夺命微笑2 2024
影片改编自畅销全球的现象级小说。莉莉·布鲁姆(布蕾克·莱弗利 饰)邂逅了帅气多金的神经外科医生莱尔·金凯德(贾斯汀·贝尔杜尼 饰),他们一见钟情,彼此沉迷,灵魂与身体的无比契合让他们迅速走进了婚姻。然而,深爱莱尔的莉莉,为何选择离开?到底是什么打破了他们的幸福?
在目睹了一个病人的离奇、创伤事件后,Rose Cotter医生开始经历她无法解释的可怕事件。当一种压倒性的恐惧开始接管她的生活,罗斯必须面对她的麻烦的过去,以生存和逃离她的恐怖的新现实。
在万圣节前夜,杀人狂迈克尔·麦尔斯逃走了,开始前往伊利诺伊州的哈登菲尔德,这是他最原始的屠杀地。一直负责治疗迈克尔·麦尔斯的精神病专家兰比尔·萨坦博士,警长弗兰克·霍金斯在疯狂寻找迈克尔·麦尔斯的下落,后者继续着他的残杀,并无情地接近着上次屠杀中唯一的幸存者劳瑞。劳瑞死里逃生所带来的创伤与压力,使她在精神上伤痕累累并开始疑神疑鬼,这也导致女儿凯伦与她渐渐疏远 。
故事发生在一座机场,海关检查人员发现了一个鼻青脸肿的年轻人。年轻人声称自己是十年前失踪的孩子Adrien Legrand。对于他的父亲文森特来说,这标志着漫长噩梦的终结,终于把儿子带回了家。与此同时,一系列可怕谋杀案的发生对该地区构成了巨大压力,而汽车展厅里的模特Alexia却具有目标受害者的所有特征。
该片为2021年电影《月光光心慌慌:杀戮》的续集、“月光光心慌慌”系列的第十三部作品,同时也是《月光光新慌慌》三部曲的最后一部电影。距离上次恐怖事件四年后,洛莉(杰米·李·柯蒂斯 饰)和她的外孙女爱丽森(安迪·马蒂切克 饰)住在一起,并且正在完成她的回忆录。杀人魔麦克迈尔斯自从上次大开杀戒之后就消失无踪,而洛莉这几十年来一直活在麦克·迈尔斯的恐怖阴影下,她受到的心理创伤以及报复心态也左右了她的人生,但是她决定放下长久以来的恐惧和愤怒,终于学会拥抱人生、享受生活。但是当一名年轻男子柯瑞·康宁汉(罗汉·坎贝尔 饰)遭到指控杀害他当保姆的一名男童时,就引发了一连串的暴力和恐怖事件,迫使洛莉和她无法掌控的邪恶力量展开一场终极大战,试图永远消灭麦克·迈尔斯这个恶灵。
本片在澳大利亚80年代初才被允许放映。 电影取材自50年代连续杀人魔Ed Gein的真实事件。 几个年轻人——Erin(杰西卡·贝尔饰) 、Morgan (乔纳森·塔克饰)、Pepper(艾丽卡·里尔森饰)、Andy(迈克·沃格尔饰)和Kemper(艾里克·巴弗尔饰),驾驶旅行车驶入荒漠中的德州特拉维斯镇,前出去参加一个音乐节。途中,现了一个满身伤痕、丧魂落魄的女孩。女孩上车后惊魂未定,喃喃自语,突然,她从裙子里掏出一把左轮手枪,吞枪自杀了。几个年轻人吓的半死,随后他们决定带着尸体,到最近的小镇找当地警长报案。小镇被一股神秘、恐怖的氛围所笼罩,仿佛有一双眼睛始终在窥视着他们的一举一动。Erin和Kemper去一个老头家借电话,打电话给警长,在Erin打电话时,Kemper不见了。同时,留在汽车上的另外三人遇到了警长,警长行为古怪,带走了尸体和手枪。Erin回到车上找Andy帮忙寻找Kemper,再次来到老人家的时候,奇怪的事发生了,正当两人想要离开时,电锯声骤然而起,他们最后的噩梦随之降临。
Justine Juel Gillmer(《地球百子》《荒原》)编写剧本,基于哈夫特之子Alan Scott Haft写作的书籍《Harry Haft: Survivor Of Auschwitz, Challenger Of Rocky Marciano》,讲述一个男人在奥斯维辛集中营被迫与狱友进行残酷的角斗,胜利意味着能活着等待另一天的考验,而他击败的76名对手则走上了死亡之路。哈夫特承担了沉重的内疚之情,他尝试通过参加二战后备受瞩目的拳击大赛、与洛基·马西安诺等传奇人物比赛而重新找到活下去的理由,并希望能找到他在战争前爱上的那个女子,她激励了他在纳粹手中活下去的斗志。
基于Angela Thomas所著同名小说,聚焦种族问题和警察暴行。 16岁黑人女主角Starr Carter某天晚上去参加派对,遇到了儿时最好的朋友Khalil,派对之后后者载她回家,两人在路上被一个警察拦下,Khalil被迫下车,随后警察朝徒手的Khalil开枪。此事很快成为全国头条,Khalil被描述为“暴徒、毒贩”,而警察似乎并没有多大兴趣展开调查。 一群抗议者走上街头,将Starr居住的街区变为了战区,大家都尝试弄清楚到底发生了什么,而唯一知道真相的只有Starr,她做了很多采访试图还Khalil清白,她说的话将决定警察是进监狱还是被宣告无罪。
深夜的穆赫兰道发生一桩车祸,女子丽塔(劳拉·赫利 Laura Harring 饰)在车祸中失了忆。她跌跌撞撞来到一个公寓里藏身。 一名男子说他常常梦见一个叫云奇的地方,那里有个恶魔盯着他。于是就来到云奇,果真见到墙后有怪物出现,男子当场晕死。另有一名杀手杀死了他面前 的男人,然而蹩脚的他却惹来了不少一连串的麻烦。故事回到一个刚到好莱坞“寻梦”的女子贝蒂(娜奥米·沃茨 Naomi Watts 饰),她的姨父姨母在电影圈有广泛人缘,让贝蒂的发展如虎添翼,试镜大受好评。同时,她所住的公寓,正好是丽塔藏身之地。贝蒂收留了丽塔,二人感情融洽。面对记不起自己是谁的丽塔,贝蒂决定帮助她寻找回自己的记忆。 一名导演想自己决定新戏的女主角,却被他人强行安排人选。工作不顺意的他还发现妻子和清洁工睡在一起。这些看似松散的事件,就像一个迷宫,引向一个让人猜不透的世界……
故事发生在位于伊利诺斯州的哈登菲尔德小镇。臭名昭著的杀人狂迈克尔(泰勒·梅恩 Tyler Mane 饰)终于倒在了少女劳利(丝柯·泰勒-考普顿 Scout Taylor-Compton 饰)的枪下,然而之后他的尸体却神秘的消失了,与此同时,在医院里,出现了一个身份诡异而又神秘的病人,又一场血腥的杀戮即将拉开序幕。 幸运的劳利再一次的从迈克尔的屠刀下死里逃生,可是,巨大的阴影始终笼罩在她的周围,因为她知道,迈克尔一天不死,就总会再度回到她的身边。一晃眼一年过去,万圣节又要来了,与此同时将要举办的,是死难者的纪念会。劳利能够感觉到,一双熟悉的眼睛正在默默的注视着她。
整部影片用倒带一样的叙述方式,不断往前追溯,令人感到宿命的不可逃避。爱里克斯亮丽性感,独自行走在城市的地下道,却被酒醉的歹徒盯上。歹徒残忍的对她强暴施虐,让她美丽的脸庞变得血肉模糊。于是, 她的服了摇头丸的男友马尔克什,带着朋友闯进各式各样的酒吧,寻找凶手报仇。他们意识接近失控,举起灭火筒猛砸疑凶脑袋。然而,就在这些血腥的事件之前,爱里克斯和男友过着幸福生活,他们感情甜腻,爱里克斯腹中还有了男友的孩子。然而,在接下来的12个小时里,所有的线索,都不可撤消的把爱里克斯引向了那个噩梦般的深渊。
查理(罗根·勒曼 Logan Lerman 饰)是个害羞和孤独的高中新生,拥有超越年龄的敏感和泪腺,总是默默观察身边的家人和朋友,是个典型的「壁花少年」。他的青春期充满各种挫折,先后经历了阿姨为给他买生日礼物去世、最好朋友自杀、受同学排挤欺负、单恋没有回应等各种事情。然而查理还不是最惨的,因为和他一样被生活逼入墙角罚站的人实在太多。他幸运的拥有一个开明的老师和两个高年级的好友:叛逆娇俏的少女珊(艾玛·沃森 Emma Watson 饰)和自信满满的同志男生帕特里克(埃兹拉·米勒 Ezra Miller 饰),他们让查理明白了有时候不能永远旁观,必须要参与进来才能拥有属于自己的精彩。
Follows the personal and professional lives of a group of doctors at Seattle’s Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.
Natsuki Subaru, an ordinary high school student, is on his way home from the convenience store when he finds himself transported to another world. As he's lost and confused in a new world where he doesn't even know left from right, the only person to reach out to him was a beautiful girl with silver hair. Determined to repay her somehow for saving him from his own despair, Subaru agrees to help the girl find something she's looking for.
As humans turn into savage monsters and the world plunges into terror, a handful of survivors fight for their lives — and to hold on to their humanity.
Dr. Goro is reborn as the son of the young starlet Ai Hoshino after her delusional stalker murders him. Now, he wants to help his new mother rise to the top, but what can a child do about the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry?
An eccentric, triple board-certified virtuoso surgeon leaves a top job in Seoul and ends up at a provincial hospital, where he mentors young doctors.
After moving into the quiet town of Hinamizawa, Maebara Keiichi spends his days blissfully in school often playing games with his local friends. However, appearances can be deceiving. One fateful day, Keiichi stumbles upon news of a murder that had occurred in Hinamizawa. From this point on, horrific events unfold in front of Keiichi, as he soon learns his close friends may not be all that they seem.
A shy university student in Tokyo, Karen Kohiruimaki stands in stark contrast to her in-game avatar—in fact, she happens to stand above everyone else too, much to her dismay. Towering above all the people around her, Karen's insecurities over her height reach the point where she turns to the virtual world for an escape. Starting game after game in hopes of manifesting as a cute, short character, she finally obtains her ideal self in the world of Gun Gale Online. Overjoyed by her new persona, she pours her time into the game as LLENN, garnering her reputation as the legendary player killer. However, when one of LLENN's targets gets the best of her, she ends up meeting Pitohui, a skilled yet eccentric woman. Pitohui insists that LLENN participates in Squad Jam, a battle royale. Thrust into the heated competition, LLENN must fight with all her wit and will if she hopes to shoot her way to the top.
Kousei Arima was a genius pianist until his mother's sudden death took away his ability to play. Each day was dull for Kousei. But, then he meets a violinist named Kaori Miyazono who has an eccentric playing style. Can the heartfelt sounds of the girl's violin lead the boy to play the piano again?
When a struggling comedian shows one act of kindness to a vulnerable woman, it sparks a suffocating obsession which threatens to wreck both their lives.
Lee Young-Joon's family runs a large company and he works as the vice-president of the company. He is smart, rich and handsome, but he is arrogant. His secretary is Kim Mi-So. She has worked for him for years and she is perfect for him, but Kim Mi-So decides to quit her job.
Cha Yo-Han—an arrogant but genius doctor of anesthesiology—and Kang Shi-Young—a smart, warm resident of anesthesiology—work together to help people with mysterious cases of acute or chronic pain.
Go Dok Mi doesn't spend all day dreaming about her knight in shining armor — she’s too busy spying on her neighbors who all happen to be hot, "flower-boy" types, including cartoon artist Oh Jin Rak. But when Enrique Geum, the new pretty boy next door, catches her, Dok Mi is finally forced to face the consequences - without the safety of binoculars and curtains. Will he be able to convince this “urban Rapunzel” to let her hair down? Whether you’re a lover or a fighter, this sensitive man will captivate your sensibilities.
Based on a novel of the same name, it tells the record of a royal court romance between the King of Joseon who believes his duty is to his country first above love, and a court lady who wants to protect the life she has chosen.
A star reporter, a second-rate journalist and a man by the code name "Healer" are brought together by a long-buried incident that hides dark truths.
Ban Ji-eum can endlessly reincarnate. But when her 18th life gets cut short, she dedicates the next one to finding her now grown-up childhood love.
Keisuke Niijima has lived in grief since his wife, Takae, passed away 10 years ago. But when a young girl visits, claiming to be Takae reincarnated, Keisuke and his daughter, Mai, are drawn into a miraculous reunion. As the girl reveals intimate details only they could know, the Niijima family slowly begins to heal, rediscovering love and warmth in the most unexpected way.
When her family becomes suddenly homeless, Woojoo decides on revenge for all the injustices she has been put through. However, her supposed foe, Dongjin, is a heart-wrenchingly lonely and gentle soul.
Cha Dohyeon is a rich heir to a family company with one major problem. Due to suppressed childhood trauma, he suffers from dissociative identity disorder manifested in seven unique personalities who are out of his control. In order to overcome this disorder in secret, he hires a first-year medical resident to help him heal by killing off each personality one by one.
The Alzano Imperial Magic Academy is located in the southern part of the Alzano Empire and is among most prominent magic schools in the world, where students can learn the highest forms of magic. All those who strive to learn magic dream of studying at this academy, and its students as well as its teachers are proud to be a part of its 400-year history. Glenn Radars is a new instructor who has suddenly been appointed to teach part-time at this highly respected academy. The previously unheard-of lessons of this man known as a good-for-nothing bastard are about to begin.
A deep connection forms between a news anchor who remembers every moment he's ever lived and an actress who's lost the memories of her past.