海贼王:红发歌姬 2022
令全世界为之疯狂的歌姬·乌塔。 她的身世成谜,歌声却被誉为“来自别的次元”。 而这次,她将举办演唱会并第一次露出庐山真面目。为了欣赏她的歌声,路飞率领的草帽一伙,以及各路海盗、海军、世界各地的歌迷都汇聚在会场之中。 全世界备受瞩目的歌声即将在此回荡。 而故事就在UTA是“杰克斯的女儿”这一令人震惊的发现中拉开帷幕!
令全世界为之疯狂的歌姬·乌塔。 她的身世成谜,歌声却被誉为“来自别的次元”。 而这次,她将举办演唱会并第一次露出庐山真面目。为了欣赏她的歌声,路飞率领的草帽一伙,以及各路海盗、海军、世界各地的歌迷都汇聚在会场之中。 全世界备受瞩目的歌声即将在此回荡。 而故事就在UTA是“杰克斯的女儿”这一令人震惊的发现中拉开帷幕!
影片围绕住在高知小村庄的17岁高中女生阿铃展开,阿铃的妈妈在其小时候就因交通事故过世,阿铃就一直和父亲在一起生活。小时候和妈妈一起唱歌是阿铃最喜欢的事情,但自从妈妈过世后,她却无法继续唱歌唱了。阿铃与父亲间也逐渐产生隔阂,整个人的生活完全进入封闭世界。 这样的情况下,创作歌曲成为阿铃生活唯一的动力。一次偶然机会,她以“贝尔”的身份进入全世界拥有超50亿用户的网络世界“U”。在“U”的世界里,阿铃尽情歌唱,并很快成为“U”里的人气明星。与此同时,充满谜团的龙出现在了阿铃面前。
在学园都市制作的宇宙升降机“恩底弥翁”完成在即的某一天,上条当麻和茵蒂克丝与一位无能力者(Lv0)少女鸣护艾丽莎相遇了。 茵蒂克丝与艾丽莎两人因为“旺盛的食欲”这样谜一般的羁绊而意气相合起来,就在三人享受放学后的愉快时光之时,带着魔术师的史提尔突然发动了袭击。而本次袭击的目标正是艾丽莎。为何身为科学世界的艾丽莎会被魔法世界的人追击?因为受到了魔法世界的强烈攻势,学园都市一侧的莎特奥拉率领着秩序维护部队开始了行动。 上条与茵蒂克丝还有艾丽莎他们因被卷入这样的状况而极度混乱迷茫,史提尔对他们这样说道:“那里的她,将会引发魔法世界跟科学世界之间的战争。” 在科学与魔术魔法交汇之时,以“恩底弥翁”为舞台的故事开始了!
西历2059年,银河移民船队“超时空要塞F”正航行在宇宙群星之中。船队中的平民少年早乙女阿尔特一直梦想能成为飞行员。 银河中最红的歌姬谢莉尔•诺姆即将来超时空要塞F开巡回演唱会。十分崇拜的谢莉尔少女兰卡•李拉着阿尔特一起去看演唱会。谁料船队突然遭到重机甲生物巴究拉的袭击,危机时刻,为了守护少女们,阿尔特坐进了最新型变形战斗机VF-25……
自从本乡猛(黄川田将也 饰)和一文字隼人(高野八诚 饰)背叛修卡的两年后,他们二人各自过着不同的生活。本乡在一所高中任教,时不时遭到学生的戏耍。一文字则整日整夜在夜店俱乐部花天酒地,以排遣修卡所带给他的痛苦和恐惧。与此同时,社会上接二连三发生离奇死亡事件,谣传他们死之前都听过偶像歌手Chiharu的诅咒歌曲。本乡的学生琴美近期恰好因此事而烦恼,他在家访过程中,意外遭遇一群修卡最新制造出来的假面骑士改造人。针对这两名背叛者,修卡展开了全面的围捕,而本乡和一文字必须携手挫败修卡的阴谋…… 本片根据石之森章太郎的经典漫画原作改编。
就读于城州东高中一年级的学生东优羽为了实现「一定要成为偶像」的梦想,制定了「从东西南北各地招募美少女,组成偶像团体」的计划。在寻找成员的过程中,优羽遇到了三位各具特色的美少女:圣南特尼里塔斯女学院二年级、憧憬蝴蝶夫人的「纵卷发女孩」——华鸟兰子;西工业技术高等专科学校二年级、立志在机器人大赛中夺冠的「长袖女孩」——大河琉璃;以及城州北高中一年级、热衷于志愿活动的「善行女孩」——龟井美嘉。 优羽集结了这些作为计划拼图的美少女们,通过协助琉璃的机器人大赛活动、校园文化祭、志愿导览等活动,逐渐巩固了「东西南北」四人的团结。随着电视节目出演的机会来临,「东西南北」的偶像出道计划正式启动。然而在追逐梦想的过程中,矛盾逐渐浮现并扩大,优羽也将面临「一个重大问题」……。
Kazuya 是一位 16 岁的当红偶像歌手,拥有大量女粉丝。除了排练或签名外,他还和他的朋友 Akihiko 一起玩电子游戏。明彦对和也的暴力多于甜蜜,但尽管他们可能会发生许多争吵,但他还是保护他。明彦后来向和也表白了他的爱。
超级歌星南条晃司总会回忆起小学五年级时遇见的一个男孩,他长着一双清澈、锐利的眼睛。 某日,酒后烂醉如泥并发着高烧的南条晃司被一个拥有清澈、锐利双眼的少年“捡”回家。当他醒后了解到少年的情况后,才意外地发现这位名叫泉拓人的少年竟然就是当年被他误认为是女孩子的“初恋对象”。遭受打击的南条晃司只好隐瞒了对泉的感情,并且希望自己能成为泉的好朋友。但是,不知为何,泉却总是拒人于千里之外。 一天,泉因病住院,前去探病的晃司发现自己对泉依然爱慕。为了使自己冷静下来,晃司只好将目标转向泉的妹妹——芹香。因为晃司与泉兄妹的频繁接触,使各界媒体大感兴趣,并揭发出泉的灰暗的童年。使泉开始讨厌并且想摆脱晃司,但晃司却依然被他的魅力吸引,还为了保护泉被卡车撞成左肩骨折。晃司为了能得到泉的友谊,转入他的学校。但是,因为晃司的暴力行为(侵犯未遂)使两人从中都留下伤痕,泉为了逃避晃司,开始与女孩子交往。在他们面前,晃司勇敢的向泉表白了自己的心意:“如果是我,无论他是男人或女人,猫狗也好,植物也好,机器也好,我一定都会把它找出来,然后绝对会……爱上他。我爱他到这种程度,求求你不要把他从我身边抢走。”含着眼泪说出发自肺腑之言的晃司感动了女孩,并且也融化了泉内心中那层坚实的“冰壁”……
故事讲述了西历2067年,在人类会失去自我并泼辣化的怪病——"狂暴化症候群"蔓延的银河边境之地。 而作为对抗手段而结成的战术音乐组合「WALKÜRE」为了以歌声平定"狂暴化症候群"——她们在星球间奔走、展开着现场演唱会活动。 另一方,同时,被称为「空中骑士团」的「风之王国」所属瓦尔基里部队开始了举动——。 围绕着史前文化遗产之谜,超越星系的热烈团队协作与爱情故事拉开了帷幕。
在留学生艾拉回国后不久,同好会收到了学园偶像GPX(Grand Prix,大奖赛)的邀请函。 该活动不是以学校整体,而是以个人为单位来报名,通过直播APP进行演出比赛,来决定「当下最值得支持的学园偶像」。 为了参加这次活动,步梦、霞、雫、彼方、艾玛、岚珠启程前往比赛会场其一,冲绳。 迎着冲绳温和的阳光和丰富的自然风光,全国各地的学园偶像们齐聚一堂,正在进行最棒的演出,同好会也将在此时有新的相遇。 另一方面,步梦似乎对与伙伴们展开竞争拼个输赢有一种复杂的感觉――。 在追逐各自梦想的少女们前进的道路上,等待她们的会是什么呢――?
Akira Kiyose, a high schooler who loves to sing, gets recruited by a talent agency called sMiLea Production. Akira learns that the legendary idols “Anela”, who shocked the world with their sudden retirement, are behind the agency developing talent. Together with Banri Naoe and Chihiro Isuzugawa, also recruited by the agency, they form an idol group as they chase their dream towards super stardom alongside other idol groups “LEGIT” and “JAXX/JAXX”.
Laala Manaka is a 5th-grader at Paprika Academy. Like most girls, she admires the world of PriPara, a sport that tests idol girls on song, dance, and fashion. Unfortunately for her, her school does not allow elementary school students to participate in PriPara. However, through miraculous circumstances, Laala passes the audition to become a PriPara idol.
The main characters, Himari Aozora and Mitsuki Hoshikawa, enter Paradise Private Academy. Himari, who aspires for AIPRI, dreams of making 10,000 friends! But for the shy and anxious Himari, it might be a bit difficult... Himari unexpectedly makes her AIPRI debut!? She has a "secret" she can't even tell her best friend, Mitsuki! But it seems that Mitsuki has a "secret" of her own... Secret-bearers Himari and Mitsuki's AIPRI begins!!
PriChan is a channel where anyone can become an idol! Every girl dreams about producing her own sparkling, exciting channel and becoming a popular PriChan Idol! First-years at Kirarigaoka Middle School, Momoyama Mirai and Moegi Emo, end up making their own PriChan debut out of a feeling of rivalry towards their classmate, the PriChan Idol Akagi Anna. Bringing the knowledgeable straight-A student Aoba Rinka into their group, they begin to craft their new channel while dreaming about becoming PriChan Idols!
Dr. Goro is reborn as the son of the young starlet Ai Hoshino after her delusional stalker murders him. Now, he wants to help his new mother rise to the top, but what can a child do about the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry?
Amachan is the 88th 2013 NHK asadora written by Kankuro Kudo (Tiger and Dragon, Unobore Deka). It's about Amano Aki (Nounen Rena), a 16 year old girl from Tokyo who goes to her mother's former home in Sodegahama, a fishing village in Kitasanriku, Iwate prefecture for the summer break. She falls in love with the sea and its people, and decides to stay on to become an Ama (women divers who fetch clams and sea urchins for tourists) just like her grandmother, Natsu (Miyamoto Nobuko). Her decision is welcomed wholeheartedly by Natsu and the other locals. However, her mother Haruko (Koizumi Kyoko) does not like the idea at first. She has a strained relationship with Natsu, and her extreme dislike of the sea, diving and the countryside is one of the reasons why she left her hometown 24 years ago. Eventually, she decides to stay in Sodegahama with Aki, considering that she is contemplating on getting a divorce anyway and does not want to go back to her husband in Tokyo. She also notices that it might be good for Aki for she seems livelier and happier in Kitasanriku than in Tokyo. The road towards becoming a full-fledged Ama-san is tough for Aki as she encounters tests and hurdles. One day, a video of her as an Ama gets uploaded in the city's tourism website, transforming an ordinary high school girl into an overnight Internet sensation. Suddenly she is called upon to use this opportunity to attract tourists to a city suffering from depopulation.
Right after Ryu Sun-jae, a top star, ends his life, Im Sol, his top fan, somehow ends up at a time when they were in high school and tries to protect him. A fantasy romance unfolds where people who missed each other in time finally meet.
A college student navigates life and school while dealing with a unique predicament — he's living with a beautiful former K-pop sensation.
In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.
A typical morning. The usual music. Their normal lives. The peace these seven girls experience will suddenly be destroyed. By the living dead... zombies. A reality that they never wanted a part of, an amazing and terrifying zombie world. They all share one wish: "We want to live." These girls will struggle through this saga, in order to achieve a miracle.
Middle school student Uta Sakura loves to sing any chance she gets. But music becomes more than a hobby when she meets Purirun, a fairy whose hometown has plunged into darkness. The Chokkiri Gang took over her land and began stealing her people's sparkle. Determined to help, Uta is transformed into the legendary protector Cure Idol and vows to return their sparkle through song.
Otonokizaka High School is planning to close within three years. However, nine female students come together with one thing in mind—form a pop idol group to revive the school’s popularity and keep it from shutting down. 'In order to protect our beloved school, there’s only one thing we can do...become pop stars!'
Ichigo Hoshimiya is a regular, ordinary middle school girl. But when her best friend Aoi invites her to join the idol training academy, Starlight Academy, her whole world is turned upside down. As she encounters all kinds of rivals and learns what it takes to be an idol, she uses her Aikatsu Cards to challenge countless auditions.
Media student Bu Xiao Gu has a dream: she is determined to become an outstanding producer. Her idol is Chun Yu Qiao, who is a top-notch producer at Xintian production company, and Xiao Gu manages to enter the company as an intern. But Yu Qiao’s unreasonable personality makes Xiao Gu feel great disappointment. With her hopes shattered, Xiao Gu is asleep at the wheel and not only causes a live broadcast accident which makes her lose her job, but also misses the deadline for her master thesis. However, Yu Qiao takes on the sole responsibility for the accident and thus saves Xiao Gu’s career. Xiao Gu finally recognizes Yu Qiao’s true personality and the two start to work and fight for their dreams together.
107 years ago, the Moon was destroyed in a massive cataclysm that shattered Earth's former satellite into 81 quintillion tons of orbital debris. However, thanks to super-science, the Earth itself was saved and today no one really thinks much about that century-past disaster. Which is why when teenage Haruka Amami auditions for something called the Idolmaster Project, she THINKS she's trying out to be a singing idol. Instead, Haruka finds herself at a secret school run by the Mondenkind Agency, living with a group of other girls who have also been selected as candidates to pilot an iDOL - an advanced robot specifically designed to intercept falling chunks of moon rock. Except, the people who run the Mondenkind Agency aren't exactly knights in shining armor. And then there's the question of whether the iDOLs are really JUST robots. Because from almost the first moment, Haruka starts to feel emotions resonating from within the iDOL called Imber.
After a mysterious spaceship crashes on Earth a fleet of spaceships belonging to a race of aliens known as the Zentradi descend upon Earth sparking an intergalactic war.
Tough gangland retribution takes a disturbingly bright, shiny turn in this insanely guilty pleasure about 3 yakuzas who, as repayment for their failures, must undergo major surgery and become … a hot female idol trio! So what happens when they become the next big pop sensation!?
A group of 3 yakuza failed their boss for the last time. After messing up an important job, the boss gave them 2 choices: honorably commit suicide, or go to Thailand to get a sex reassignment surgery in order to become "female" idols. After a gruesome year training to become idols, they successfully debut, with overwhelming popularity, much to their dismay. This is where their tragedy truly begins.
Uranohoshi Girls’ High School, a private school in the seaside neighborhood of Uchiura at Numazu city, Shizuoka prefecture. A small high school in a corner of Suruga Bay, it is home to nine teens, led by second-year student Chika Takami, driven by one seriously big dream: To become the next generation of bright, sparkling “school idols”! As long as we don’t give up, any dream can come true... All we have to do now is keep pushing hard for fame and glory! Now their “School Idol Project” begins to make their dreams come true!