BJ单身日记4 2025
19 岁的杰西卡离开瑞典的小镇生活前往洛杉矶,目标是成为世界下一个大色情明星,但通往目标的道路却比她想象的更加坎坷。
私生活混乱的屋顶工 Jasmine 看上已经订婚的 Dallas, 虽然 Dallas的未婚夫是相恋六年有钱专情的帅哥,但 Jasmine 还是决定疯狂的诱惑 Dallas。 Jasmine 生生破坏了 Dallas 原本安宁的生活……
影片上翻拍自一部智利2005年的电影《在床上》,但是导演将原片中的一男一女的结构变成了两个女孩的相遇。 初夏的第一个夜晚,拥有两个孩子的西班牙母亲阿尔芭(埃琳纳·安娜亚 Elena Anaya 饰),一周后即将嫁人的俄罗斯女孩娜塔莎(娜塔莎·亚罗温科 Natasha Yarovenko 饰),在意大利那充满古韵的首都罗马相遇。两个女人的秘密,就这样绽放在一个罗马的房间。爱神的箭从天际射向了她们,欲望也为她们开拓了一个暧昧又趣味的时刻,使两人初相识的隐瞒与防卫心,竟开始逐一融。两个女人的心事,就这样交融在这样一个沁凉的初夏。这是一场持续了12个小时的爱欲盛宴,它穿过了深夜、一直到天亮。清晨的降临,预示着彼此的分离,她们要去面对现实生活与精神自由的考验。罗马这座城市终究会变成她们一个中转站,还是一个新的起点?
凯蒂(林赛•洛韩 饰)青春活泼,单纯可人。因为父母的工作关系,她从小在非洲长大,接受家庭式教育。同时,她在那个原始开阔的地方,凯蒂养成了隐忍坚强性格。15岁的这一年,凯蒂随父母搬到伊利诺斯州,开始了她人生第一次的校园生活。可令人不愉快的是,凯蒂的与新同学的相处根本不是她原本想象的样子。女孩儿们的世界,表面平静和睦,却波涛暗涌。 为了适应新的环境,凯蒂暗自学习“生存法则”并很快凭着可人的外表加入了学校很光鲜的一个小圈子。她温顺的性格,也似乎为她赢来了一群要好的朋友。然而,一切平静,都在她爱上男孩亚伦(乔纳森•本尼特 饰)的那一刻发生了变化。原来,亚伦是学校最惹眼的女孩Regina (瑞秋•麦克亚当斯 饰)的前任男友,虽然她们已经分手,可是霸道又自负的Regina根本不能容许凯蒂的介入。于是,一场女孩之间的战争悄然开始。关于友情,关于尊严,关于诚恳,关于信任。一切的一切,女孩儿们将如何学会,如何长大。
英格丽(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)和玛莎(蒂尔达·斯文顿 Tilda Swinton 饰)年轻时是好朋友,她们曾在同一家杂志社工作。后来英格丽成为了一名小说家,而玛莎成为了一名战地记者,她们渐行渐远。失联多年后,她们重新开始了联系。
凯莉(萨拉•杰西卡•帕克 饰)成为了一个成功的作家,身边依然有3名好友萨曼莎(金•卡特拉尔 饰)、夏洛特(克里斯汀•戴维斯 饰)、米兰达(辛西娅•尼克松 饰)陪伴身边,她们依然时尚美丽。这次凯莉还即将要嫁给一生中最爱的男人Mr.Big(克里斯•诺斯 饰),他们拥有自己的房子。她怀着激动的心情与好友们分享心情。可是婚礼的筹备让大先生感受到了压力。这时米兰达的婚姻出现了问题,因为米兰达的一句话,使大先生对自己这第三次婚姻更感不安了。果然,大先生拒绝在婚礼当天出现,即使他想回头的时候,已经伤透了凯莉的心。好友们极力安慰凯莉,米兰达也深感内疚。凯莉搬回了自己的公寓,在助手的帮助下开始了新生活。凯莉每天都想念着大先生,当米兰达告诉她自己的内疚之处时,她生气不已。几个月过去了,夏洛特再次遇到了大先生,他把即将临盘的夏洛特送进医院,同时也期待凯莉的出现……
本片根据苏珊娜凯森的自传体小说改编而成。苏珊娜(薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder饰)本是正值花季的普通少女,却被诊断为“边缘精神错乱症”而送进了精神病院。虽然苏珊娜深陷现实世界的精神压力中饱受折磨,但在精神病院苏珊娜结识到了一群看似乖戾却不同寻常的新朋友。具有反社会人格的莉莎(安吉丽娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie饰),带领患有说谎癖的乔治娜(克丽·杜瓦尔 Clea DuVall饰),对火深怀恐惧的珀丽(伊丽莎白·莫斯 Elisabeth Moss饰),不能当着他人面进食的戴西(布莱特妮·墨菲 Brittany Murphy饰)等其他女孩,做出了很多令人瞠目结舌的举动,这令医院管理人员头痛不已。苏珊娜逐渐融入了女孩们的“秘密活动”中。这一次次离经叛道的疯狂冒险,使她踏上了一场寻找自我的精神之旅。 安吉丽娜·朱莉因本片荣获第72届奥斯卡金像奖(2000)奥斯卡奖-最佳女配角。
莎拉(肖娜·麦克唐纳 饰)本来平静幸福的生活被一次车祸意外打破,丈夫和女儿在事故中丧生,她虽然活了下来却从此一蹶不振,为了让莎拉重新振作起来,她的五个女性朋友为她安排了一次探险旅行,地点是在一个丛林中荒僻而古老洞穴,茹诺(娜塔丽·杰克逊·门多萨 饰)是其中最有野外探险经验也是她选择来到这里。正当女孩们对山洞中景色惊叹不已时,却在不知不觉中惊扰了洞中另外一种生物,他们没有视觉,依靠声音的来源残忍的捕杀她们,女孩们为了自救团结起来,却在逃生中朋友间互生怀疑,为了生存下去,她们要如何在狭小黑暗的洞穴中找到出去的路呢?
勾心斗角的塑料姐妹花你争我抢,谁才是Queen Bee?从小在非洲长大的高中转校生凯蒂,第一天上学就遇到校花瑞吉娜。面对瑞吉娜的处处针对,凯蒂决定在这场校园斗争中展开反击。
查理先生手下有三名女打手,她们才貌双全拥有一身好功夫,专门接受查理先生的命令为他人伸张正义。她们分别是:娜塔莉(卡梅伦•迪亚兹 饰)、戴兰(茱莉•巴里摩尔 饰)与艾利克斯(刘玉玲 饰)。 她们最近接受了一个任务:艾瑞克•克诺斯(萨姆•罗克韦尔 饰)先生设计了一款高科技的声音辨别系统。艾瑞克却不幸被绑架了,这三名“天使”需要从不法分子手中拯救艾瑞克。因为这套由艾瑞克设计的高科技系统,一旦被不法分子利用的话后果堪虞。 三位“天使”得知情况后,很快联想到了艾瑞克公司的对手,该负责人罗格成为了最大的嫌疑。三人于是日夜调查罗格的行踪,也掌握了重要的线索。正在她们有把握拯救艾瑞克的时候,一通电话打破了她们三人的全盘计划。
巴顿大学新人贝卡(安娜·肯德里克 Anna Kendrick 饰),意外加入学校的阿卡贝拉女子美声合唱团,该社团集结了又乖又坏又怪的各样女性成员,唯一共通点就是能清唱出犹如天籁的美声。社团成员包括:自认歌声最好,自信过人的“胖艾美”(蕾蓓尔·威尔森 Rebel Wilson 饰)、常常出言不逊又固执墨守成规,但其实焦虑不已的欧柏莉(安娜·坎普 Anna Camp 饰)、团员精神支柱克萝伊(布兰特妮·斯诺 Brittany Snow 饰)、性事无度的撩人歌姬史黛西(亚历克西斯·克纳普 Alexis Knapp 饰)、歌声动人的男人婆辛西亚萝丝(伊斯特·迪恩 Ester Dean 饰)、声音小如蚊子但即兴饶舌却令大家惊艳不已的莉莉(哈娜·梅·李 Hana Mae Lee 饰)。 与校园格格不入的贝卡,如何以她惊人的才华改变阿卡贝拉的传统表演方式?又如何率领这群女生与竞争激烈的全国美声团体一较高下?
故事讲述一博主史蒂芬娜(安娜·肯德里克 饰)偶遇艾米丽(布蕾克·莱弗利 饰),两人迅速成为好友,而当史蒂芬娜请求艾米丽帮助她接孩子时,艾米丽却和儿子突然消失。一切似乎很不寻常。本片根据达塞·贝尔同名小说改编。
Broad City follows two women throughout their daily lives in New York City, making the smallest and mundane events hysterical and disturbing to watch all at the same time.
Skam France follows five french girls and their friends as they go to high-school.
The assorted humiliations, disasters and rare triumphs of four very different twenty-something girls: Hannah, an aspiring writer; Marnie, an art gallery assistant and cousins Jessa and Shoshanna.
Looking down on her friends and family isn't a way of life for Mary Alice Young... it's a way of death. One day, in her perfect house, in the loveliest of suburbs, Mary Alice ended it all. Now she's taking us into the lives of her family, friends and neighbors, commenting from her elevated P.O.V.
Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro couldn't be more different. Nagisa is sporty and Honoka bookish, and while they attend the same school, they have very little in common - until one day, a shower of shooting stars brings two very unlikely visitors into their lives: Mepple and Mipple, refugees from the Garden of Light, which has been conquered by Darkness. Endowed with new and startling powers, Nagisa and Honoka become Cure Black and Cure White, the legendary warriors of light - together, they are Pretty Cure.
A dangerously charming, intensely obsessive young man goes to extreme measures to insert himself into the lives of those he is transfixed by.
Best friends, roommates, and polar opposites, Laverne DeFazio and Shirley Feeney work together at the Shotz Brewery in Milwaukee and keep each other's spirits up at home.
The Mommies is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from September 1993 to June 1995. Produced by Paramount Television, the series ran for two seasons with a total of 38 episodes.
Liza Miller, a suddenly single stay-at-home mother, tries to get back into the working world, only to find it’s nearly impossible to start at the bottom at 40-year old. When a chance encounter convinces her she looks younger than she is, Liza tries to pass herself off as 26 and lands a job as an assistant at Empirical Press. Now she just has to make sure no one finds out the secret only she and her best friend Maggie share.
Based on the Pretty Little Liars series of young adult novels by Sara Shepard, the series follows the lives of four girls — Spencer, Hanna, Aria, and Emily — whose clique falls apart after the disappearance of their queen bee, Alison. One year later, they begin receiving messages from someone using the name "A" who threatens to expose their secrets — including long-hidden ones they thought only Alison knew.
A young woman who has had a tough life tries to find happiness with the man she loves. Are the ill-fated lovers destined to be apart?
Based on the bestselling book by Candace Bushnell, Sex and the City tells the story of four best friends, all single and in their late thirties, as they pursue their careers and talk about their sex lives, all while trying to survive the New York social scene.
Every last Thursday of the month at an all-girls high school, the students of Class 2–5 cast their votes in a popularity poll. The results classify them into Grades A, B, C, D, and F. If they fall into Grade F, they become legitimate victims of school violence.
Kate & Allie is an American television situation comedy which ran from March 19, 1984, to May 22, 1989. Kate & Allie first aired on CBS as a midseason replacement series and only six episodes were initially commissioned, but the favorable response from critics and viewers alike easily convinced CBS to commit to a full season in the fall of 1984. The series was created by Sherry Coben.
Comedy about the unlikely friendship that develops between two very different young women who meet waitressing at a diner in trendy Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and form a bond over one day owning their own successful cupcake business. Only one thing stands in their way – they’re broke.
Totally Spies! depicts three girlfriends 'with an attitude' who have to cope with their daily lives at high school as well as the unpredictable pressures of international espionage. They confront the most intimidating - and demented - of villains, each with their own special agenda for demonic, global rude behavior.
The series revolves around the friendship of four African-American women in different phases of their lives. They explore the many trials and tribulations that most women face today such as relationships, family, friends and other current issues that will interest most women. Whether it’s getting over a divorce, finding a career, or looking for true love, Girlfriends delivers along with comedy and wit.
After high school graduation, "Laguna Beach" alumna Lauren sets out to live on her own in Los Angeles and work as an intern at Teen Vogue.
No Angels is a critically acclaimed British television comedy drama series, produced by the independent production company World Productions for Channel 4, which ran for three series from 2004 to 2006. It was devised by Toby Whithouse.