会聚在一家名为The Shelter的Hip-Hop俱乐部进行一对一的为时一分钟的表演比赛,吉米·史密斯(艾米纳姆 Eminem 饰)是众多黑人乐手中另类的白,虽然他很有实力,却在上台表演时因紧张卡壳,只得到一片喝倒彩的嘲笑声。除了要勇敢面对被起哄的人群轰下台的尴尬,吉米还要应付与母亲(金·贝辛格 Kim Basinger 饰)及同母异父的妹妹一起生活在狭小局促的拖车里的难堪。而母亲的男友、黑人与白人的平行线关系、他的工作和感情等等,也都是他的压力。他试图冲破家庭与团体的束缚,用音乐表达出对生活的愤怒和不满,然而他首先要解决的,是战胜怯弱的自己。
15岁的意大利少女梅丽莎(María Valverde 饰)与母亲和祖母的住在一起,她的生活平淡甚至有些枯燥,每天这个天真纯洁的女孩都在渴望一段浪漫的爱情。某天,梅丽莎和好友参加同学所组织的派对,她邂逅了英俊帅气的男孩丹尼尔(Primo Reggiani 饰)。只是爱情之花并未如期盛开,梅丽莎遭遇了一次带有羞辱性质的性经历,她却从此迷上了这个玩世不恭的男孩。在接下来的日子里,梅丽莎可以引起丹尼尔的注意,而丹尼尔则对她进行各种各样的羞辱。在明白丹尼尔的心意之后,梅丽莎通过放纵来进行报复,她甚至将每段性经历都写入日记……
艾瑞克(John White 饰)算得上是一个标准的失意青年了,连在家中打个手统也造成祖母受惊去世的恶果。艾瑞克与女友翠西交往两年,但一直未能上垒,现在已是全校最后的处男、公认的笑柄,这些还不算,他是大名鼎鼎的“硬条”家族的一员,堂兄德维特等人名满江湖,给他巨大的心理压力。翠西终于同意与艾瑞克共赴巫山,岂料两人时运不济最后又发展成一场屎尿屁笑话,幸好德维特的学校要举办考后大裸奔活动,艾瑞克与死党匆匆投奔堂兄希望用狂欢宽慰心怀…… 经历了与侏儒橄榄球队的对决,裸奔活动的大幕即将揭开,然而关键时刻,艾瑞克忽然领悟了爱与性的意义,做出了自己的抉择。
出身标准富有阶级家庭的墨西哥青年胡里奥(Gael García Bernal 饰)与德诺(Diego Luna 饰)是一对儿死党,他们各自精力旺盛的女友结伴出国旅行,丢下两人为消磨漫长的无聊暑假犯愁。在德诺家举办的一次总统也亲临现场的宴会上,两人结识了德诺表哥的西班牙妻子露莎,并向她兜售通往传说中号称“天堂之门”的海滩之旅。一别多日,露莎惊闻丈夫出轨伤心欲绝,遂致电德诺要求参加海滩之旅。三人马上出发,于路露莎同两位大男孩无话不谈,并先后与德诺、胡里奥发生了关系,这让德诺与胡里奥的友情产生了裂痕,他们发现女友曾经同对方偷情后愤怒不已,但还是一同到达了天堂之门。这个夏天过后,一些关于青春的记忆永远留在了那片海滩上…… 本片获2002年洛杉矶电影节最佳外语片等几十项褒奖。
羞涩内向的15岁高中生戴维•莱斯(Max Thieriot 饰)拥有灰暗的童年,母亲在他5岁时离家出走,父亲则粗暴蛮横,他在学校里还经常受到同学的捉弄。某天,他不慎跌入冰窟中,却由此发现自己拥有心灵传输的神奇能力。这项能力可以让戴维凭借想象瞬间从一个地方转移到另一个地方,地与地之间从此没有障碍。在此之后,戴维离开家独自居住,并利用这段时间学习掌握心灵传输的技术,而他首要目标锁定在抢银行上。多年后,戴维(Hayden Christensen 饰)因此过上随心所欲、养尊处优的自在生活。然而他的好日子即将走到尽头,一个名叫“游侠”的神秘组织专门追踪具有心灵传输能力的异能者。戴维成了被追击的对象……
讲述为了让「濒临留级」又「讨厌学习」的美少女五姊妹通过学校考试毕业,主角风太郎以兼职家庭教师的身分来到中野家指导她们的课业,也因此渐渐与五胞胎们培养出感情。 怀抱着各种想法的各人也迎来高中生活最后的活动「学园祭」 「学园祭第一天15时请到教室来。」 聚集在教室里的五胞胎们,风太郎想告诉她们的是──
14岁的小女孩乔治娅·尼克尔森(乔治娅·格洛梅 Georgia Groome 饰)刚刚步入青春期,她的叛逆和倔强随之而生。这个年龄的她不再为了糖果和洋娃娃欢呼雀跃,虽然父母仍旧将其看作一个小孩子,但她已经开始为了朦胧的爱情怦然心动了。升入中学,一众死党感受到来自自身和外界的冲击,她们讨论乳房、初恋、接吻,一切都让懵懂的女孩们激动不已。与此同时,乔治娅迷上了阳光帅气的男孩罗比(亚伦·约翰逊 Aaron Johnson 饰),从此每一天都变得多姿多彩起来……本片根据英国作家露易丝·任尼森(Louise Rennison)系列日记体小说的“Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging”和“It’s Okay, I’m Wearing Really Big Knickers”改编,并荣获2008年巴斯特国际儿童电影节观众奖和最佳儿童演员奖(Georgia Groome)。
单亲妈妈简(海瑟•洛克莱尔 Heather Locklear 饰)带着两个女儿霍莉(希拉里•达芙 Hilary Duff 饰)和佐伊一起生活。简虽然在照顾两个女儿方面得心应手,可是在处理自己的感情方面却弄得一塌糊涂,她总是和一个不怎么样的男人开始同居,然后很快出现问题,最后分手。简走马灯似的换男友可苦了两个女儿,她们跟着妈妈一起老是居无定所,从一个男友家搬到另一个男友家,从一座城市搬到另一座城市。 为了能过上正常人的生活,霍莉决定用自己的力量帮妈妈寻找一个可靠的完美男人。当发现简的同事心地善良的兰尼开始追求简时,霍莉正式开始行动了。她暗中以兰尼的名义给妈妈送花、发email、写情书,然而老实巴交不懂情趣的兰尼却迟迟未能赢得简的芳心。霍莉的行动进一步升级,然而,事情却开始慢慢失去控制。
希德姐妹帮是学校里的一个少女组织,维罗妮卡(薇诺娜•瑞德 Winona Ryder 饰)与另几名成员跟随头领希德(莎侬•多赫提 Shannen Doherty 饰)一起捉弄同学,排解无聊的校园生活。不久,维罗妮卡的注意力被玩世不恭又胆大妄为英俊男生杰森•迪恩(克里斯汀•史莱特 Christian Slater 饰)所吸引,渐渐在心理上疏远希德,并很快发展到决裂的地步。 杰森帮维罗妮卡设计整治希德,不料造成对方身亡,二人伪造了希德自杀的假象,事后居然蒙混过关,这对情侣杀人后一发不可收拾,用相同的手法继续犯案,而且杰森身上的毁灭性愈发突出,渐渐对维罗妮卡也造成了威胁……
本片曾有幸荣获奥斯卡奖两项提名,它是有史以来表现“披头士乐队”这一特定主题的第一部影片,同时它也是表现摇滚乐影片的最优秀的代表作品之一。 影片把我们带回到了一九六四年,四个来自英国利物浦的年青人在用自己的行为影响人类的精神生活,让世界为之发生变化。 这是理查德-莱斯特的一部表现现代摇滚乐的喜剧影片,它讲述了三十六年前刚刚出道的“披头士乐队”所经历的喜怒哀乐:他们拥有众多狂热的乐迷;他们引起了音乐制作人和各种媒体的广泛关注;他们也体味了来自家庭与社会传统势力的巨大压力。乐队一度面临着事关存亡的考验:当保罗不得不面对他的祖父时,乐队的演唱计划被中止了。保罗的祖父是一个称得上“真正在捣乱的老顽固”,由于他的过激意见直接威胁了乐队的生存。很快,约翰也和他的祖父交火,事情开始变得越来越糟,乔治甚至开始考虑开始模特儿生涯,同时另一位成员林戈也在伦敦的大街上消失得无影无踪了……
布鲁克斯 (诺亚·琴蒂内奥饰) 巧妙地为大学筹集资金,他开发了一款约会应用。在这款应用中,他为你能想象到的每一种情况都扮演着“替身”男友的角色。通过一周中每晚做一个不同的人的旅程,他发现真正的布鲁克斯根本不是他想的那样,令他惊讶的是,他爱上了他梦想中的真正的女孩。
比利(丹尼斯·霍珀 Dennis Hopper 饰)和怀特(彼得·方达 Peter Fonda 饰)用一次毒品交易的钱骑着他们的机车上路了,他们的目的地,是新奥尔良的狂欢节。在路上,他们经过了离群索居的波西米亚人群落,短暂逗留的数天里目睹了他们自由放浪但也贫穷困苦的生活。在德克萨斯州,他们仅因为行为举止诡异就被警察关进了监狱,在那里,他们遇见了律师汉森(杰克·尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰),汉森帮助他们逃离了牢狱之灾,他们怂恿汉森同他们一起上路。抵挡不住内心的骚动,汉森同意了。三人来到一个保守的小镇,在那里受尽了居民的白眼。不受欢迎的三人只得露宿荒野,夜里,当地的居民乔装袭击了他们,汉森被打死。比利和怀特虽然震惊,但这一切都没能阻止他们前进的脚步。到达目的地的两人并没有感到喜悦,有的只是无尽的空虚,沮丧的两人打道回府,但令人意外的是,一个卡车司机和他的双杆猎枪使得他们的行程截然而止。 这是影史上最伟大的公路电影,也是为数众多的公路电影的鼻祖。
Badminton player Taiki has always admired basketball star Chinatsu from afar. But one spring day, a surprising turn brings them unexpectedly close.
Teenage friends find their lives upended by the wonders and horrors of puberty in this edgy comedy from real-life pals Nick Kroll and Andrew Goldberg.
As one of the thousands of Japanese students afflicted with "chunibyo," a state where they're so desperate to stand out that they've convinced themselves that they have secret knowledge and hidden powers, Yuta spent most of his middle school years living in a complete fantasy world. He's finally managing to overcome his delusions but his chunibyo have attracted the attentions of another sufferer, and she's decided that this makes him her soul mate.
Kyotaro Ichikawa, a boy barely clinging to the bottom rung of his school's social ladder, secretly believes he’s the tortured lead in some psychological thriller. He spends his days dreaming up ways to disrupt his classmates' peaceful lives and pining after Anna Yamada, the class idol. But Kyotaro's not nearly the troubled teen he pretends to be…and it turns out Anna's a bit odd herself!
Utena is a tomboyish school girl who attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. Her strong sense of chivalry pulls her into a series of duels with other members of the Student Council for the possession of the Rose Bride.
Wakana Gojo is a high school boy who wants to become a kashirashi--a master craftsman who makes traditional Japanese Hina dolls. Though he's gung-ho about the craft, he knows nothing about the latest trends, and has a hard time fitting in with his class. The popular kids--especially one girl, Marin Kitagawa--seem like they live in a completely different world. That all changes one day, when she shares an unexpected secret with him, and their completely different worlds collide.
The assorted humiliations, disasters and rare triumphs of four very different twenty-something girls: Hannah, an aspiring writer; Marnie, an art gallery assistant and cousins Jessa and Shoshanna.
Nanakusa is a vampire. That's okay with human Ko. He wants to be one too. But transformation doesn't come that easily... When Nazuna invites Ko to spend the night at her place in an abandoned building, he's stoked! But then he awakens to kisses on his neck with a little too much bite to them... Is it just the delicious taste of his blood that makes her meet him night after night for late-night adventures, conversation and...naps? Or something else? Then, when a cute girl from Yamori's past shows up and competes for his attention, his budding relationship with the undead is put to the test!
Banri Tada is a freshman at a Tokyo law school. After an accident, he suffers severe memory loss. Despite the incident, he befriends fellow freshman, Mitsuo Yanagisawa, which leads him to the beautiful, yet obsessive, Kouko Kaga.
Shikimori seems like the perfect girlfriend: cute, fun to be around, sweet when she wants to be… but she has a cool dark side that comes out under the right circumstances. And her boyfriend Izumi loves to be around when that happens!
A teen navigates the complexities of high school, family and her sexuality while dealing with new superpowers. Based on Charles Forsman's graphic novel.
The world of The Power is our world, but for one twist of nature. Suddenly teenage girls develop the power to electrocute people at will. Following remarkable characters from London to Seattle, Nigeria to Eastern Europe, the Power evolves from a tingle in teenagers’ collarbones to a complete reversal of power balance.
After Ben's coronation in Descendants, the villain kids Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay settle in at being good while their villainous parents are still roaming the Isle of the Lost. The story goes deeper at the arrival of new villain kids, Freddie (Dr. Facilier's daughter), CJ (Captain Hook's daughter) and Zevon (Yzma's son).
Story is set in Daegu, South Korea during the 1970's. Lee Jung-Hee is in the 2nd grade of high school. She has a bright personality and is the second daughter of a family who runs a toy factory. She and her friends go through adolescence.
22-year-old Sigrid - nicknamed Sigge - and her group of friends are confronted with the unexpected demands of adulthood as they attempt to come to terms with their own identities, their passions, and the past.
When Kazusa enters high school, she joins the Literature Club, where she leaps from reading innocent fiction to diving into the literary classics. But these novels are a bit more...adult than she was prepared for. Between euphemisms like fresh dewy grass and pork stew, crushing on the boy next door, and knowing you want to do that one thing before you die--discovering your budding sexuality is no easy feat! As if puberty wasn't awkward enough, the club consists of a brooding writer, the prettiest girl in school, an agreeable comrade, and an outspoken prude. Fumbling over their own discomforts, these five teens get thrown into chaos over three little letters: S...E...X...!
Min-jae and Seo-yeon are no different from ordinary 17-year-old high school students. Min-jae is silent and sensitive, yet a good student. Seo-yeon who plays the piano wished to enter an arts high school but failed. As they grow into adults, their surroundings and the reality they face get harsher. These two somehow similar but different friends get closer as they overcome their growing pains together.
After the Rain: Wish in a Pocket, the live-action spin-off web miniseries based on the live-action film of Jun Mayuzuki's After the Rain manga, on Wednesday. The new miniseries focuses on the relationship between the characters Takashi Yoshizawa and Yui Nishida, who are supporting characters in the original story. The series maintains the same cast as the film. Hiroki Kazama is directing the series.
A humorous look at the "horny teenager" concept, but from arguably the more rare female perspective, since in this case the "horny teenager" protagonist in question isn't a guy, but a 17 year old girl.