世外桃源 2024
15岁的高中生米亚(安妮•海瑟薇 饰)与母亲生活在美国,但她十分不自信,也常常遭到同学的嘲笑。就在她16岁生日那天,她与祖母(茱莉•安德鲁 饰)见面后发现这个优雅的女士是欧洲小国吉诺维亚的女王,米亚正是这个国度的公主。刚开始米亚十分不愿,在母亲的调解下米亚的态度才有所缓和。 为了可以顺利继承王位,女王不得不对孙女进行一系列的改变,令平时生活便不拘小节的米亚十分困扰,甚至跟好朋友之间也发生了冲突。米亚的身份被好事的同学揭露了,她一下子受到了媒体的高度关注。突如其来的一切让米亚想逃避一切,幸好在父亲的日记里,她重拾了自信。米亚成为了公主,也找到了自己想要的爱情。
马丁20 年前曾因用电脑盗款而受到通缉,后来他改邪归正,隐姓埋名,与另外四个电脑迷成立了一个电脑公司。一天,两个国安局人员聘请马丁帮他们盗取电脑解码专家高达新近研制的一个黑盒子。他们怀疑这黑盒子是用来进行间谍活动的。马丁被迫下只得接受了任务,潜入窃取了黑盒。原来这是一个万能解码器电影下载。有了它,世界上根本没有任何秘密了。这一发现,使曾在中央情报局工作过的黑人里巴斯大惊失色。经验知道,对于这样一个黑盒的持有者,任何政府都会格杀。因此,五人如临大敌,做好了一切准备。第二天,马丁刚交出黑盒,便看到报上看到高达被谋杀的消息。可是里巴斯后来发现,高达本来就是受国安局之命进行黑盒研究的。显然,马丁的雇主并非国安局,马丁首先想到外国间谍……
米其林餐厅如日中天的当红大厨亚当·琼斯(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)因浪荡度日,毁了前程。然而受挫的他深信天分并未衰减,于是毅然回到伦敦,卷土重来,找来一群年轻厨师,开一家史无前例的超级餐厅重振雄风。
海滩边,巨浪滔天,英武的骑士布洛克(Max von Sydow 饰)与黑衣死神(Bengt Ekerot 饰)摆下了一盘生死棋局。在下棋的过程中,骑士在回顾自己的人生,所见所闻暗合圣经的图景。十四世纪十字军东征后期,欧洲大陆瘟疫蔓延,民不聊生。布洛克曾遇到过马戏团的一对夫妻,丈夫笃信神明,无比虔诚,妻子则更加现实,唯命是从。他们的相濡以沫让幸福唾手可得。骑士在树林中邂逅了铁匠夫妇。铁匠非常粗鲁,他的妻子很是风骚,他们在树林里对着路人演出双簧,仿佛一对可笑的傀儡。最后,在经历过集体膜拜的祭奠仪式后,武士和他的朋友们再次遇到了死神,曾经的无助与恐惧,愤怒与怀疑,都化作了人生的诘问……本片获第10届戛纳电影节评委会大奖。
迪芬(凯瑟琳·德纳芙 Catherine Deneuve 饰)和苏兰(弗朗索瓦·朵列 Françoise Dorléac 饰)是相依为命的两姐妹,她们一个红发,一个金发,一个擅长曼妙的舞蹈,一个拥有天籁的歌喉。夏日嘉年华将近,在逐渐热烈的气氛中,迪芬和苏兰也在嘉年华中有着各自的任务。 画商吉列姆(Jacques Riberolles 饰)钦慕于迪芬的美貌,无奈迪芬早已经芳心暗许给了替她画像的年轻画家麦桑思(雅克·贝汉 Jacques Perrin 饰),与此同时,苏兰遇见了名为米勒(吉恩·凯利 Gene Kelly 饰)的年轻人,两人心心相惜两情相悦。让苏兰没有想到的是,眼前的米勒正是她苦苦寻找无果的作曲家,她一直希望米勒能够读一读她所撰写的一段协奏曲。
The peacefulness of the Midsomer community is shattered by violent crimes, suspects are placed under suspicion, and it is up to a veteran DCI and his young sergeant to calmly and diligently eliminate the innocent and ruthlessly pursue the guilty.
Six young people from New York City, on their own and struggling to survive in the real world, find the companionship, comfort and support they get from each other to be the perfect antidote to the pressures of life.
When a one-hit-wonder girl group from the '90s gets sampled by a young rapper, its members reunite to give their pop star dreams one more shot. They may be grown women balancing spouses, kids, jobs, debt, aging parents and shoulder pain, but can't they also be Girls5Eva?
Set in the early 24th century against the backdrop of the city of Neo Venezia on the planet Mars. No longer the barren red planet, Mars has been flooded, inhabited and is something of a tourist hub for those looking for rest, relaxation and a gondola ride – the primary mode of travel in Neo Venezia. The Undines are professional gondoliers, tour guides for the people passing through. Akari Mizunashi is an Undine in training and this is a piece of her story.
Nadeshiko, a high school student who had moved from Shizuoka to Yamanashi, decides to see the famous, 1000 yen-bill-featured Mount Fuji. Even though she manages to bike all the way to Motosu, she's forced to turn back because of worsening weather. Unable to set her eyes on her goal, she faints partway to her destination. When she wakes up, it's night, in a place she's never been before, with no way of knowing how to get home. Nadeshiko is saved when she encounters Rin, a girl who is out camping by herself. This outdoorsy girls story begins with this first encounter between Nadeshiko and Rin.
After suffering a fall from grace, a photographer returns to her hometown and bumps into her childhood friend — rekindling an unfinished romance.
After making a pact with Jequitibá, José Inocêncio becomes a mythical figure, known as the most successful cocoa farmer in the region. While still young, he wins the heart of Maria Santa. Their intense passion results in four children: José Augusto, José Bento, José Venâncio, and the youngest, João Pedro, who never had the opportunity to know his mother, as she dies while giving birth to him. This tragedy fuels José Inocêncio’s anger, blaming João Pedro for the loss of his great love. Throughout their lives, indifference and resentment mark the relationship between the father and his youngest son. As if the past weren’t enough, years later, the arrival of the mysterious Mariana puts all these emotions to the test when both father and son fall in love with the same woman. This situation reawakens feelings that were either dormant or previously unknown to them.
A competent secretary and a narcissistic boss fall in love while uncovering a traumatic past that causes them to question whether their feelings are real or the result of a shared trauma.