
疯狂躲避球 2004


“全球健身中心”的创始人怀特•古德曼(本•斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 饰)为人嚣张,以兼并其它健身馆为乐事。健身中心附近有一家惨淡经营的大众健身馆,其负责人彼得(文斯•沃恩 Vince Vaughn 饰)生性淡漠,对一班怪诞的老顾客长期免费服务。为吞并大众健身馆,古德曼购入后者的债权,并委托银行找来律师凯特(克里斯蒂娜•泰勒 Christine Taylor 饰)要求彼得在30天内筹集五万美元还债,否则健身馆将转入古德曼名下。一筹莫展的彼得与众位老顾客、雇员想到参加拉斯维加斯举办的“躲避球大赛”,期望得到冠军奖金解决燃眉之急。同时不堪古德曼骚扰的凯特也加入了彼得一边,古德曼亦组织球队参赛,意欲将彼得等人截杀……


My 600-lb Life

My 600-lb Life 2012


Telling powerful stories in hourlong episodes, TLC follows medical journeys of morbidly obese people as they attempt to save their own lives. The featured individuals - each weighing more than 600 pounds confront lifelong emotional and physical struggles as they make the courageous decision to undergo high-risk gastric bypass surgery. In addition to drastically changing their appearances, they hope to reclaim their independence, mend relationships with friends and family, and renew their feelings of self-worth.


My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now?

My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? 2015


Check in on the men and women featured in "My 600lb Life." Since the show, have they maintained their weight loss and continued working toward their goals? We get an update on where they are now and what's changed since the show.