变形金刚:起源 2024
影片将时间线拨回赛博坦时期,生活在赛博坦星球的擎天柱(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 配音)与威震天(布莱恩·泰里·亨利 Brian Tyree Henry 配音)才20岁出头,是情同手足的朋友,此时他们还是没有变形能力的机器人,讲述他们如何从手足变为死敌的起源故事。
影片将时间线拨回赛博坦时期,生活在赛博坦星球的擎天柱(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 配音)与威震天(布莱恩·泰里·亨利 Brian Tyree Henry 配音)才20岁出头,是情同手足的朋友,此时他们还是没有变形能力的机器人,讲述他们如何从手足变为死敌的起源故事。
又一年圣诞节来临,上集因被遗忘在家而没有去成圣诞旅游的凯文(麦考利·卡尔金 Macaulay Culkin 饰)今年和家人准备到佛罗里达去享受他们的圣诞假期。粗心的爸爸妈妈这次当然不会再忘记带上凯文,但他们丢三落四的性格没有改变。眼看飞机准备起飞了,一家子才急冲冲的赶到机场。这次凯文没被忘在家里,却在登记时被忘在了机场,阴差阳错的登上了飞往纽约的航班!第一次来到这个完全陌生的大城市,聪明捣蛋的凯文也不禁暗暗害怕。更糟糕的是,他竟然遇上了上一集在他家里被他修理得很惨的那两个笨贼。两人刚刚越狱出来,碰上了凯文,这次自然要一雪前耻。于是,凯文的战场从上一集的家里搬到了纽约的中央公园酒店和玩具反斗城!
安妮Annie James(林赛·罗韩 Lindsay Lohan 饰)和荷莉Hallie Parker(林赛·罗韩 Lindsay Lohan 饰)两个小女孩在夏令营中相识。她们相貌惊人的相似,却非常合不来。十分偶然的,她们知道了对方原来是自己的孪生姐妹。 她们开始互相打听对方的生活,讨论自己的父母:他们在一个豪华 的航海轮船上相遇,在旅途中就结了婚,然而最后却以感情破裂收场。因为这场离异,双胞胎姐妹一个被爸爸尼克Nick Parker(丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)带到加州,生活在一个美丽的葡萄园;一个则被当婚纱设计师的妈妈丽莎Elizabeth James(娜塔莎·理查德森 Natasha Richardson 饰)带到伦敦。两人因此从未谋面,甚至不知道彼此的存在。 得知了这个真相,两个调皮的小鬼开始谋划她们的计策:她们决定调换身份,到对方的家庭去生活。一切都进展顺利,直到父亲要再婚,姐妹俩对后母Meredith Blake(伊莲·亨德里克斯 Elaine Hendrix 饰)的一场疯狂狙击大战开始了…… 本片翻拍自1961年版美国电影《爸爸爱妈妈》。年仅11岁的林赛·罗韩凭借在新版《天生一对》中一人分饰两角的表演,荣获1999年美国“艺术新秀奖”最佳年轻女演员奖。
讲述一个住在郊区的父亲(马克·沃尔伯格 饰)在他隐藏的过往即将揭秘时、如何带领家人逃亡的故事。
艾米莉(奥黛丽·塔图 Audrey Tautou 饰)有着别人看来不幸的童年——父亲给她做健康检查时,发现她心跳过快,便断定她患上心脏病,从此艾米莉与学校绝缘。随后因为一桩意外,母亲在她眼前突然死去。这一切都毫不影响艾米莉对生活的豁达乐观。1997年,戴安娜王妃的去世让她倍感人生的孤独脆弱,艾米莉从此开始了一系列助人计划,包括自闭忧郁的邻居老人,被老板刻薄的菜摊伙计、遗失了童年器物的旧房东、爱情失意的咖啡店同事。但她万万想不到,成人录象带商店店员尼诺(马修·卡索维 Mathieu Kassovitz 饰),竟成为她的棘手对象,艾米莉开始了令人哭笑不得的另类计划……
住在加州某小镇的美丽女孩苏珊·墨菲(瑞茜·威瑟斯彭 Reese Witherspoon 饰)即将和他深爱的男友德里克·迪尔特(保罗·路德 Paul Rudd 饰)走入婚姻的殿堂。可就在这关键时刻,她先是被一颗陨石砸到脑袋,继而全身发光变成一个身形高大头发雪白的巨人。她的变化吓跑了亲朋好友,随后一群全副武装的神秘之人将其抓获并囚禁起来。苏珊被军方带到52区的秘密基地,与来自地球各个角落的怪物们称为科学家们研究的对象。 与此同时,一个藏有邪恶力量的不明飞行物正以极高的速度接近地球,它所带来的外星人加莱克萨哈(瑞恩·威尔森 Rainn Wilson 饰)扬言要摧毁地球,毁灭人类。人类奋起反抗,但是他们的武器在加莱克萨哈面前全部败下阵来。地球危在旦夕,人们把命运寄托在了苏珊及其怪物朋友的身上……
其貌不扬的小人物米特·德斯·比格劳(罗伯·施奈德 Rob Schneider 饰)是一个鱼缸清洁工,因全裸上阵而被水族馆扫地出门的他,偶然得到一份去别墅清洁鱼缸的工作。别墅的主人安东尼·罗坎特(奥迪德·菲赫尔 Oded Fehr 饰)是一个风光无限的脱衣舞男,他生活优渥,身边美女如云,与米特猥琐不堪的境遇形成鲜明对比。 某天,安东尼要去瑞士三周,他希望米特留在别墅照顾他生病的鱼,同时还给米特定下诸多严厉的规则。当然,主人一走,米特便展开他宛如假日般的快乐生活。正所谓乐极生悲,米特给这幢豪华的别墅带来巨大的灾难。为了在安东尼回来之前将一切恢复原状,他不得不化身牛郎四处筹钱……
这是一部影史上传颂最广的长青家庭电影,十分适合亲子同乐。有趣的故事、悦耳的歌曲、美丽的山河、活泼的孩子、可爱的修女、温馨的人情、天真无邪的笑料,构成了这部曾打破影史上最高卖座纪录的歌舞片,并曾获最佳影片等5项奥斯卡金像奖。茱丽·安德鲁丝(Julie Andrews)扮演真有其人的奥国修女玛莉亚,她到鳏居军官家中照顾他的七个孩子,后来还成为他们的继母。在德军纳粹占领奥地利之后,他们全家利用一次公开表演的机会逃出了魔掌。片中表达玛利亚对大自然热爱的主题曲《音乐之声》、轻松愉快的《孤独的牧羊人》、比托普演唱的深情无限的《雪绒花》、欢乐有趣的《哆来咪》、以及可爱的孩子们在比赛和客厅里演唱的《晚安,再见!》等等,都成了我们记忆中最值得细细回味的旋律。
卡尔·阿伦 很长一段时间以来都诸事不顺,因为他总是以消极的“不,不行”式的态度跟人打交道。直到他参加了一个自助课程才有所改变,他在导师泰伦斯的压力下发誓:在一年时间里都只能说“好的”,而不管对方是谁,要求他做的是什么事情。令他惊奇的是,当他开始实践自己的誓言的时候,生活发生了不可思议的变化,他不仅得到了升职,赢得了45000美元的奖金,得到了一只人人爱的小狗,获得了护理学的学位,甚至一次环游世界的大好机会也落到他头上,但这些还不是最美妙的,最终,他还与一个叫蕾妮的美丽女孩 共堕爱河。然而,当他满怀信心地准备拥抱更多的机会时,却没有预料到,他根本消受不了如此之多的好事。
影片根据曼罗·里夫1936年经典童书《爱花的牛》改编,讲述西班牙一头名为“费迪南德”(约翰·塞纳 John Cena 配音)的公牛的爆笑历险故事。费迪南德体型健壮,但却心地善良性格温和,它被误认为是危险的野兽,从而被捕送往他乡被逼做一只“斗牛”。为回到家人身边,他不得不踏上了一场终极冒险旅程……
在美国洛杉矶有一个专供卡通人物居住的“图恩城”,卡通明星兔子罗杰(Charles Fleischer 配音)怀疑妻子杰西卡(凯瑟琳·特纳 Kathleen Turner 配音)有外遇,拍戏时常常走神,遭到他的搭档娃娃哈曼的奚落。卡通电影公司老板马隆便雇佣私人侦探埃迪(鲍勃·霍斯金斯 Bob Hoskins 配音)去查明情况,并拍下杰西卡偷情的照片,好让罗杰下定决心,斩断情缘,专心投入卡通系列片的拍摄。埃迪因自己的弟弟特迪不久前被“图恩城”的卡通角色暗害,也急于早日追出凶手,便慨然将此事承诺下来。而随着调查的深入,事情并不像埃迪想的那么简单,其中还另有奸情,慨然将此事承诺下来,就不能轻易放弃,埃迪能否找到案件背后的真相呢…… 本片根据加里·沃尔夫的同名畅销小说改编,同时是一部真人和动画相结合的影片。
珍(Katherine Heigl饰)是个完美伴娘,已经穿过27套伴娘服的她笃信真爱,可是面对自己暗恋许久的人——她的上司乔治,珍却总是爱在心,口难开。一次派对上,珍的妹妹苔丝和乔治邂逅了,火热招摇的苔丝迅速攫住乔治的目光,事实上,苔丝就是个骄横跋扈的大小姐,但为了俘获乔治的心,她编出种种谎言,装成温顺可爱的乖乖女,使两人关系迅速升温。不久,两人便打算闪电结婚,而珍则再一次被邀请成为伴娘……
Ranma Saotome, a teenage martial artist, and his father Genma travel to the 'cursed training ground' of Jusenkyo in China. There, despite the warnings of the Chinese guard, they fall into the cursed springs. From now on, whenever Ranma is doused in cold water, he turns into a girl and a cute, well-built redhead at that. Hot water changes him back into a man again, but only until the next time. To make matters worse, his father engages him to Akane Tendo, a girl who hates boys.
As one of the seven mermaid princesses, Lucia must travel to the human world to protect the mermaid kingdoms.
After a serial killer imitates the plots of his novels, successful mystery novelist Richard "Rick" Castle receives permission from the Mayor of New York City to tag along with an NYPD homicide investigation team for research purposes.
The Angel Brigade, an elite branch of the Transbaal Empire military, are assigned to search for The Lost Technology, mysterious items from the past that hold unknown powers. Led by the soon-to-retire Colonel Volcott O' Huey, the Angel Brigade travel to different planets using their specially designed Emblem Frame ships to search for Lost Technology. Unfortunately, they often mess up somehow and end up getting into all kinds of awkward and troublesome situations.
Maksim "Max" Lavrov wants to become a great chef. But he finds out that the kitchen isn't the place for an easy career. And at restaurant "Claude Monet," this job looks to be harder and much more complicated than just cooking.
Ted Lasso, an American football coach, moves to England when he’s hired to manage a soccer team—despite having no experience. With cynical players and a doubtful town, will he get them to see the Ted Lasso Way?
Each day, two kindhearted suburban stepbrothers on summer vacation embark on some grand new project, which annoys their controlling sister, Candace, who tries to bust them. Meanwhile, their pet platypus plots against evil Dr. Doofenshmirtz.
Monster-sitters Esme and Roy use the power of play to help younger monsters through familiar situations, including trying new foods and feeling scared during loud thunderstorms. Little viewers will discover positive role models, and learn how to manage their emotions with simple mindfulness practices.
An exclusive group of privileged teens from a posh prep school on Manhattan's Upper East Side whose lives revolve around the blog of the all-knowing albeit ultra-secretive Gossip Girl.
Simon & Simon is an American detective television series that originally ran from November 24, 1981 to January 21, 1989. The series was broadcast on CBS and starred Gerald McRaney and Jameson Parker as two brothers who run a private detective agency together.
The mishaps of Chavo, an 8-year-old orphan boy who lives in a barrel. Together with Quico, Chilindrina, Ñoño and La Popis, Chavo experiences a series of humorous entanglements.
After her successful career in Chicago, Elsbeth Tascioni, an astute but unconventional attorney, utilizes her singular point of view to make unique observations and corner brilliant criminals alongside the NYPD.
The ancient gods died, and there is only one last god in the world - Xingzhi. Rumor has it that this God of Action has lived alone in the heavens for tens of thousands of years, ruthless and lustless. In the battle of the immortals and demons, he turned the tide by himself, and since then, Du Men has been swept away, and his traces are hard to find. Hundreds of years are just a click away. As the queen who was born with a pearl in the devil world, Shen Li's life was bright and dazzling. But on the occasion of her thousand-year-old birthday, the claws of political marriage were scratching their heads. On the way to escape from the marriage, Shen Li was beaten back to the original form of a phoenix and fell to the world with injuries. When she was seriously injured and comatose, the mortal hawker treated her as a fat chicken, plucked all the hair from her body, and locked her in a cage for sale. The fate of the two is tightly linked by a seemingly casual transaction.
When a one-hit-wonder girl group from the '90s gets sampled by a young rapper, its members reunite to give their pop star dreams one more shot. They may be grown women balancing spouses, kids, jobs, debt, aging parents and shoulder pain, but can't they also be Girls5Eva?
It is 1986 and Britain is booming. "Rivals" dives headfirst into the cutthroat world of TV where hair-dos are big and ambitions are even bigger. Deals are brokered in boardrooms, as well as bedrooms. Nobody can be sure who will come out on top. With every man and woman out only for themselves, can true love really blossom?
This hidden-camera series follows four lifelong friends -- Brian "Q"' Quinn, James "Murr"' Murray, Joe Gatto and Sal Vulcano -- who take dares to an outrageous level. To find out who is best under pressure, the guys compete in awkward and outrageous hidden-camera hijinks with the loser performing what is deemed to be the most-mortifying challenge yet.
Yeah, Kenichi’s a total wimp. He’s always getting picked on and doesn’t have a lot of friends to stick up for him. The guy needs motivation if he hopes to graduate in one piece. Well, Miu’s the perfect motivation. She’s hot, she accepts him, and she just so happens to live at a dojo with six martial arts masters. You could say fate has led Kenichi to their door, or you could say he was just following the hottie. Either way, he’s about to get whipped into serious shape. If he can survive some hard-core training, he might survive another day at school. He might even score with Miu. Yeah, you could call Kenichi a wimp. But let’s go with underdog instead.
Usagi Tsukino is a clumsy teenage girl who becomes a Magical Girl named Sailor Moon after meeting a cat named Luna, who tells her she is a destined warrior who must find the reincarnated princess of a lost kingdom. Along the way, she meets other reincarnated warriors who join her group known as the Sailor Senshi who fight the forces of the evil mastermind behind the Dark Kingdom.
It's 1993 and Ted the bear's moment of fame has passed, leaving him living with his best friend, 16-year-old John Bennett, who lives in a working-class Boston home with his parents and cousin. Ted may not be the best influence on John, but when it comes right down to it, he's willing to go out on a limb to help his friend and his family.
At Andersen’s Seaside Hotel by the North Sea dunes, meet three young people as they try to emancipate themselves from the plans other people have made on their behalf.