玩具熊的五夜惊魂 2023
保安Mike Schmidt(乔什·哈切森 Josh Hutcherson 饰)开始在Freddy Fazbear披萨店上夜班,却发现这趟夜班不会好过……
保安Mike Schmidt(乔什·哈切森 Josh Hutcherson 饰)开始在Freddy Fazbear披萨店上夜班,却发现这趟夜班不会好过……
一个是美国外交安全局的忠诚特工、身材魁梧的执法者卢克·霍布斯(道恩·强森饰),一个是前英国军事特工精英、无法无天的恶棍德卡特·肖(杰森·斯坦森 饰)。在 2015 年的《速度与激情7》中首次对峙之后,两人不论言语还是肢体都冲突不断,一直试图打倒对方。然而,通过高科技进行了基因增强的无政府主义者布里克斯顿(伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴 饰)控制了一种可能永远改变人类命运的不为人知的生化武器,并且还打败了一位大胆优秀又特立独行的军情六处特工(曾出演《王冠》的凡妮莎·科比 饰)——她恰好是肖的妹妹,为了扳倒这个通过高科技进行了基因增强的“黑超人”,霍布斯和肖这两个不共戴天的宿敌不得不联手抗敌 。
男主角海梅·雷耶斯刚刚大学毕业,他怀着对家乡的怀念,以及对未来的憧憬回到了故乡,可当他回来时发现,曾经离开的家乡已经变得让他感觉陌生,一切都已经变了样。 当他依旧憧憬未来,他以改变家乡为人生目标,开始踏上毕业生找工作的历程,然而就在这时,他的命运发生了改变,海梅意外得到了一个神秘的圣甲虫,经过一系列的意外后,他发现这是一种来自外星的高科技生物。 意外的是,海梅被圣甲虫选中成为了他的人类宿主,在一连串暴力且神奇的融合后,海梅拥有了一套可以自由变形的外星生物盔甲。 这套盔甲不仅有神奇的力量,变幻莫测的能力,而且还永远改变了海梅的生活,改变了他的人生,让他成为了超级英雄“蓝甲虫”!
父亲突然离世后,关系疏远的兄妹艾默拉和 OJ 继承了家族的养马场,随后遇到了隐匿于空中的奇怪物体。
爱德蒙和妹妹露西以及常闯祸的表哥尤斯提意外进入油画中的纳尼亚世界,并登上航行中的“黎明踏浪号”。 在这艘船上,他们和已成为国王的凯斯宾王子和老鼠长“老脾气”重逢。凯斯宾此行的任务,是必须要寻找以前被叛徒叔叔放逐的忠心老臣们。在这次冒险中,他们不但与老朋友亚斯蓝相逢,更结识了新朋友,包括受到诅咒而蹦蹦跳跳的蹩独脚仙、为大家指点迷津身穿红袍的柯瑞金魔法师、会喷火的飞龙、插入亚斯蓝之桌就会发挥超强能量的亚斯蓝之剑、以及拥有神奇力量的魔法书等…凭着勇气和毅力,他们不但突破一关又一关的挑战,也为彼此的生命写下了惊奇!
布兰顿(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)是纽约衣着光鲜的白领。他酷爱成人电影,习惯自慰,并寻花问柳。不过,他与妹妹希西(凯瑞•穆里根 Carey Mulligan 饰)的关系却忽冷忽热。希西总给他电话留言,他却总是避之不及。然而,当希西搬来与他同住 ,他又表现出特别的关心。布兰顿和上司一同去听希西的演唱,结果上司被她的风姿所打动,而他却沉浸在她的歌声中潸然泪下。在妹妹面前,布兰顿表现的无所谓,而上司却大胆追求。这令布兰顿极为羞耻。某日,上司在与家人视频通话后,开始斥责布兰顿往电脑硬盘塞满了成人电影,称之为耻辱。气急败坏的布兰顿却对妹妹发火,令她十分伤心。布兰顿曾约会公司的黑人女秘书,却发现自己真正难以割舍的不是性瘾,而是心中惦念的兄妹之情……
几个好友结伴前往观看美国大学美式足球冠军赛,他们在前往比赛地时决定顺便在野外进行一次野营。于是,卡莉(伊丽莎•库斯伯特 Elisha Cuthbert 饰)、佩兹(帕丽斯•希尔顿 Paris Hilton 饰)等几个年轻人在了野外一处荒地扎了营。他们的恐怖经历就此展开。 首先,一名神秘的司机和这群年轻人起了争执,令大家游玩的兴致全无;接着第二天他们起床后发现,他们的汽车被人动了手脚发动不了了。在一名当地人的指引下,他们只能徒步前往附近的偏僻小镇安布罗斯找人帮忙。安布罗斯由于太过偏远,以至地图上根本没有标出它的所在。一行人来到小镇,发现这里人迹罕至。好奇心下,他们走进了镇上的杜蒂蜡像馆,这里的蜡像做得栩栩如生。原来,这是一个杀人狂魔将镇上的人杀了用真人做到蜡像!此时那杀人狂魔正在暗处幽幽的盯着他们…… ©豆瓣
飞扬跋扈的联邦调查局女特工桑德拉·布洛克与一个满嘴脏话的胖女警察梅丽莎携手合作,追捕一个俄罗斯毒品集团,两人在这一过程中也建立了友谊。影片的其他主要演员还有奥斯卡影帝提名获得者德米安·比齐尔、托尼·海尔、泰伦·基勒姆、迈克尔·拉帕波特等。该片的 导演保罗·费格两年前曾拿出了卖座女人戏《伴娘》,并一手将梅丽莎送入奥斯卡最佳女配角决赛圈。
2008 年,在高中开学前的暑假最后一个月,一个易受影响的 13 岁台湾裔美国男孩学会了家人无法教给他的东西:如何滑冰、如何调情以及如何爱你的妈妈。
十九岁的亚当(亚历克斯·帕蒂弗 Alex Pettyfer 饰)在工地上认识了麦克(查宁·塔图姆 Channing Tatum 饰),后来一次偶遇得知原来麦克是个脱衣舞男,而且还是脱衣舞场的台柱“魔力麦克”。第一次迷迷糊糊登台后,亚当尝到了赚快钱的滋味。于是麦克领着亚当入行,让他改变行头,教他跳舞的技巧以及如何取悦挑逗女性。将艺名改为“The Kid”的亚当,和舞场一众舞男里奇、肯特、提托以及泰山,度过了一个疯狂、刺激、纸醉金迷的夏天。另一方面,麦克并不想一直干舞男这一行,他想创办一所家具定制公司,然而他申请银行贷款却失败。同时,他发现自己爱上了亚当的姐姐,他决定不去迈阿密……影片根据主演查宁·塔图姆19岁时在弗罗里达州坦帕市做脱衣舞男的经历改编。
萨米(劳拉·琳妮 Laura Linney 饰)和特里(马克·鲁弗洛 Mark Ruffalo 饰)都是无依无靠的孤儿,这一共同点让他们彼此之间产生了坚固的友谊。无奈岁月无情,将两人分隔两地,多年后,萨米成为了一个勤恳又贤惠的单身母亲,带着8岁的儿子鲁迪(罗瑞·卡尔金 Rory Culkin 饰)享受着安稳又平静的生活,而特里却四处流浪,在肆意放纵的同时麻烦缠身。 一次机缘巧合之下,这两个童年相依为命的孤儿重逢了。在萨米的家庭里,特里找到了久违的温暖和安宁。面对邻居们的质疑,萨米毫不犹豫的站在了特里的这一边,为了成为一个“配得上”这个家庭的男人,特里也在不断的做着改变。可现实并不如想象中的美好,即便萨米和特里两人相互信任和依靠,可问题和麻烦还是接踵而至。 ©豆瓣
A mischievous girl guides a tsundere, embarking on a journey through challenges to create a new world filled with love. Along the way, they level up by capturing demons and defeating monsters, forming friendships. The grudges between humans and demons finally has a resolution in their quest, serving both as the redemption of love and the salvation of the world!
Family is the most important thing, and the children of Władysław and Maria Lubicz from Warsaw can always count on each other, no matter what surprises life offers.
Since high school, Sang Zhi has had a crush on Duan Jiaxu. When fate brings them together again, they find a chance to embark on a sweet relationship.
Khushi and Arnav have diametrically opposite ideologies. If Khushi believes in means, Arnav believes only in ends. Khushi's relationships are the most important to her, whereas Arnav believes all people come with a price and can be manipulated for one's benefit.
The heartwarming yet uncomfortable relationship between three adult siblings: one in the 1%, one middle-class and one barely holding on.
The story of Hyo-sim, who sacrificed her life for her family trying to lead an independent life as she began to value herself.
After crash-landing on Earth, two royal teen aliens on the run struggle to blend in with humans as they evade intergalactic bounty hunters.
Star Entertainment is the top entertainment agency in China. It was set up by a couple, Cheng Tian Hao and Du Wan Qing, who eventually separated due to differing beliefs in managing the company. Yang Zhen Zhen is an aspiring young girl with a passion for music. She joined Starry Sky Entertainment and was assigned as Zheng Bo Xu's assistant. Bo Xu is a popular idol who is arrogant and unruly. With the help of Zhen Zhen, who helped him correct his flaws and unleash his potential, Bo Xu slowly transforms into a talented singer. In the process, Zhen Zhen also gains experience and becomes a capable idol manager. At the same time, Du Wan Qing is also grooming a singer, Yu Zi Rui, who shapes up to become Bo Xu's biggest competitor yet.
Ferhat is a hitman working for his criminal uncle. Aslı is a young and idealistic doctor. One day, their roads crossed in the most unexpected way: Aslı is forced to operate on a man that Ferhat had shot.
For a cool high school kid and his friends, thwarting authority figures and other enemies is not a problem.
On the surface it seems as if Atsushi is an adult, but really he's just an elementary student! However, he is paired with a second-year high school student Atsumi, whose height is just the opposite of his. These two together create an unusual relationship and will undoubtedly instigate some comedic antics in this slice of life comedy!
Follow Babs and Buster Bunny, Sweetie Bird, Hamton J. Pig, and Plucky Duck as they learn what it takes to be a professional toon.
Poong Sang is a lonely, pitiful middle-aged man, who has never lived his life for himself. Up until now, he took care of his four younger siblings and supported them financially. Will he ever get to find happiness for himself?
Cha Dohyeon is a rich heir to a family company with one major problem. Due to suppressed childhood trauma, he suffers from dissociative identity disorder manifested in seven unique personalities who are out of his control. In order to overcome this disorder in secret, he hires a first-year medical resident to help him heal by killing off each personality one by one.
After receiving a bizarre chance to go back in time, a man wakes up to find that his whole life — including the person he married — is different.
Takes place twenty years after the events of “L’Auberge Espanole,” and follows Tom and Mia, the children of the film’s protagonists Xavier and Wendy, as they spend time in Athens.
To avoid all the strife caused by the gangland power struggles, Yuk Wan-lung and his elder sister Yuk Kiu-fung lead a quiet life, running an inn. Unexpectedly, Wan-lung is determined to take part in the New Hero Contest, seeking to win back his ex, Ngai Bing-bing. But when Wan-lung exposes a scandal involving the East Wing imperial guards, he is incarcerated and his sister must find a way to set him free.
Colin and Jane have decided that their marriage isn't working and that the best thing is to separate. This could be tough on their children, Joe and Emily, but their parents are civilized about the whole thing and determined to remain friends. In fact, after the split their relationship improves considerably. Jane, a nurse, embarks upon a new relationship with Roger, a single parent of three children, the terrible trio of David, Felicity and Robbie. Colin, meanwhile, has started to see Jennifer, the therapist he and Jane consulted when trying to work through their problems.
A love story between Natori Kotaro who works as a product development planner at a cosmetics and bath products company and has a fetish for smells and Yaeshima Asako who works in the accounting department and has an inferiority complex about her body smell when she sweats.
Ex-con Cal McTeer's return to her hometown of Orphelin Bay blows the lid off a generations-long conspiracy of silence around murder, drugs and Sirens.