深渊鲨难 2024
影片讲述职业杀手(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)为了解救妻子(萨尔玛·海耶克 Salma Hayek 饰)自愿成为法庭审判一名超级罪犯(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)的关键证人,被警方派重兵护送出庭作证。罪犯为杀人灭口派出 雇佣兵全歼了护送部队。侥幸逃生的女探员(艾洛蒂·袁 Elodie Yung 饰)只能避开警方既定路线请来私人保镖(瑞恩·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 饰)继续护送证人。殊不知二人是多年的死对头,现在却要共同抵抗雇佣兵的截杀和警方的追捕并在24小时之内从英国伦敦抵达荷兰海牙出庭作证。两人冤家聚头火花四溅,为全球观众献上一场爆笑不断的动作大片版“尖峰时刻”。
已退职的特工弗兰克始终无法忘记在一次枪战中的痛苦经历。著名黑人女歌星梅伦的经纪人狄克请他去做梅伦的保镖。弗兰克本想拒绝,但看到梅伦5岁大的孩子×时,他终于答应了。 梅伦家中还住着她姐姐妮基和保镖托尼。他们经常收到恐吓信,但梅伦却并不知情。弗兰克来到后加强了家中的防护措施,但梅伦对他并无好感。一次汽车跟踪事件使弗兰克确定海伦的生命确实正受到威胁,而梅伦也由此逐渐改变了对他的看法。在演唱会上,梅伦终于发现了恐吓信,狄克只好对她讲了实情。梅伦被歌迷冲下了舞台,多亏弗兰克及时相救才避免了灾难的发生。 梅伦为了答谢弗兰克而邀请他共进晚餐。两人在舞曲中渐渐陶醉。 梅伦难以抑制心中的×,与弗兰克发生了密切的关系。梅伦感到在弗兰克身边有一种安全感。但第二天弗兰克却觉得不该和客户发生感情,两人的关系一下子疏远了。为了报复弗兰克,梅伦甚至与弗兰克的旧同事鲍曼假装亲热,使弗兰克颇为不快。 在乡村别墅,弗兰克又一次救了梅伦。他开始感到妮基有问题。在逼问下,妮基终于承认是她雇了杀手想杀梅伦。杀手潜入房间,但却将妮基误认为梅伦而加以杀害。 梅伦将要出席金像奖的颁奖晚会。弗兰克知道杀手一定会乘机下手,叮嘱梅伦要大胆小心。就在梅伦登上舞台时,弗兰克忽然发现了伪装成摄影师的鲍曼,他顿时明白了一切。弗兰克冲上舞台救下了梅伦,自己却中枪倒地。他挣扎着击毙了鲍曼,随即失去了知觉。 梅伦安全了。弗兰克送她登上飞机去作巡回演出,他已不再是梅伦的保镖。经过心中的激烈斗争,梅伦终于在飞机起飞前的最后一刻跑下了飞机。在风中,梅伦与弗兰克紧紧拥吻在一起。
“全球健身中心”的创始人怀特•古德曼(本•斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 饰)为人嚣张,以兼并其它健身馆为乐事。健身中心附近有一家惨淡经营的大众健身馆,其负责人彼得(文斯•沃恩 Vince Vaughn 饰)生性淡漠,对一班怪诞的老顾客长期免费服务。为吞并大众健身馆,古德曼购入后者的债权,并委托银行找来律师凯特(克里斯蒂娜•泰勒 Christine Taylor 饰)要求彼得在30天内筹集五万美元还债,否则健身馆将转入古德曼名下。一筹莫展的彼得与众位老顾客、雇员想到参加拉斯维加斯举办的“躲避球大赛”,期望得到冠军奖金解决燃眉之急。同时不堪古德曼骚扰的凯特也加入了彼得一边,古德曼亦组织球队参赛,意欲将彼得等人截杀……
中国商人秦国立在英国惨遭雇佣兵组织“北极狼”绑架,秦的女儿Fareeda(徐若晗 饰)也卷入其中,遭到追杀。千钧一发之际,急先锋国际安保团队成为他们唯一的希望,由总指挥唐焕庭(成龙 饰)带领雷震宇(杨洋饰)、张凯旋(艾伦 饰)、弥雅(母其弥雅 饰)、神雕(朱正廷 饰)等组成的急先锋行动小组,上天入地,辗转全球各地施展惊险营救。解救人质的过程中,竟发现“北极狼”背后的恐怖组织还策划了一场惊天密谋……
外表落魄邋遢的浪人武士三十郎(三船敏郎 饰)来到一个小镇,清兵卫(河津清三郎 饰)和新田丑寅(山茶花究 饰)两家恶霸在那里为争夺地盘,招兵买马经常争斗,弄得民不聊生。三十郎决定从中设计,引诱双方雇佣自己,再加入不同方造成两边拼斗,由此坐收渔利,消灭对方。 但随着丑寅弟弟卯之助(仲代达矢 饰)的加入,情况又发生了不同,他手里握有短枪,占得优势,清兵卫的势力被打败,三十郎甚至也受伤不轻。但是决战在所难免,椿三十郎独对丑寅、亥之吉等众人,身处劣势的他如何能剿灭对方呢?
1999年12月30日的洛杉矶陷入一片混乱,虽然警察三步一岗五步一哨,但各种恶性案件还是接连发生。伦尼是当地一名卸任警探,对这个人吃人的大都市有着透彻的了解。为了生活,只要有报酬的事他都做,但唯有杀人不干。但命运偏与他为难:为他做事的姑娘艾丽丝被谋杀,而且杀人者故意栽赃陷害他。眼下,只有马斯和麦克斯可以信赖。他们齐心协力要制服这个变态杀手... 这部科幻动作片的创意来自大名鼎鼎的詹姆斯.卡梅伦,由他和杰伊.科克斯编写剧本,他们希望能创造出一个真实可信的人物,让观众能与其同呼吸共命运,同时也关注我们大家在世纪末共同面对的问题。
弗兰奇 最近面临着诸多债务问题:他在城中开设的武馆经营不善并且经常被人上门找麻烦,自己也可能因交不起房租而随时 无家可归,而爱情方面更是无暇顾及、毫无进展。于是弗兰奇打算铤而走险,接受了一份讨债人的工作,他需要冒着生命危险替雇主以暴力手段逼迫欠债人还债或施加压力,而和他搭档的是一位名字叫苏 的前警署探员。于是这对看似奇怪的组合开着轿车,在一条逐渐失控的讨债道路上越走越远。
肯尼迪总统的遇刺让身为他贴身保镖的弗兰克(克林特·伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 饰)陷入了自责的情绪中不能自拔。即使多年过去,但只要一想到此时,弗兰克总觉得是自己的失职和大意造成了这一悲剧。某一日,一个神秘的电话引起了他的警觉。打电话的男人名叫米奇(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰),他告诉弗兰克,自己准备暗杀现任总统,并邀请弗兰克玩一个所谓的“游戏”,这个游戏的成败将直接影响总统的命运。 往事重演,这一次,弗兰克决定无论如何都要保护总统的安全。这个米奇到底是谁?他这么做的目的何在?在一连串的疑问面前,一场激烈而又危险的追杀游戏逐渐展开。
美国最大黑手党犯罪集团科萨·诺斯特拉横行无忌,连一向风行雷厉的联邦调查局也拿它们没辙。但最近曾加入过团伙的三流魔术师巴蒂“艾斯”以色瑞尔,为了自保,终于同意提供所有的犯罪证据,这无疑是扳倒帮派大佬普莱默的最好机会。但大佬普莱默岂是吃素的主,他马上出重金悬赏艾斯的脑袋,决意让艾斯永远消失。 100万美金的开价在黑帮内外传出,埃斯的那颗原本不值钱的脑袋也成了众家的热门目标。重金很快吸引了赏金猎手、退隐江湖的老手、想进入黑帮内线的混混、杀手级别的辣妹甚至双面黑帮人士的眼光。而FBI也害怕自己指证黑手党的唯一王牌艾斯遭到不测,派出两名特工负责保护,希望赶在杀手之前一步。 偏偏这艾斯,还在风光宜人的内华达州塔霍湖风流快活。身处风景胜地,作为污点证人接受监管,住在豪华饭店,还沾染着毒品和妓女,要想躲过视野开阔的湖畔虎视眈眈的狠家伙们,可不是件容易的差事。而那些或职业或非专业的杀手们,都有着自己的盘算,这块可口的大蛋糕,到底怎么才分得匀?
许正阳是受过严格训练的中国特种部队成员,身手高强,在一次演习中,他由于不听指挥而犯错,结果失去了保护首长南巡的机会,而被派到香港保护一个叫MICHELLE的女人。 MICHELLE是一件凶杀案的唯一目击证人,由于她的未婚夫是与大陆高层关系密切的富商,因此中央才会派许正阳这样的精英来保护她。可MICHELLE并不领情,对许正阳态度冷漠。而许正阳也不大看得起MICHELLE,认为她是个贪慕虚荣的女人。尽管如此,许正阳对MICHELLE的保护却尽心尽力,从未出过半点差池。 随着相处日久,许正阳与MICHELLE的了解也渐渐加深。两人都发现了对方的优点,甚至产生了感情。但许正阳知道执行任务时不允许自己有一点点私人的感情因素,所以刻意回避,但背地里却又患得患失,就在他俩无从选择时,一个危险的杀手正在悄悄向他们逼近。
根据约瑟夫·范德(Joseph Finder)的同名小说改编,由杰森·豪尔(Jason Hall)编剧。故事讲述了一家名叫Wyatt的电信巨头公司中的年轻员工亚当·卡西迪(利亚姆·海姆斯沃斯 饰),用公司的钱为同事办了一个豪华的退休派对,结果被老板(加里·奥德曼 饰)逮到,受到了贪污的指控和老板的勒索,为了免于起诉,他不得不同意打入竞争对手、另一家电信公司(即哈里森·福特的公司)作间谍,为老板窃取对手公司的商业机密。虽然事情进展的很顺利,但他也在努力寻找方法,以求尽快摆脱其老板的束缚……
This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Arthur Daley, a second-hand car dealer with an eye for a nice little earner. Alongside his many business ventures, Arthur would regularly hire Terry out as a minder or bodyguard, later replaced by nephew, Ray Daley.
The second son of a Mafia boss, Kinn Theerapanyakul, is fleeing from an enemy when he meets Porsche, an enterprising young bartender. Porsche agrees to help defend Kinn from his attackers for a price. Porsche's martial arts skills impress, and spurred on by his father, Kinn seeks to hire Porsche as one of his personal bodyguards. Porsche is opposed and rejects Kinn’s offer despite his attempts at intimidation. It isn't until Porsche's family home and his ability to care for his brother are threatened that he acquiesces and moves onto the Theerapanyakul property. It's not a smooth transition into the unorthodox, violent job, and his relationship with Kinn vacillates between strained and playful. When his feelings for Kinn take an unexpected turn, his work becomes even more high-stakes.
Mahiro Yasaka is just an ordinary high school student, until one day he is suddenly attacked by a dangerous monster. Just when everything seems to be lost, he is saved by a strange girl named Nyaruko, who claims to be the shape-shifting deity Nyarlathotep from horror author H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos.
While attending a Hollywood premiere with a famous action star, a crazed fan pulls a gun—but her movie hunk turns into a coward, and it's Vallery who becomes the hero. Suddenly, she's thrown into a world of action and danger as owner of a Hollywood protection agency, Vallery Irons Protection (V.I.P.), taking risks to protect others at a price few are willing to pay.
The drama follows the Long Wind Escort Agency as they are led by young master Guo Xu to thwart the conspiracy plots. Along the way, the romantic and chivalrous Guo Xu encounters various people during their escort missions.
Hank and Dean Venture, with their father Doctor Venture and faithful bodyguard Brock Samson, go on wild adventures facing megalomaniacs, zombies, and suspicious ninjas, all for the glory of adventure. Or something like that.
A good-for-nothing K1 fighter begins working as a top celebrity's private bodyguard, with the intent of seducing her and then leaving her to ruins, as an act of avenging his older brother who was left in a coma. Soon, he finds himself falling in love with her, their romance a tragedy in the making.
A patriotic bodyguard who was abandoned by his country and colleagues, a hidden daughter of leading Presidential candidate who regards love as a tool for revenge, and the First Lady contender who hides her ambition and charisma behind a kind and friendly personality.
Someone has broken into Hou Jue's house. In the face of inexplicable death threats, Hou Zhirong who worries for his son's safety decides to hire security. While delivering some documents, Wu Shiyi accidentally saves Hou Zhirong and gets handpicked by him to become Hou Jue's personal bodyguard. Hou Jue is immediately resistant to the idea of a female bodyguard intruding into his life. He makes things difficult for Wu Shiyi on purpose, yet she is not the type to easily back down. Over time, their relationship takes a turn for the better. Hou Jue's father becoming more controlling leads Hou Jue to finally leave and stand on his own. Now penniless, Hou Jue sinks into depression at the drastic change in his lifestyle. Yet to find the right person in a vast crowd is a fortune of three lifetimes.
A famous South Korean celebrity Han Joon Oh suffers a car accident and wakes up possessed by a vengeful ancient nobleman Do Ha, seeking revenge for his past life
A troubled war veteran is assigned to protect a controversial politician who may be the target of a terror plot.
After crash-landing on Earth, two royal teen aliens on the run struggle to blend in with humans as they evade intergalactic bounty hunters.
Two people from seemingly two different worlds are brought together when an accident leads to Su Jingjing, a seemingly cute girl with supernatural ability getting hired as Gu Rong's bodyguard.
Baseball player Muyeol is a star in baseball, but is known for his wild image. Eunjae is a bodyguard who is also a Diamond member of Muyeol's anti-fan club. One day, Muyeol and Eunjae get into a fight at a karaoke room, where they first meet. A video of their fight goes viral on the Internet, so in order to deal with the controversy, Eunjae has no choice but to become Muyeol's bodyguard. Originally planning to be his bodyguard for a short while, things go longer as planned when Muyeol's stalker shows up. Will the two be able to get along? 'Wild Romance' is a sweet and scary love story between Eunjae, having to protect a guy she wants to beat up, and Muyeol, who must be protected by his most dangerous anti-fan.
Sang Ah would do anything to shield pop star Ah Shin from rabid fans. But after an act of protection gone wrong, it looks like she's the crazy one.
It takes a brave, selfless man to make himself a "human target" in order to save the lives of those in danger. Based on the popular DC Comics comic book and graphic novel, Human Target is a full-throttle action drama centered on Christopher Chance, a unique private contractor/security expert/bodyguard hired to protect.
She's an attractive superstar that everyone feels very far away from, yet she has a secret buried deep in her heart. One day, a normal man becomes her bodyguard. They go every where together knowing that they cannot be in love with each other. The man will be her bodyguard for 99 days. Kohei Namiki who works at a security company is a single man approaching his 40's. Although he is passionate about astrology, he cannot follow through on his dreams to work in an observatory due to his family and economic difficulties. The superstar actress from South Korea, Han Yoo Na arrives in Japan to star in a drama series. Yoo Na and Kohei's unexpected encounter of becoming master and servant slowly develops into an interesting relationship.
Oh Wan-soo, who married into the powerful Hwain Group, faces death threats. She crosses paths with Seo Do-yoon, a bodyguard investigating a friend's death that is tied to the Hwain Group. Together, they unravel Hwain Group's secrets tainted with desire.
After diving down a rabbit hole of tangled leads, a former bodyguard finds himself recruited to protect the CEO of a controversial lab-grown meat company who is also a survivor of the fateful attack that changed his life.
A story that follows a warm and gentle military medic and the 'ice mountain' military officer as they fulfill their duties and also find love.