神偷奶爸 2010
超级坏蛋格鲁 在听说埃及金字塔被盗的新闻后不满市面上新贼辈出,决定在纳法利欧博士 的帮助下建造火箭升空盗取月亮。在向坏蛋银行贷款的过程中,格鲁盗取的收缩射线枪被新贼维克托 抢走。为了夺回收缩射线枪,格鲁决定领养三位孤儿——玛戈、伊迪丝 和阿格蕾丝,利用她们进入维克托的城堡兜售饼干的机会实施偷盗,计划成功后再偷偷处理掉三个小孩。然而在平凡的日常相处中,格鲁却发现自己越来越离不开这三个小鬼,但这样的感情用事却将严重影响周密的盗月计划……
超级坏蛋格鲁 在听说埃及金字塔被盗的新闻后不满市面上新贼辈出,决定在纳法利欧博士 的帮助下建造火箭升空盗取月亮。在向坏蛋银行贷款的过程中,格鲁盗取的收缩射线枪被新贼维克托 抢走。为了夺回收缩射线枪,格鲁决定领养三位孤儿——玛戈、伊迪丝 和阿格蕾丝,利用她们进入维克托的城堡兜售饼干的机会实施偷盗,计划成功后再偷偷处理掉三个小孩。然而在平凡的日常相处中,格鲁却发现自己越来越离不开这三个小鬼,但这样的感情用事却将严重影响周密的盗月计划……
浣熊市曾是蓬勃发展的制药巨头——伞公司(Umbrella Corporation)的总部所在地,现在却是一个死气沉沉的中西部小镇。该公司的大撤离使这座城市变成了一片荒地,地下蕴藏着巨大的邪恶。当邪恶被释放时,镇上的人们将永远改变,一小群幸存者必须共同努力,揭开保护伞背后的真相,并度过夜晚。
由伊桑·霍克扮演的一名时间特工“我”奉命穿越时空,以试图阻止恐怖分子Fizzle Bomber的恶行。而在他最后的一次任务中,他来到了1967年,在一个酒吧,遇见了约翰(莎拉·斯努克 Sarah Snook 饰)。约翰向他讲诉了自己从一个女孩到最后变性成为一个男人的辛酸故事。“我”决定带约翰穿越时空完成他的复仇之路,而在这个过程中,“我”逐渐发现了隐藏在时间悖论下不为人知的秘密,我们如同莫比乌斯环,周而复始的延续着我们的命运……
双胞胎姐弟珍妮(梅丽莎·德索蒙斯-波林 Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin饰)跟西蒙(马克西姆·高德特 Maxim Gaudette饰)收到过世的母亲娜瓦尔(卢布娜·阿扎宝 Lubna Azabal饰)的遗嘱,可当宣读完内容之后,两姐弟却一时难以接受这样的遗嘱:一份是写给他们从未蒙面的父亲;一份是写给她的第三个孩子——他们更是不知道这个哥哥的存在。影片巧妙的游走在两个不同的时空:母亲终其一生苦苦寻觅自己的长子;姐弟遵循母亲的遗嘱前往中东寻找他们的父亲与兄长。可越是穷其究竟,他们面对的越是理不清的头绪跟令人震惊的真相。 本片改编自加拿大著名法语作家瓦基迪·穆阿瓦德的同名剧作。导演丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦荣获第83届奥斯卡金像奖最佳外语片提名。
纳丘(Jack Black 杰克•布莱克 饰)自幼父母双亡,他在墨西哥瓦哈卡的一家孤儿院度过了自己的童年时光。成年后他并未离开这里,而是以厨师的身份留在孤儿院为孩子们烧菜做饭,他们都很喜欢这位温柔和爱的胖叔叔。但是,孤儿院的生计开始陷入困境,因资金短缺,这里将面临着关闭的命运。纳丘不愿看到孩子们无家可归,为此他决定以蒙面摔角手的身份走上擂台挣得奖金。即为了那一双双充满期待的眼睛,也为了美丽的卡纳西昂修女(Ana de la Reguera 安娜•雷格拉 饰)……
莱拉(凯丽•拉塞尔 Keri Russell 饰),一个出色的大提琴手;路易斯(乔纳森•莱斯•梅耶斯 Jonathan Rhys Meyers 饰),一名流浪的爱尔兰歌手。一个月色迷离的晚上,两人相遇了。度过难忘的一晚后,莱拉那专横的父亲又强逼她继续踏上音乐会的旅程。路易斯因等不到恋人失望之下离开了;而莱拉发觉爱人走后,独自伤心的等待肚中的孩子出生。岂料几个月后莱拉遭遇了一场车祸,宝宝亦随之夭折。孰料,莱拉的宝宝其实并没有死,而是被她狠心的父亲送到了孤儿院。一晃眼10多年过去了,生活在孤儿院的少年奥古斯特(弗莱迪•海默 Freddie Highmore 饰)坚信自己的父母还在世上,于是踏上了漫漫寻亲路。
1939年,持续三年的西班牙内战接近尾声,右翼法西斯分子风头正劲。左派战争孤儿卡洛斯(费尔南多·缇艾弗 Fernando Tielve 饰),被父亲的战友们送到一个位于荒郊野外的孤儿院。这个孤儿院由严厉的卡门女士(玛丽莎·佩雷德斯 Marisa Paredes 饰)和和蔼的卡萨瑞斯教授(Federico Luppi 饰)共同经营。卡洛斯离开亲人和叔叔们的失落情绪并未持续太久,他很快就融入了这个满是同龄人的大家庭。不过,这个院子中央插着炮弹的地方,也许原本就存在着些许异常。卡洛斯所睡的12号床之前属于一个名叫山迪的孩子,山迪在不久前离奇死去。自从卡洛斯来之后,那个小男孩的鬼魂便不断出现……
Homer Wells(托比·马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)从小在St. Clouds的一所孤儿院长大,孤儿院的院长Dr. Wilbur Larch(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰)对他关怀备至。Homer和其他孤儿一起健康快乐地成长,他还在Dr. Larch身边学习,掌握了精湛的医术,尤其是妇科手术。有一天,中尉Wally Worthington(保罗·路德 Paul Rudd 饰)带着他的未婚妻Candy Kendall(查理兹·塞隆 Charlize Theron 饰)来到孤儿院进行堕胎手术。术后,Homer询问Wally能否带他到外面的世界去看一看,Wally欣然答应。于是Homer跟着Wally离开了孤儿院,生命中第一次见到了大海,还在Wally家的苹果庄园找了份工作。不久后Wally又去缅甸参加战争。Homer和Candy在日复一日地相处中滋生了爱情。而另一方面,Homer收到孤儿院寄来的信,Dr. Larch希望他回去当他的助手,但Homer拒绝了,他更想留在外面的世界。此时Wally前线传来噩耗,Wally受伤下半身瘫痪即将回家。Homer该如何处理这些问题呢?本片根据John Irving的同名小说改编,获得七项奥斯卡提名,赢得最佳男配角和最佳改编剧本奖。
多年前科学家进行了一项创造完美人类的饰演,没想到实验过程中的细胞分裂不均匀导致了这个实验只成功了一半,另一半则完全失败。科学家创造出来的这对双胞胎兄弟一个是完美人类的典型――德智体美全面发展的高大的朱利斯(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰);另一个则是人类所有缺点的集合体――小矮个文森(丹尼•德维托 Danny DeVito 饰)。兄弟两一出世就被分离,朱利斯被科学家送到南海的一个小岛上抚养长大,而弟弟则在孤儿院度过了他的童年。直到兄弟两已过不惑之年,他们才知道了对方的存在。朱利斯与未曾谋面的兄弟文森重逢后,两兄弟决定踏上寻找亲生母亲之路。但是这时,一场意外给他们惹来了杀身之祸。
奥利弗(马克·莱斯特 Mark Lester 饰)是一名孤儿,从小在教会中长大。九岁时,奥利弗被派遣到工厂做工,之后又来到殡仪馆成为了学徒。奥利弗的聪慧和机敏让他很快就在殡仪馆里站稳了脚跟,但与此同时,他亦遭到了同伴们的妒忌,他们故意挑衅激怒奥利弗,最终奥利弗离开了殡仪馆。无家可归的奥利弗过起了四处流浪的生活,经过漫长的旅途,他来到了伦敦。一个名叫道奇(杰克·瓦尔德 Jack Wild 饰)的扒手将奥利弗带到了匪首费金(朗·穆迪 Ron Moody 饰)的面前,就这样,奥利弗成为了他们中的一员。一次意外中,奥利弗被警察逮捕了,但随后,他被证实是无辜的,当事人布朗罗先生(Joseph O'Conor 饰)对奥利弗感到十分愧疚,于是收留了他,奥利弗的生活能够从此走上正轨吗?
电影讲述一部关于信仰扭曲的故事,为见证殉道者慷慨赴义的死后世界,一群崇尚怪奇道理的组织成员,不断绑架牺牲者,用尽残忍手法将他们虐杀,好从他们弥留的眼神里,窥见殉道者的世界。露西10岁时曾遭绑架犯监禁凌虐,即使后来幸运逃脱,阴影仍笼罩心头挥之不去,而露西在孤儿院结识的好友 安娜,则是她唯一的依靠。十年后,深受过往回忆折磨的露西,意外发现当年绑架她的绑匪一家人,便冒险展开了危机四伏的追踪,安娜担忧好友的安危与之同行,殊料两人正一步步陷入凶恶的处境,当年绑架案背后的恐怖真相也即将浮现…
Kenzou Tenma, a Japanese brain surgeon in Germany, finds his life in utter turmoil after getting involved with a psychopath that was once a former patient.
In a 1950s orphanage, a young girl reveals an astonishing talent for chess and begins an unlikely journey to stardom while grappling with addiction.
An orphan subjected to tests that gave him superpowers is rescued and raised on Istanbul's streets, where he falls for a reporter linked to his past.
The story of an orphan boy
Young Sister Bertrille uses her ability to become airborne to help others, whether they want it or not. Although her aims are always benevolent, her means are often bemoaned by Mother Superior. The other Sisters must cope with their beloved Sister's aerodynamics and antics as she flies in and out of trouble.
There are over 600 orphanages across the nation, housing approximately 30,000 children; Most of them had been abused by their parents. Maki, was placed into the orphanage "Kogamo no Ie", after her mother, Ryoka, was arrested and jailed. There she was handed over to the care of Kana, and also Sasaki, the eccentric caretaker of the home. Under Sasaki's management, the home is a calm and safe haven from all the madness of the real world. At the home, Maki befriends 3 other little girls, who all go by their nicknames instead of their real names. Piami who plays the piano really well, Bombi who came from a very poor family, and Post, who is the leader of all the kids.
Best friends Anda and Lalisa grew up together in an orphanage. Realising that Anda is the daughter of wealthy Ramita who's actively searching for her, Lalisa steals Anda's identity and presents herself to Ramita as her daughter. It's at this point that Anda meets Pheem and Anol.
Anne Shirley goes through quite a lot of adventures before she ends up in Green Gables. She is living with a family and helps out by looking after the kids, helping in the chores around the home... Meanwhile she discovers more about who she is, that her name is "Anne" and not "Ann"... And she just is her adorable but a bit crazy self.
Bodyguard girls from Opus is the story of "Isra" son of the Nawab family. He is faced with malice form the surrounding environment due to his families wealth and status. No one will trust him at all. As things move through various dangers he meets a girl named "Prairie Stone", which she has served before as a bodyguard swears to protect him, to protect the hunted to help them survive. Will they love amidst the dangerous city.
A year after the disappearance of their son, Gabe and Eve Caleigh and their two daughters attempt to start anew, they head to Crickley Hall - a seemingly perfect countryside house. But when cellar doors start to open on their own, phantom children's cries are heard through the night and a frenzied cane-wielding specter rears its head - the Caleigh's realize the house comes with a lot more than they bargained for. Just as they're ready to move out, Eve Caleigh hears Cam's cries and all bets are off.
A wondrous and fiendishly humorous stop-motion animation series about freak orphans who are desperately trying to get adopted.
Gerard Edling is a well-to-do lecturer, an expert in kinesics (the science of body language) and a former prosecutor with vast experience. Horst Zeiger is a shy young man, an outsider, a computer geek and... a totally unpredictable murderer. When one of them intends to commit a crime, the other, known for being able to decipher any criminal and solve any case, tries to prevent it. Unfortunately, the result of their duel is a macabre spectacle, broadcast online to thousands of viewers...
Dr Jane Goodall and her team rescue and help chimpanzees in danger and elaborate on the beautiful bond that one can create with animals, providing a remarkable window into humankind's closest living relatives. Discover Dr Jane Goodall's journey to create Tchimpounga, the largest chimpanzee sanctuary in Africa, and follow the rehabilitation of a cast of orphaned chimpanzees.
Sister Kate is an American sitcom that aired on NBC during the 1989–1990 television season.
In the 1950s, young boys were placed in orphanages and endure harsh and austere living conditions. As a united group, they supported each other and survived despite bullying, hardship and little hope for better days. While these children were doing their best to survive, they had no way to suspect the secret dealings between the clergy, the medical profession and the government that will inevitably seal their fates. The institution faced with a precarious financial situation, the solution is to transform the orphanage into a psychiatric institute in order to obtain additional subsidies. To demonstrate the need for this change in status, the orphans are labeled as insane by the very people who took them in to help them. While their future as orphans was already precarious, they become prisoners of an asylum system from which they have little hope of being able to free themselves even as they grow older.
Rojjana, a spirited orphan girl, grew up in the slums but is a leader in encouraging her friends to work honestly and avoid vices. She also leads the fight against a group of investors planning to reclaim the land for a shopping mall, often clashing with Don, the young heir to the property. Their frequent encounters lead them to fall in love.