盗潜黄金城 2017
1950年夏天,萨拉热窝六岁男孩马尔克(Moreno D'E Bartolli 饰)的生活中除了伙伴与足球,还时常见到成年人小心翼翼的举止。父亲米萨(Miki Manojlovic 饰)为人风流,与一位女体育教师有染但又毫无拆散自己家庭的打算,一家四口的生活温馨而又波澜不惊。不久马尔克小伙伴的父亲被人带走,米萨则因不合时宜的言论被大舅调查,并被派到矿场劳改,父亲在马尔克割包皮的那天离开,母亲对马尔克说爸爸出差去了。父亲的矿场生涯终于结束,一家三口迁往小镇兹沃尔尼克与父亲团聚。父亲在小镇工作之余,又恢复了偷食的习惯,马尔克也结识了新的伙伴——医生的小女儿玛莎。但回到萨拉热窝的日子仍然遥遥无期。在当地的国庆典礼上,马尔克被选为献礼的少先队员,结果马尔克上台时也说错了话……
这部电影的前半部分介绍了著名心理学家威廉·赖希(Wilhelm Reich)的研究成果与生平,包括对相关人物的访问与影像资料。赖希致力于将精神分析与共产主义结合,宣称来自生命自身的倭格昂能是拯救人类病症的关键,并发明了看似荒诞的倭格昂能储存器。赖希的所作所为很快被美国政府查禁,不幸病死狱中。1971年的南斯拉夫,一位工人狂躁的反对国家新产生的红色资产阶级,信奉性自由才能达到共产主义的米伦娜(Milena Dravic 饰)在室友和一男人纵情的房间外,向邻居们宣讲性的伟大。与此同时,一位身着破烂服装,头戴钢盔手执枪模的男人在美国街头游荡,他的背景音乐是高昂的战斗旋律。米伦娜与一位苏联的人民艺术家相识,两人的分歧最终导致了怪诞又无奈的结局
德军被南斯拉夫军民粉碎了4 次进攻后,希特勒又下令进行第五次攻势,企图最后消灭铁托的力量。德军集结装备精良的十多个师,在苏捷斯卡河谷包围了南斯拉夫最高司令部直属的两万游击队。游击队粮草、弹药、药品都十分缺乏,双方力量悬殊极大。面对敌人,铁托元帅沉着冷静,以大无畏的精神和非凡的胆略决定突围,并要在突围中一举歼灭德军。德军发现游击队的意图,调集重兵,缩小包围圈,妄图把游击队压缩到苏捷什卡河谷后消灭他们...
1944年,德军投入重兵守卫南斯拉夫境内的一座大桥,党卫军上校霍夫曼博士处心积虑防止南游击队的攻击。同一时间,游击队少校“老虎”(Velimir 'Bata' Zivojinovic 饰)接到上级命令:为阻止德军汇合,必须在七天之内找到建桥工程师将桥炸毁。老虎与老战友——爆破专家扎瓦多尼(Boris Dvornik 饰)以及他的助手班比诺、沉默寡言的战士狄希、曾参与建桥的游击队员曼纳,组成了一支行动小队。老虎从盖世太保手中救出工程师,在接近大桥的过程中与德国护卫军队发生激战,有游击队员与联络员牺牲了,但也有新的力量补充进来。在破解了德军的间谍渗入之后,游击队员们终于将大桥炸毁。
Grlom u jagode is a 1975 Yugoslavian TV miniseries directed by Srđan Karanović and co-written by Karanović and Rajko Grlić. Depicting the life and times of a young man nicknamed Bane Bumbar, the series achieved huge popularity throughout SFR Yugoslavia. Revolving around Bane, his family, and his circle of friends, the series also portrays 1960s Belgrade, Serbia and Yugoslavia.
The intertwined lives of numerous characters set in 1990s Belgrade who all try to live happily during rather unhappy times.
Tito is a 2010 Croatian documentary television miniseries about Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito. The first episode aired March 19, 2010. The series is a co-production by Croatian Radiotelevision and Mediteran film. The two first collaborated on the series Long Dark Night, which at a top audience of 1.8 million viewers was one of the most-watched domestic productions in history. After the announcement of the documentary, Broz's granddaughter Saša announced that she and her family would use all means possible to obstruct filming. Tito cost a reported 1 million euros to make.
The Death of Yugoslavia is a BAFTA-award winning BBC documentary series first broadcast in 1995. It covers the collapse of the former Yugoslavia. It is notable in its combination of never-before-seen archive footage interspersed with interviews of most of the main players in the conflict, including Slobodan Milošević, the then President of Serbia. Norma Percy won the 1996 BAFTA TV Award for 'Best Factual Series' for the documentary. However, it has been argued that it presents a potentially slightly biased point-of-view; for instance during the trial of Milošević before the ICTY in The Hague, Judge Bonomy called the nature of much of the commentary "tendentious" (partisan).
A moving story about the residents of correctional facility, rejected by parents and environment. Going through a strict regimen of life in the home, they are constantly trying to reverse the fate in their favor. Although they were given a chance to change, their actions always return to the beginning. Constantly on the border between personal whims and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become humans, they remain as wolves who find hard to change their mood. What finally remains is a perpetual dilemma whether their fate is innate, or is it forced by the communities in which they grew up...
Story of forbidden love between Serbian guy and German girl in Vojvodina, Yugoslavia. Story begins in 1940's, just as war broke out and then goes threw this turbulent period to the 1960's, showing what was happening in Novi Sad. Germans have to fleed back to Germany, everything changed, but love remained
A 12-episode documentary series about the Independent State of Croatia.
An intriguing history of Yugoslav nuclear program that proposed to build an atomic bomb and 16 nuclear facilities on Yugoslav soil. Only one project came to fruition, the nuclear power plant in Krsko, Slovenia.
Who were the Yugoslav Partisans? A docuseries about the founding and evolution of the largest armed resistance in Europe during World War II.
Through two films, this documentary reveals the creation and disintegration, within our own time, of a neighbouring European State named Yugoslavia. Part One covers the 1918-1980 period. Part Two covers the 1980-2001 period.
Italian writer and screenwriter Tonino Guerra's journey to discover Yugoslavia, from the big cities to the heart of its countryside, between a past of traditions and ancient rituals and a future still to be built. Filmed in 1979, the reportage in the then still united country has the flavour of both an intimate diary and a detailed travel documentary.