达菲鸭 胜利之歌

达菲鸭 胜利之歌 1943


  阳光明媚的一天,某演艺公司制片人猪小弟正准备前往度假胜地,好好享受难得的休闲假期。谁知在他刚刚出门的时刻,便被一个不速之客拦了下来。对方正是吵吵闹闹的达菲鸭,他知道猪小弟曾经捧红过无数童星,于是乎向猪小弟大力举荐他的孩子睡眠拉哥——一个只知道呼呼大睡的小鸭子。拉哥忙于睡觉,达菲鸭便越俎代庖,表演起孩子的特长来。时而跳舞,时而歌唱,十八般武艺样样俱全。猪小弟眼看就要误了飞机,只得偷偷溜出门外,可是达菲鸭就如同鬼魂一样时时跟在他的身边。   绝望的猪小弟只能耐下性子来看完达菲鸭的表演……


Dennis the Menace

Dennis the Menace 1959


This 1959-1963 television situation comedy series follows the lives of the Mitchell family, Henry, Alice, and their only child Dennis, an energetic, trouble-prone, mischievous, but well-meaning boy, who often tangles with his peace-and-quiet-loving neighbor George Wilson, a retired salesman, or, later, with George's brother John, a writer. Dennis is basically a good, well-intentioned boy who always tries to help people, but who winds up making situations worse – often at Mr. Wilson's expense.