铁爪 2023
一部很老派的童话式影片,爱情加冒险,但处理得当,融入了一丝嘲讽精神,故具有很强的观赏性。《公主新娘》这个关于爱与冒险的古老童话。邪恶的王子绑架了美丽的公主,并逼迫公主嫁给自己。公主儿时的玩伴、现在的勇敢海盗决定前去拯救公主,路上遇到了武艺超群的剑客、力大无比的巨人,二者成为海盗的同伴。 本片荣获1988年奥斯卡最佳音乐奖,1987年多伦多国际电影节民选奖!
纳丘(Jack Black 杰克•布莱克 饰)自幼父母双亡,他在墨西哥瓦哈卡的一家孤儿院度过了自己的童年时光。成年后他并未离开这里,而是以厨师的身份留在孤儿院为孩子们烧菜做饭,他们都很喜欢这位温柔和爱的胖叔叔。但是,孤儿院的生计开始陷入困境,因资金短缺,这里将面临着关闭的命运。纳丘不愿看到孩子们无家可归,为此他决定以蒙面摔角手的身份走上擂台挣得奖金。即为了那一双双充满期待的眼睛,也为了美丽的卡纳西昂修女(Ana de la Reguera 安娜•雷格拉 饰)……
《狐狸猎手》基于真人真事改编,讲述了奥运金牌摔跤手马克·舒尔茨(查宁·塔图姆 饰)与戴夫·舒尔茨(马克·鲁法洛 饰)以及他们和百万富翁约翰·杜邦(史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 饰)之间的故事。
威廉姆斯夫妇是非洲裔美国人,居住在佛罗里达州南部一个富裕的中产阶级郊区,生活舒适。他们认为自己拥有一个幸福的家庭,但是作为父亲的罗纳德 决不会让他17岁的儿子泰勒 忘记为成功所付出的努力。他告诉儿子,如果你在美国是黑人,那你就负担不起美国平均消费水平的奢侈生活。因此,泰勒必须擅长于他所做的一切。他要让泰勒随时随地记住他所说的一切。
1988年,为了应对不断翻倍的犯罪增长率,联邦将曼哈顿岛改建成一座庞大的监狱,囚犯们被扔到其中自生自灭,纽约城变成了犯罪之城。转眼已是1997年,代号“大卫14”的美国空军一号被美国国家解放阵线劫持,最后坠毁在监狱城内,美国总统独自深陷城中。曾经的空军英雄、功勋特种队员普林斯肯中校(库尔特•拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)由于抢劫银行入狱,政府决定利用普林斯肯潜入监狱城,救出总统。 普林斯肯的任务时间只有二十四小时,他在城中找到了自己昔日的战友、如今监狱地下统治者“公爵”的部下瑟翁,他们合作搭救总统,而要面对的是无处不在的疯狂犯人……
道恩·强森新项目[与家人并肩作战](Fighting With My Family,暂译)正在筹备中。影片由斯戴芬·莫昌特(《你好女士》)自编自导,杰克·劳登和弗洛伦斯·皮尤确认出演。巨石本人将担任电影的执行制片人,并且还会以客串的身份在影片中亮相。影片改编自英国职业摔跤运动员佩奇(图4)和她家庭的真人事迹,她出生于摔角手世家,在加盟WWE(世界摔角娱乐)后,凭借个人天分与努力证明自己,最终收获成功。
为报杀妻之仇,凯尔(尚格·云顿 jean-claude van damme 饰)当庭打死了收买法官而被判无罪的凶手。事后凯尔被判终身监禁,羁押于俄罗斯的“科拉瓦维”监狱。这是一座极其腐败的监狱,监狱长不但想法设法从犯人身上搜刮钱财,而且组织罪犯进行格斗比赛来取乐和赌钱,凯尔因抵触监狱长的恶行屡次被关禁闭。面对残酷的现实,为了能够生存下去,凯尔最终参与到这场游戏当中,成为监狱里的格斗王,沦为监狱统治者谋取利益的工具。狱友比利(克里斯·莫伊尔 Chris Moir 饰)的死让迷失自我的凯尔醒悟过来,在室友“野蛮人”的帮助下,他们开始了一项复仇计划…… ©豆瓣
马哈维亚·辛格·珀尕(阿米尔·汗 Aamir Khan 饰)曾是印度国家摔跤冠军,因生活所迫放弃摔跤。他希望让儿子可以帮他完成梦想——赢得世界级金牌。结果生了四个女儿本以为梦想就此破碎的辛格却意外发现女儿身上的惊人天赋,看到冠军希望的他决定不能让女儿的天赋浪费,像其他女孩一样只能洗衣做饭过一生 ,再三考虑之后,与妻子约定一年时间按照摔跤手的标准训练两个女儿:换掉裙子 、剪掉了长发,让她们练习摔跤,并赢得一个又一个冠军,最终赢来了成为榜样激励千千万万女性的机会……
来自埃尔帕索的同志业余摔角手萨乌尔·阿曼达里斯(盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔 Gael García Bernal 饰)在创造了“自由摔角的自由者”卡桑德罗角色后,一举成为国际明星。在这个过程中,他不仅颠覆了男子气概的摔角世界,也颠覆了他自己的生活。
1980年,一名十几岁的男孩因为人质危机而逃离伊朗的动乱,只能在美国面对更多的敌意。 他决心要适应,他加入了学校挣扎的摔跤队伍。
一个儿子渴望追随他著名的 MMA 父亲的脚步,但在他的旅程中必须弄清楚如何打破他父亲一直在继续的免费电影循环。
无亲无故的扎克(扎克·高察根 Zack Gottsagen 饰)是一名唐氏综合症患者,政府不得不将他安置到了一家养老院中,在这里,善良的扎克非常讨人喜欢,与此同时,他亦和在这里工作的名叫爱丽诺(达科塔·约翰逊 Dakota Johnson 饰)的护工之间结下了深厚的友谊。扎克是一个摔角迷,每天,他都要看一段摔跤比赛的录像,这段录像是由一个化名“咸水乡巴人”的人录制的。扎克的人生理想就是能够前往录像中所记录的摔跤学校。在室友卡尔(布鲁斯·邓恩 Bruce Dern 饰)的建议下,扎克开始尝试“越狱”,并且最终成功,就这样,他踏上了圆梦之旅。
故事发生在二十世纪的一个英国小镇里。古淳(格兰达·杰克逊 Glenda Jackson 饰)和厄苏拉(珍妮·林登 Jennie Linden 饰)是情同手足的两姐妹,姐姐古淳在学校里担任教师的职务,性格严谨而刻板,妹妹厄苏拉不久之前才回到家乡,身为自由派画家的她向往着无拘无束随心所欲的生活。 在一场婚礼中,姐妹两人结识了鲁伯特(阿兰·贝茨 Alan Bates 饰)和杰拉德(奥列佛·里德 Oliver Reed 饰)两名男子。古淳和鲁伯特坠入了情网,并且携手走入了婚姻的殿堂。与此同时,厄苏拉和杰拉德之间也产生了暧昧的情愫。四人前往瑞士度假,在那里,厄苏拉邂逅了一名风流倜傥的雕塑家,移情别恋。这让杰拉德感到无法接受。
A regularly scheduled, live, year-round program featuring some of the biggest WWE Superstars.
New Japan Pro Wrestling is a Japanese promotion founded by Antonio Inoki in 1972. Owing to its TV program aired on TV Asahi, it is the largest wrestling promotion in Japan and one of the largest in the world.
Wrestlers will portray heroes or villains as they follow a series of events that build tension and culminate in a wrestling match or series of matches.
WWE Main Event is a professional wrestling television program produced by WWE that airs on Peacock and streams on Hulu Plus in the United States. The show features WWE wrestlers and complements WWE's primary programs Raw and SmackDown.
A villainous masked wrestler becomes a hero for the sake of protecting the orphanage in which he was raised.
WWF Superstars of Wrestling was a professional wrestling television program produced by the World Wrestling Federation. It debuted on September 6, 1986. Superstars, as it would later be known, was the flagship program of the WWF's syndicated programming from its inception until the premiere of Monday Night Raw in 1993.
An in-ring show featuring more wrestlers, more stories and more action to super-serve fans.
The superstars of World Wrestling Entertainment's "SmackDown" brand collide each and every Friday on WWE Friday Night SmackDown.
In 1980s LA, a crew of misfits reinvent themselves as the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling.
WCW Saturday Night was a weekly Saturday night TV show on TBS produced by World Championship Wrestling. The program existed through various incarnations under different names before becoming WCW Saturday Night in 1992. Although initially the anchor show of the Ted Turner-backed wrestling company, the September 1995 premiere of WCW Monday Nitro airing on sister station Turner Network Television usurped the show's once preeminent position in the company, as the primary source of storyline development and Pay-Per-View buildup. The show's place in the company was devalued by the advent of WCW Thunder in 1998, once the cornerstone of the WCW wrestling empire, WCW Saturday Night ended its run in 2000 as the company struggled creatively to meet the demands of producing over six hours of new broadcast material on a weekly basis. The rights to WCW Saturday Night now belong to WWE as a result of that company's 2001 purchase of WCW.
A Maranhense young woman and a carioca tourist photographer fall for each other and get separated by destiny and a woman obsessed with his family's fortune.
Andy dreams of becoming the greatest pro wrestler of all time. Assuming the wrestler alias: "Fight Girl", Andy sets out into the bizarre and colorful Wrestling World, determined to make a name for herself.
WWE's division of Cruiserweight's battle it out to decide who is the greatest wrestler under 205lbs.
TNA iMPACT offers a unique style of wrestling that features a blend of the traditional with high-flying athleticism and cutting edge action. TNA's roster includes the biggest names in wrestling today, and the hottest new stars in the sport.
Stardom World is the VOD network for World Wonder Ring Stardom. WWR Stardom is a Japanese women's promotion started in 2011 featuring matches of many varieties including high speed octane action, long brutal brawls, and even costume battle royals In 2019, the promotion was acquired by Bushiroad and has since become one of the top wrestling promotions in Japan.
ECW was a professional wrestling television program for WWE, based on the independent Extreme Championship Wrestling promotion that lasted from 1992 to 2001. The show's name also referred to the ECW brand, in which WWE employees were assigned to work and perform, complementary to WWE's other brands, Raw and SmackDown. It debuted on June 13, 2006 on Sci Fi in the United States and ran for close to four years until it aired its final episode on February 16, 2010 on the rebranded Syfy. It was replaced the following week with WWE NXT.
Lucha Underground introduces U.S. audiences to the high-flying, explosive moves of lucha libre. An ancient combat tradition, watch as good and evil wage war in a gritty battleground called “The Temple.”
Sakura Hagiwara, the main vocalist of the nationally renowned idol group Sweet Diva, suddenly decides to become a female professional wrestler.
A “small” new student, Ushio Hinomaru, appears before the weak little sumo club of Oodachi High School! The words “big” and “heavy” are the rules to this sport, which does not fit this newbie any inch, but this guy goes and does what...!? Ushio and the small sumo club climbs its way to the top! The goal is Hinoshita Kaisan, a title for the highest rank in professional sumo, equivalent of Yokozuna.
The anticipated WWE Network docuseries will look back on The Undertaker’s storied WWE career and place a focus on the ongoing challenges the wrestling legend appears to have with a career beginning to near it's end.