某种物质 2024
曾经红极一时的好莱坞巨星伊丽莎白(黛米·摩尔 Demi Moore 饰),无法面对自己老去的容颜,决定使用一种名为“完美物质”的黑市药物,透过注射药物的细胞复制物质,创造出更年轻、更好的另一个自己(玛格丽特·库里 Margaret Qualley 饰)。“年华老去”及“年轻貌美”的自己该如何共存?会是更强烈的容貌焦虑大战?还是要不断迎合大众对“美”的期待?一场自我身体主导权的争夺战即将上演……
曾经红极一时的好莱坞巨星伊丽莎白(黛米·摩尔 Demi Moore 饰),无法面对自己老去的容颜,决定使用一种名为“完美物质”的黑市药物,透过注射药物的细胞复制物质,创造出更年轻、更好的另一个自己(玛格丽特·库里 Margaret Qualley 饰)。“年华老去”及“年轻貌美”的自己该如何共存?会是更强烈的容貌焦虑大战?还是要不断迎合大众对“美”的期待?一场自我身体主导权的争夺战即将上演……
1987 年台湾解除戒严,家汉和王柏德在家庭压力、恐同和世俗偏见的夹缝中相恋。
已过而立之年的杰西(乔什·拉德诺 Josh Radnor 饰)厌倦了乏味单调的工作,他总是怀念着以往的大学生活,曾经的食堂和寝室、聚会和诗会常常浮现在他脑海。这天,他突然接到大学时代最喜欢的彼得教授(理查·詹金斯 Richard Jenkins 饰)的邀请,希望他能在自己的退休晚宴上做个演讲,杰西简直迫不及待地前去赴约。令人意想不到的是,在晚宴上他遇到了一位19岁的女学生吉比(伊丽莎白·奥尔森 Elizabeth Olsen 饰),吉比非常喜欢他的演讲,在交谈中,两人竟发现对方在文学、艺术上的爱好几乎一模一样,彼此渐渐互生情愫。然而,现实的年龄差距却似乎总是阻隔在两人之间的藩篱……
乌鸦学校铃兰高中,新一学年战火再燃。强大可怕的强罗彻(柳乐悠弥 饰)接连摧毁对手的挑战,一步步朝着铃兰的顶点迈进。与此同时,干掉焚八商业四天王的镝木旋风雄(东出昌大 饰)转学来到铃兰,脑瓜灵光的小岐须健一(胜地凉 饰)等人便将宝压在旋风雄的身上,期待他和强罗的最终对决。拳哥(矢部享佑 饰)辗转回来,当初他最疼爱的老大的儿子加贺美辽平(早乙女太一 饰)则已成为铃兰的一年级生,更因击倒强罗而声名鹊起。与此同时,黑咲工业老大柴田浩树(岩田刚典 饰)的发小兼宿敌藤原一(永山绚斗 饰)走出看守所,在黑道的指示下勾结暴走族ODA对黑咲和铃兰分别展开狩猎,而他和加贺美联手则将战火推向顶点…… 本片根据高桥弘的同名原作漫画改编。
SWORD的「O」鬼邪高中。 是分為定时制和全日制的SWORD地区最兄恶的不良高中。率领全日制的花冈枫士雄(川村壱马饰)為了寻找拥有眾多传说的最强男人Lao,来到了位於户亚留市的铃兰男子高中。 这时,瞄準鬼邪高中头目之位的SWORD内部的不良少年们, 也在虎视眈眈地等待著机会...。 其中,身穿深红色学生制服、被称為“血之门”的瀨之门工业高中的头目天下井公平(三山凌辉饰) 获得须嵜亮(中本悠太饰)这个最强男人的助力, 并将同样以掌控鬼邪高中為目标的镰坂高中和江骂罗商业高中纳入麾下,建立「三校联盟」并不断扩大势力。 鬼邪高中的高城司(吉野北人饰)和轰洋介(前田公辉饰)也很快就察觉到了三校联盟的可疑举动...就在这时三校联盟突然出现。 终於,三校联盟的鬼邪高中猎取行动开始了。 被突袭的鬼邪高中的男人们。 在完全处於劣势的状况下,一直用自己的拳头给出答案的枫士雄 究竟能否保护接连被击溃的伙伴们吗!? 於是,枫士雄与三校联盟最强的刺客须嵜展开巔峰对决! 枫士雄的拳头究竟会诉说什麼呢? 角逐真正顶点的决胜之战拉开帷幕。
初中生小水相貌平平,家境一般,所以在学校里并不受重视。但是她心地善良,又有一群死党,日子过得倒也开心。某天,她遇见了帅气的学长阿亮 ,春心萌动,无 法遏制。她喜欢看他踢足球,看他拍照,如痴如狂。上英语课时,她不停地给死党传纸条 表达对阿亮的爱慕。然而,英语老师则指出她除了英语一无是处。回到家,叔叔从美国捎来了父亲的消息,说如果她能考全校第一,就可以去美国。于是,她按下决心要努力加油。某天,小水等人在买饮料时,碰到篮球队员蛮横插队。阿亮挺身而出,为她们教训了对方,并挨了校长的责骂。小水也第一次听说,阿亮的父亲因为射失点球而退役的事情,理解了他心中的隐痛。由于舞蹈队是给美女准备的,所以小水等一干姐妹准备在话剧社大展身手,没想到学长也来到这个社团。两人还扮演王子公主,他们的恋情会由此展开么?……
外表温柔安静的苏韵锦(刘亦菲 饰)在高中同学程铮(吴亦凡 饰)的深情追求下慢慢爱上了对方,可无奈相爱容易相处难,自小生活环境的差异以及性格的迥异开始成为两人之间的问题,矛盾的不断发现最终还是让感情出现了裂痕最后走到了分手境地。 几年后,苏韵锦成为了一个事业有成的职场女强人,但平静的生活因程铮的再次出现而泛起了涟漪,两人剪不断理还乱的感情促使他们又纠缠到了一起,并且这时才知道彼此在这几年中都没有放下,想爱但又怕过去重演。
高中女孩吉冈双叶(本田翼 饰)刻意让自己显得不修边幅,以避免成为其他女生攻击的对象,每天都不得不为此小心应付,殚精竭虑。某天,她意外重逢了曾在初中时代有过交集的男孩田中洸(东出昌大 饰)。当初田中搬家到了长崎,此番重逢后不仅将姓改成了马渕,性格似乎也发生巨大的变化。以班级活动为契机,双叶、马渕、马渕的好友小凑亚耶(吉泽亮 饰)、特立独行的高冷女村尾修子(新川优爱 饰)以及因过于可爱而遭到孤立的槙田悠里(藤本泉 饰)聚到了一起。原本他们的情感便彼此交错,而隔壁班的天才帅哥菊池冬马(千叶雄大 饰)、教师田中阳一(小柳友 饰)以及马渕在长崎的旧友成海唯(高畑充希 饰)又让男孩女孩们的关系更为复杂,于是平添了无数的烦恼…… 本片根据漫画家咲坂伊绪的同名原作改编。
漂亮乖巧的高一女生美嘉(新垣結衣 饰)不小心丢了手机,被樱井弘树(三浦春马 饰)捡到,放在图书馆归还给她。然而弘却把美嘉手机里所有的联系人方式都删掉了,自己就在整个暑假日日夜夜给美嘉打电话,有一搭没一搭地闲聊。虽然素未谋面,美嘉的心扉已经渐渐打开。开学正式见面后二人坠入爱河,共尝禁果。不久却被弘的前女友笑子报复,美嘉伤心欲绝,弘强有力的保护让美嘉度过这次难关。很快,美嘉怀孕了,弘请求她把孩子生下来,二人会见双方家长,弘诚恳坚决的请求得到了大家的体谅。但美嘉失去了孩子。高二开学后,弘提出分手,但也不说一个确切的理由。美嘉苦守许久才渐渐开始新生活,和庆大的温柔的男生优恋爱,升大学,一切都好像好起来,这年圣诞,优向美嘉求婚,但随即而来,美嘉知道了弘一直隐瞒自己的悲伤的秘密……
位于日本南方的南十字岛,富饶美丽,抬头是那璀璨绝美的星空。正在海滩上徜徉漫步的扬卷和子和新藤诹访,偶然救助了一名昏倒在海边的少年特纳西•塔科特。他是南十字学园高中部的新生,由于未能赶上最后一班船而跳入海中,从大陆游到南十字岛。性格明朗的特纳西展开了快乐的校园生活,虽然他声称来此是歌颂快乐易逝的青春生活,但其内心深处似乎隐藏着什么秘密。另一方面,该岛金山废矿下埋藏着被称作“赛巴迪(Cybody)”的机器人。特纳西意外踏入禁区,遭遇了秘密组织绮罗星十字团。在此之后,特纳西和该组织的战斗渐次拉开序幕,而他和和子、诹访的命运将会如何? 该剧场版由全25话的同名TV动画再剪辑而成,并添加了部分新内容。
女孩Pim(奥密兹•苏查拉特 Aomiz Suchar 饰)因与前男友分手要求换宿舍,于是她和新来的学妹Kim(蒂娜·吉塔勒拉 Tina Jittaleela 饰)成了同居舍友。起初,Pim以为Kim是走错屋的小正太,直到对方袒露胸襟,她才赫然发现 其实是同类。第 一印象如此之差,让Pim怀疑其拉拉倾向严重,索性在宿舍中画定了三八线。尽管Kim百般讨好,但是Pim还是觉得她弹吉他、玩电玩很烦人。倒是Pim的闺蜜对Kim仰慕已久,大献殷勤。直到Pim随Kim回了家,夜晚听她弹吉他,两人才慢慢地敞开了心扉。Pim喜欢上了Kim做的菜。慢慢地,两人形影不离的关系,引起了Pim朋友们的嫉妒。甚至连熟识的哥哥也以男友自居,让她很受伤。在经历了多次波折之后,Pim赫然发现,原来当彼此的心心相印时,并不存在不能逾越的界限……
泊进之介使用MachDriver炎及TridoronKey变身的全新姿态-超(Super)DeadHeatDrive披露!看似是DrivetypeSPEED组合魔进Chaser而成的战损型外貌。另外,东映的白仓P预告表示Drive总有一天完结。大概1、2年没有做过的事,或许在这部剧场版中,继Drive之后的新骑士(Ghost)将会亮相! 为了保护市民,今日也继续战斗的假面骑士Drive=泊进之介。突然,一位称进之介做「父亲」的青年在面前出现。他的名字叫泊英治。来自未来的英治目的是向父亲・进之介警告。2015年8月5日,腰带桑=DriveDriver开始暴走,成为契机一年后Roidmude征服世界。进之介无法相信,但英治的「预言」说中了,DriveDriver发生异常。因为大规模的破坏行为,市民的英雄・Drive成为了全国通缉犯。根据英治所说,腰带桑的
1997年,香港回归中国。当时的中国大陆正值新旧交替之时,改革开放不久,西方的资本主义价值观冲击着中国传统的社会主义价值观。 《茧》讲的是这样的背景下一个中国二线城市小家庭的故事。十一岁的小女孩青青正值从童年过渡到青春期的懵懂和困惑期。家庭生活中,她和妈妈相依为命,爸爸常年在深圳经商。青青发现妈妈和一个阿姨交往甚密,引来了邻居的闲言碎语。爸爸出差回来,试图和妈妈调解情感,但两人关系并未升温。青青跟踪妈妈,妈妈和阿姨之间过于亲密的举动使她更加困惑。在学校,青青和小伙伴的交流带有青春探索的意味,跌跌撞撞,引来一路笑料……
A youth romance about two men and woman who aren't blood related but treated each other as family during their teens and how they meet again after 10 years.
Since high school, Sang Zhi has had a crush on Duan Jiaxu. When fate brings them together again, they find a chance to embark on a sweet relationship.
A spirit of a middle school dropout gangster who accidentally possesses an 18-year-old boy’s body who killed himself, goes back to high school to take a revenge against the bullies with his gangster skills and encounters unexpected relationship.
Every last Thursday of the month at an all-girls high school, the students of Class 2–5 cast their votes in a popularity poll. The results classify them into Grades A, B, C, D, and F. If they fall into Grade F, they become legitimate victims of school violence.
The story took place 20 years before the story of "Youth Song Xing". Baili Dongjun, who later became the number one in the world, was still the only grandson of thousands of people in Zhenxihou's mansion. Although he has a father who is outstanding in kung fu and a mother who is the daughter of the head of the Wen family, he is not good at martial arts and prefers wine. After ten years, he will be able to brew the best wine. In the end, he stole a title deed from his home and traveled hundreds of miles to open a wine shop in Chaisang City. But a long street is already full of evil stars. Only he is really a serious winemaker...
Mare is an elementary school student. She lives with her family in the city, but, right before her father goes bankrupt, they run away and settle down at a fishing village in Noto. The family rents a couple's home who run a salt pond. Mare's father starts a new business, but it also fails. Her mother supports the family by working at the salt pond. 8 years later, Mare, about to graduate from high school, decides to work for the Wajima local government. She wants to have a steady job, unlike her father. Her job is to support people who move to Noto.
Yeon Shi-eun is a model student, who ranks at the top at his school. Physically, he appears like a weak boy, but, by using his smarts, tools, and psychology, he fights against violence that takes place inside and outside of his school.
Six dedicated students at Kirin Art High School work to achieve their dreams of becoming stars in the Korean music industry.
With graduation looming, university student Cheng Xin is convinced her graduation ceremony would be the perfect time to propose to her boyfriend, Zheng Qian. Mustering up the courage to do just that, Cheng Xin proposes but in an unexpected move, Zheng Qian rejects her. Feeling that he hasn’t made any real accomplishments in his life or career, Zheng Qian doesn’t think the time is right to even consider marriage. Understanding where Zheng Qian is coming from, Cheng Xin offers to help him get a job at her family’s company, but Zheng Qian's pride refuses to allow him to accept. Rejected a second time, Cheng Xin has no choice but to sit back and watch as Zheng Qian struggles to find a job. Just another face, lost in the overwhelming swarm of new graduates clamoring for a job, Zheng Qian can’t seem to catch a break. Hating to see her love suffer, Cheng Xin works behind the scenes, setting up an opportunity that’s guaranteed to land Zheng Qian an ideal job.
A surgeon suddenly returns to eighteen years ago and meets his classmate Han Fei, and helps her put down her guard and untie the knot in her heart.
Media student Bu Xiao Gu has a dream: she is determined to become an outstanding producer. Her idol is Chun Yu Qiao, who is a top-notch producer at Xintian production company, and Xiao Gu manages to enter the company as an intern. But Yu Qiao’s unreasonable personality makes Xiao Gu feel great disappointment. With her hopes shattered, Xiao Gu is asleep at the wheel and not only causes a live broadcast accident which makes her lose her job, but also misses the deadline for her master thesis. However, Yu Qiao takes on the sole responsibility for the accident and thus saves Xiao Gu’s career. Xiao Gu finally recognizes Yu Qiao’s true personality and the two start to work and fight for their dreams together.
With different personalities, life goals and taste in men, five female college students become housemates in a shared residence called Belle Epoque.
O'PENing is the new name of Drama Stage which has been broadcasting the winning work of the O'PEN storyteller contest. The franchise will continue to make meaningful steps to introduce and support new writers to see the light of the world and diversify content genres.
Set at a famous high school for the super-wealthy, this is a puppy love story centered on Tsukushi Makino, a poor girl, and the F4 gang of rich kids headed by the rough and fearless Prince Charming, Tsukasa Domyoji.
A group of young adults share their last week of teens and first week of twenties together — experiencing freedom and all the “firsts” of adulthood.
Four young teenage boys share a common vision and passion for music. They come together overlapping their own personalities and ideas. In the process, they encounter a lot of difficulties as any youth might have. The story is unfolded as the band grows up. Academic, personal conflicts, family, friendship and emotional problems are all intertwined. With the help of teachers, students, and friends they try to achieve their dreams.
Tao Xiao Ting and Tao Xiao Di are twin sisters who have come to the big city to strive hard for a better living. Xiao Ting has always been persistent and hardworking, but her older sister Xiao Di wishes to take shortcut using her beauty. From then on, they lead two different lives. Business prodigy Lian Sheng has been commissioned to return home to China to solve the crisis involving Ounuo department store's impending acquisition. It leads to a meeting with Tao Xiao Ting although they immediately get on the wrong foot. Meanwhile, Xiao Di has set her sights on Ounuo's young boss Chou Ying Shu. Liang Sheng witnesses Xiao Ting's resilient spirit in overcoming adversities and his attitude towards her evolves from distrust, contempt and teasing to a sincere appreciation, attraction and love. Under the influence of Xiao Ting, Xiao Di grew to understand that the world does not revolve around superficial appearances.
Ren Xinzheng, a professor at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is dedicated to spreading Chinese medicine. He resigned to set up a traditional Chinese medicine inheritance class, hoping to train successors who can truly pass on the way of Chinese medicine. Unscrupulous Sun Toutou also accidentally joined the mentoring class, and he was at odds with Ren Xinzheng's son Ren Tianzhen, Yang Xiaohong, who had changed his career as a lawyer, Peng Shiyan, a pediatrician at a tertiary hospital, and Zhao Liquan, who wanted to become a famous doctor with the expectation of the whole village, and other students were also incompatible.
A story set in the Tang Dynasty revolving around Luo Qiuchi, who aspires to be a great poet. He entered the Zhu Xiu Academy to further his studies, where he meets the number one student there, Fu Yuanzhi. The two have different poetry styles, but in the end Luo Qiuzi managed to defeat Fu Yuanzhi in a competition with the "Flying Flowers Order" poem. Thus, he was able to lead the other students with a more "simple" poetry style. Through a series of events, Luo Qiuchi and the rest of the students were able to mature. They emerged victorious in the academic exchange between the students of An Nan and Da Tang kingdom. In the end, Luo Qiuchi emerged as the top scholar in the national entrance examinations, thus contributing to the country.
A coming-of-age story of a group of youths. Xia Xiaoju transfers to a new school just before the high school entrance examinations, and there she forge a friendship with a bunch of classmates. After entering university, Xia Xiaoju begins to fall in love with Cheng Lang, but finds out that Chen Lang likes her close friend Lin You, while Lin You has a crush on Yuan Ancheng. Meanwhile, Xiaoju does not notice that her protector and guardian Lu Shiyi has fallen for her.