猴子王国 2015
本片为自然纪录片,纪录了新生的小猴子基普和它的母亲玛雅,如何在竞争激烈的社会阶级中生存下来。 玛雅是一只兰卡猕猴,她的生活因儿子基普的出生而改变。玛雅希望她的儿子在族群中处于较高的社会阶层。当他们的家被临近部落的猴子所占据时,他们的族群需要找到一个新家。玛雅用她与生俱来的智慧带领族群来到一个新据点,再使整个族群联合起来收回自己原来的家园。
本片为自然纪录片,纪录了新生的小猴子基普和它的母亲玛雅,如何在竞争激烈的社会阶级中生存下来。 玛雅是一只兰卡猕猴,她的生活因儿子基普的出生而改变。玛雅希望她的儿子在族群中处于较高的社会阶层。当他们的家被临近部落的猴子所占据时,他们的族群需要找到一个新家。玛雅用她与生俱来的智慧带领族群来到一个新据点,再使整个族群联合起来收回自己原来的家园。
阿贝托(Claudio Bisio 克劳迪奥·比西奥 饰)在镇上的邮局里干了一辈子,因为这份工作,他和妻子西尔维娅(安杰拉·菲诺基亚罗 Angela Finocchiaro 饰)之间的关系非常的紧张,西尔维娅希望阿贝托能够再努力努力争取被调到大城市米兰工作,但阿贝托的努力似乎带来了反效果,他不但没有被升职,还遭到了贬值被调到了位于偏僻南方的分部上班。 作为一个北方人,要在南方生活对于阿贝托来说会是一件非常可怕的事情,但很快的他就发现,自己所在的这个男方小镇上的居民们都非常的友好和善良。他甚至在这里交到了朋友马蒂亚(亚历桑德罗·希亚尼 Alessandro Siani 饰),而妻子对于这一切还一无所知。
卡特琳娜(艾丽斯·泰迪勒 Alice Teghil饰)拥有着一个表面风平浪静的家庭,父亲(塞吉·卡斯特里图 Sergio Castellitto饰)是个不大有社会地位的教师,而母亲一心料理家庭,为人朴素平凡。或许,这就意味着卡特琳娜一家会在大城市的生活中碰壁。
根据同名漫画改编的同志爱情喜剧。由于小时候和女孩们玩梦中情人游戏遇到了童年阴影,已经26岁的伊桑(Daniel Letterle 饰)仍然总是在错误的时间错误的地点谈着错误的爱情,直到他遇到新近才出柜的棒球运动员凯尔(Diego Serrano),。伊桑一直住在西好莱坞 前男友里奥(David Monahan 饰)名下的公寓里。当里奥宣布要把公寓卖掉后,伊桑开始向凯尔暗示他们应当开始同居生活。但在此期间他需要编织各种谎言来实行自己的计划…… 作为一部漫画改编电影,本片的主题并不肤浅:它讲述了寻找真爱的艰难。一切完美并不意味着就是你的梦中情人,在一起能产生美好回忆、真正了解你的人,才是值得你守候的真爱。
Family is the most important thing, and the children of Władysław and Maria Lubicz from Warsaw can always count on each other, no matter what surprises life offers.
The story of Dutch speaking young teenagers and pupils in a high school in Antwerp, and their troubles, scandals and everyday life. Each season is told from a different person's point of view.
Prince Wilhelm adjusts to life at his prestigious new boarding school, Hillerska, but following his heart proves more challenging than anticipated.
What is happening in the class? Who are friends, who are enemies - and who has had a mishap? The pupils have yet another day ahead of them.
The Class is aimed at children in their younger teens and addresses issues and dilemmas that are relevant to them but that parents or other adults usually do not think are important. It's about small and big things that create recognition with topics that range from how the friendship is put to the test when two friends fall in love with the same girl to how it feels not to be seen. The Class addresses the challenges and problems that children face in everyday life and are largely taken from the reality of high school students, the one they do not share with adults.
This series shows a school community's everyday life filled with drama and comedy. The episodes treat public and social issues like teenagers' rivalization or the search of identity.
Keep up with what happens when the class goes on a class trip during the spring term in ninth grade.