单亲度假村 2014
温文尔雅的大卫(马克·鲁法洛饰)痛失爱妻,为了忘记悲痛,他决定转租一套古雅而梦幻的公寓,可出乎意料的是,这个举动引来了一个叫伊丽莎白(瑞茜·威瑟斯朋饰)的漂亮姑娘,突然出现的她宣称自己才是这套公寓的拥有者。一头雾水的大卫开始以为这是个误会,他费劲地向伊丽莎白解释,可本来就一团乱的情况却越来越离谱。就当无计可施的大卫考虑把这个纠纷拿到法庭上解决时,伊丽莎白竟然又神奇地突然消失了。 从此以后,迷人漂亮的伊丽莎白就幽灵一样随时随地出现在大卫的生活中,对大卫在自己公寓里看不顺眼的生活习惯横加干预。换锁没用、警卫也没辙,因为这个让人咂舌的女人居然还能穿墙而过!焦头烂额的大卫四处调查,一系列的拼凑,大卫开始怀疑伊丽莎白是以前生活在这所公寓里的女医生,因为一次车祸意外死亡。这意味着,我们美丽的伊丽莎白其实是——鬼! 于是,大卫试图一步步地帮助伊丽莎白接受自己已死的现实,并让她能够平静地到达“天堂”。同时,在发现自己不但能够穿墙入壁、被大多数人忽视,还经常如入无人之境后,伊丽莎白也觉得自己的存在似乎有点不合常理。在寻找关于伊丽莎白的真相、帮助她回到属于她的那个世界的过程中,两人深深地相爱了,但不幸的是,这段另类人鬼情的前途有些渺茫,而且,离伊丽莎白“寿终正寝”的时间已经没有多久了!
小学老师乔治(Paul Rudd饰)与社工妮娜(Jennifer Aniston饰)在一次社交晚宴上认识,乔治从妮娜那里惊悉自己被同性恋伴侣抛弃的消息,伤心不已。然而除却感情上的打击,他还不得不从同住的家中搬走,一时间毫无着落的他狼狈万分。好心的妮娜让乔治在自己的公寓中暂住,渐渐地,二人成为无所不谈的好朋友。妮娜也正发现自己与男友原来不相衬,尽管已经怀孕,还是果断地分手。妮娜听说乔治中学时曾经与女孩有过性关系后,也想亲身上阵勾引。谁知乔治的男友回头,打断了这一段鸳梦。 然而乔治还是妮娜最理想的、养育自己孩子的父亲。
宅女南希决定走出房门,积极地生活,阴差阳错假扮“火车怪客”,与陌生男子杰克约会,情投意合的二人能否在真相大白后,得到happily ever after?
等回过神来时,杰西卡(詹妮弗·韦斯特费尔德 Jennifer Westfeldt 饰)才发现自己竟然已经踏入剩女的行列了,可怕的是,她早已经不记得自己的上一次约会是在什么时候,而下一次约会也同样貌似遥遥无期。一次偶然中,杰西卡在报纸上看到了一则征友广告,广告十分独特的引用了诗人里尔克的诗,杰西卡被吸引了,就这样,她结识了名叫海伦(茜瑟·朱尔杰森 Heather Juergensen 饰)的女人。 海伦同杰西卡一样,事业成功,感情空白,两个相似的女人一见如故,天南海北无所不谈。在欢快友好的气氛中,杰西卡发现她和海伦之间的关系慢慢的发生了变化,一种小鹿乱撞的感觉在本事异性恋的她的内心里升腾起来。在一个天雷勾地火的吻之后,她们的关系会向何处发展呢?
体型臃肿、相貌平平的瑞诺(Nils J?rgen Kaalstad 饰) 是一个从事工具书翻译的宅男,他大多数时间呆在家里,幻想着和性感美丽的女子共度春宵。但由于外貌和性格的原因,瑞诺的爱情始终没有着落,只能依靠漫画和自慰来排遣心中的寂寞,嗜酒如命的怪人费里普(Kyrre Hellum 饰)是他唯一的朋友。某天,瑞诺的父亲自作主张为他找来一个室友,那是个名叫马琳(Josefin Ljungman 饰)的瑞典女孩。她性感魅力,体型曼妙,沉迷性和烟酒,尽情享受20岁的狂放年华。瑞诺对马琳心有所属,却又无比自卑。在马琳的引领下,瑞诺逐渐走进这个年轻人的圈子,只是,心与心的距离能否就此拉近?
詹妮弗·洛佩兹饰演的离婚少妇,与隔壁邻居,年轻学生诺阿(《舞出我人生》男星瑞安·古兹曼饰)擦出火花,生活随之急转直下…… J Lo扮演一位教师,丈夫是个花心大萝卜,离婚后不久,隔壁搬来一位英俊美少年诺阿,他与自己的儿子关系融洽,他去她的班上上课,他说她很美。于是他们越走越近,东风一夜之后,J Lo想要中断这不伦的关系,诺阿却成了危险,变态的跟踪狂,要毁了她的生活,她的工作,她的一切。
The unique dating experiment lands in Sweden as local singles seek true love and propose marriage — all before seeing each other in person.
Nick and Vanessa Lachey host this social experiment where single men and women look for love and get engaged, all before meeting in person.
In disguise as her friend, Ha-ri shows up to a blind date to scare him away. But plans go awry when he turns out to be her CEO — and makes a proposal.
Interactive dating experiment in which real dates are filmed, and then viewers get the chance to apply to date the unsuccessful participants the following week.
The hit Channel 4 series First Dates, has come to Ireland and RTÉ2. In First Dates, single people from across Ireland come to the First Dates restaurant where they have a real blind date. Joining maître D' Mateo Saina, are barman Ethan Miles, and waiters Alice, Pete and Libby, who help set the scene and give romance the best possible chance to flourish.
Dates is a British television romantic drama series created by Bryan Elsley, who also created Skins, which first aired on Channel 4 on 10 June 2013, at 22:00, as part of its "Mating Season" programming, illustrating a series of first dates between online dating service users. The show's target audience is "ABC1".
The dating experiment comes to Brazil as local singles look for true love and get engaged, all without meeting the other person face to face.
The experiment comes to Germany as local singles seek true love and a commitment that lasts a lifetime, all before meeting each other face-to-face.
Celebrity couple Khaled Saqer and Elham Ali host this social experiment, where Arab singles connect and commit to marriage — before meeting face-to-face.
Looking for love, sex, or just someone to move away from the loneliness, the characters in " Cites " meet face to face, after meeting online, laden with uncertainties and hopes. Based on the original format of the British series " Dates " Brian Elsley . Each episode of the series , located in Barcelona , focuses on two of these quotations , which come into play fears , secrets and expectations of its protagonists. A staff relations existing partner network around a character that cross each other and that we will find again throughout the series look.
In this reality dating series, marriage-minded singles in Japan meet, date and get engaged — before ever setting eyes on each other.
Emma and Matt Willis host a social experiment where British singles look for love and get engaged before meeting in person. But who will say "I do"?
In each episode of flirtations and fails, one real-life single navigates five blind dates. The mission: Find one match worthy of a second date.
The pods are open, and so are the hearts — now in Argentina. Who will make it past appearances in this experiment where saying "I do" comes sight unseen?
After her older sister refuses to go to an arranged marriage meeting with Takane Saibara, the heir to a vast business fortune, high schooler Hana Nonomura agrees to be her stand-in to save face for the family. But what happens when Hana meets Takane is an unexpected pairing of utter opposites!
Next is a dating game show produced by Kallissa Productions which ran on MTV from 2005–2008.
These singles have to put a ring on it... without ever seeing one another. The Emmy-nominated experiment that ponders if love is blind arrives in Mexico.
Parental Control is a heavily scripted "pseudo-reality" program produced by MTV. The two directors, Brendon Carter and Bruce Klassen, have also created other MTV shows. In Asia, this show was aired on Channel V in the period of 2007-2009.
When the First Dates restaurant sets the table, hopeful singles from across the country will have a chance of meeting their dream partner. They’ve turned their backs on online dating in the hope of meeting someone special face-to-face, and they’ll meet their potential love match for the very first time in the restaurant.