新蝙蝠侠 2022
布鲁斯·韦恩(罗伯特·帕丁森 饰)化身蝙蝠侠于哥谭市行侠仗义两年后,罪犯皆闻风丧胆,他也因此深入接触到哥谭市的阴暗面。他潜行于哥谭市腐败的政要名流关系网中,身边仅有的几个值得信赖的盟友——管家阿尔弗雷德·潘尼沃斯(安迪·瑟金斯 饰)与詹姆斯·戈登警长(杰弗里·怀特 饰)。这位独行的“义警侠探”在哥谭市民心中已成为“复仇”二字最当仁不让的代名词。
布鲁斯·韦恩(罗伯特·帕丁森 饰)化身蝙蝠侠于哥谭市行侠仗义两年后,罪犯皆闻风丧胆,他也因此深入接触到哥谭市的阴暗面。他潜行于哥谭市腐败的政要名流关系网中,身边仅有的几个值得信赖的盟友——管家阿尔弗雷德·潘尼沃斯(安迪·瑟金斯 饰)与詹姆斯·戈登警长(杰弗里·怀特 饰)。这位独行的“义警侠探”在哥谭市民心中已成为“复仇”二字最当仁不让的代名词。
1980年代中期,加州康普顿的街头因犯罪、毒品、黑帮等问题成为美国最危险的地方之一,五个出身此地的年轻人:爱斯·库柏(小奥谢拉·杰克逊 O'Shea Jackson Jr. 饰)、MC Ren(阿尔迪斯·霍吉 Aldis Hodge 饰)、德瑞博士(科里·霍金斯 Cor ey Hawkins 饰)、DJ耶拉(小尼尔·布朗 Neil Brown Jr. 饰)、Eazy-E(杰森·米切尔 Jason Mitchell 饰)集合起来,组成了说唱组合N.W.A,将他们的成长经历转化成粗鲁直接的音乐,并借此向当局传达他们的反抗心声。
夜幕低垂,麦克斯(杰米·福克斯 Jamie Foxx 饰)接了一位注定要改变他人生的客人――文森特(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)。 文森特受雇于一家跨国贩毒集团,这晚来到洛杉矶要干掉五名重要证人。他与我们经常看到的杀手大不一样,他天生喜欢唠叨,在他挟持 麦克斯去帮他完成杀人工作时,还振振有词――“我又不是卢旺达大屠杀,我杀人本来就不是好人,可以说是替天行道,你有什么可以指责我的?”麦克斯也一时语塞。 这晚要杀的最后一个人是助理检查官,她曾是麦克斯的顾客。麦克斯决心保护她……
Monty(爱德华·诺顿 Edward Norton 饰)牵着他的狗在纽约散步,白天,他去了他以前就读的学校拜访了他的老友Jacob(菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼 Philip Seymour Hoffman 饰),Jacob在里面当英语老师,课上他的女学生Mary(安娜·帕奎 因 Anna Paquin 饰)非常活跃。而Monty和Jacob的另一个好友Frank(巴里·佩珀 Barry Pepper 饰)则在公司忙碌地工作着。事情的起因是某天的下午,Monty回到家,发现女友Naturalle(罗莎里奥·道森 Rosario Dawson 饰)在家门口等待许久。两人正在浴缸里调情的时候,警察突然来敲他们的家门。Monty藏在沙发里的毒品被发现。因此他被起诉,被判入狱7年。Monty离进监狱只剩下几个小时的时间了,他开始怀疑是不是女友出卖了他。Monty去找了他的老爸,两人谈了很多很多,之后他们一群人去到酒吧,却意外地遇到了Jacob的女学生Mary。24小时过去了,下一个小时开始,Monty就要开始他的监狱生涯...... ©豆瓣
本片描述了苏格兰爱丁堡一群吸毒青年垃圾式的生活现状。 马克•瑞登(伊云•麦葵格 饰)是一个十足的颓废青年,和一群狐朋狗友过着无所事事的生活,他们坑蒙拐骗、吸毒,共同养着一个父不详的婴儿,荒唐、堕落。 某次吸毒的意外,婴儿死了,对马克带来很大的震撼;马克和好友土豆抢劫被抓,土豆坐牢,马克勒令戒毒。 戒毒成功的马克成为房地产经纪,开始过正常人的生活。然而,马克并没有摆脱过去的阴影,以前的朋友再次找到他,扰乱了他的生活,这使他不胜其烦,他决定彻底摆脱他们……
上世纪70年代,哈莱姆黑人区,弗兰克•卢卡斯(丹泽尔•华盛顿 饰)是黑帮老大约翰逊的司机。约翰逊暴毙后,弗兰克充分利用了这个来之不易的机会,将地下世界的所有权利分配进行了重组,成功上位,接手大佬事业,掌控了毒品交易大权。期间他远赴东南亚金三角走私高纯度海洛因,张罗自己的家族兄弟,集结了一帮为他卖命的手下,一股黑暗势力正在兴起。 另一边,警察里奇•罗伯茨(卢塞尔•克劳 饰)家庭破裂,与主流社会格格不入,整天以一副邋遢鬼模样流连于街头。他慢慢觉察出毒品圈内的风起云涌,,并展开了秘密调查。 随着调查的深入,罗伯茨和卢卡斯之间的距离越来越短,两个气质相近,惺惺相惜的男人,不可避免地进行正面对决……
马西莫(迈克尔·莫罗内 Michele Morrone 饰)出生于一个非常繁盛的西西里黑手党家族之中,从小肩上就背负了继承家业的重任。身为族长的父亲遭人暗杀,尽管马西莫对与黑道这点事情毫无兴趣,但作为家族唯一的继承人,他只能接替父亲的位置,成为了首领。 劳拉(安娜·玛丽亚·西克拉克 Anna Maria Sieklucka 饰)是一家非常豪华的大酒店的总监,虽然她年纪轻轻就已经攀登上了事业的顶峰,但内心的极度空虚和感情世界的一片空白常常令她感到备受折磨。为了排遣心中的苦闷,劳拉叫上好友一起踏上了前往西西里群岛的度假之旅,哪知道竟然在那里遭到了马西莫的绑架,更让劳拉没有想到的是,自己竟然会爱上这位穷凶极恶的绑匪。
电脑文书保罗(Griffin Dunne 饰)下班后去餐厅宵夜,他手上的《北回归线》让邻座的神秘女子玛西(Rosanna Arquette 饰)上前搭讪,玛西留下电话号码,并向他介绍与自己合租的女雕塑家琦琦。保罗为追求一段艳遇,在午夜时分拨通了玛西的电话,玛西家中因纸糊雕塑显得凌乱不堪,她本人则急于喋喋不休的倾诉,让保罗无法得逞,保罗不能忍受那个没有露脸的男人“富兰克林”与玛西的神经质表现,在急欲返家之时,却又卷入了连串麻烦,与酒吧老板、酒吧女招待、朋克青年们、两名窃贼、开冰激凌车的女青年等等纠缠不清,似乎在这个夜里,所有人都在妨碍保罗回家。
故事发生在一间名为“鸟笼”的夜总会中,艾伯特(内森·连恩 Nathan Lane 饰)是其中的当家花旦,不仅如此,他和夜总会的老板阿曼德(罗宾·威廉姆斯 Robin Williams 饰)还是出双入对的同性情人。 某日,阿曼德同前妻所生的儿子瓦尔(丹·福特曼 Dan Futterman 饰)找到了老爸,喜滋滋的告诉他他即将带着未婚妻芭芭拉(卡莉斯塔·弗洛克哈特 Calista Flockhart 饰)前来造访。阿曼德在感到欣喜的同时亦十分紧张,因为芭芭拉的父母凯文(吉恩·哈克曼 Gene Hackman 饰)和路易斯(黛安娜·维斯特 Dianne Wiest 饰)是保守派人士,如果让他们知道了自己同艾伯特之间的关系,儿子的婚事可能就要岌岌可危了。于是,阿曼德开始劝说艾伯特,让他假扮成为一个正常人,表面上答应了阿曼德的请求,艾伯特的内心里却十分郁闷。 ©豆瓣
《Amoureux Solitaires》以伦敦上流社会的应召女郎为背景,讲述了伦敦的法国护送维吉尼(Virginie)和鲁珀特(Rupert)的故事,鲁珀特是一个拯救被拐卖女孩的男人——一个现代爱情的故事。 背景是伦敦,阿芙皙雅饰演的薇吉妮是应召女郎,她的老鸨信任她,还要她带刚入行的妓女。她日复日卖淫,但也渴望爱情,当她遇到专门拯救受拐骗少女的年轻男子(史戴梅斯特饰)时,碍于自己的出身,爱得辛苦。在这部挑逗性的色情惊悚片中,一位高价应召女郎在伦敦地下色情交易的阴暗世界中穿行。维吉妮以冷静的态度从事妓女的工作,与富有的商人进行性交易以换取金钱,但从不涉及感情。当她遇到鲁伯特(Ash Stymest饰)时,一切都变了,鲁伯特是一个神秘的陌生人,意图不明。维吉妮冒着一切风险,陷入了一场危险的婚外恋,在一个无情的禁止浪漫的女人和一个黑暗性感的男人之间撕裂了她,后者可能是她的救世主,也可能是她的堕落。
尚格·云顿将主演动作惊悚新片《保镖》(The Bouncer),朱利安·勒克莱克(《抢劫犯》《突击》)执导,制片成本1000万,风格类似《飓风营救》。云顿将饰演Lukas,一个50多岁的夜店保镖,艰难抚养8岁的女儿。某天他在和客户的争吵中失控,被关进监狱,女儿由社会服务人员照看。情形突变,国际刑警招募他来干掉某个荷兰犯罪头目,以此换取女儿的监护权。Jérémie Guez(《伊夫圣罗兰传》)操刀剧本,明年一月开拍。
电影明星文森特(艾德里安·格尼尔 Adrian Grenier 饰)跟他的好兄弟艾里克(凯文·康诺利 Kevin Connolly 饰)、特托(杰瑞·费拉拉 Jerry Ferrara 饰)及伽玛(凯文·狄龙 Kevin Dillon 饰)重出江湖,加入金牌经纪人兼电影公司总经理阿里(杰里米·皮文 Jeremy Piven 饰)的旗下。他们在竞争激烈的好莱坞演艺圈里摸爬滚打,杀出重围,在这期间,他们的目标也发生了微小的变化,但彼此的友谊仍坚定无比……
Follows the rise of Tooru Muranishi, one of Japan's most notorious directors of adult video. Adapted from a biography of the man, this series depicts the character, his art, vision and his interactions with the approving and disapproving folk around him.
A successful New York entrepreneur lives a double life as the head of a drug empire that serves only the rich and influential, all while wanting to escape the underworld and keep his family safe.
With no money and a sick young son, Angel returns to the underworld of fashion and luxury. Giovanna believes that Angel killed her father and will do anything to put her in jail. As a result, they start a personal war, which involves Cristiano, a private investigator.
Danny Thomas, an entertainer, tries to balance his home life with the needs of his career, with hilarious results.
The Kingdom Night Club “mamasan” Sa Ching-ha and her girls Shek Wai-king, Man Nga-lun, Kong Kit-yee and Yue Hau-hau get along well. Each of the quintet has her own reasons for playing the role of midnight lady. But they all have certain issues in their romantic relationships. After sacrificing everything for her boyfriend Dave, Nga-lun realizes she has been scammed. Wiseguy Cheuk Chi-fei wants to help her get out of this mess. However, their relationship becomes complicated due to Wai-king’s presence. Kit-yee has to make a choice between playboy Marco Hui and her old schoolmate Wong Tsun-kui. Hau-hau is messed up because of some freeloader. Ching-ha keeps waiting for her husband Lee Ching-lung to be released from prison. However … When nightclub people engage in power struggles, they do not hesitate to use dirty tricks to overpower their opponents. Moreover, everywhere is triad territory, and danger lurks around every corner in this place of indulgence and decadence.
The Lucy–Desi Comedy Hour is a collection of thirteen one-hour specials airing occasionally from 1957 to 1960, and originally served as part of Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse. Its original network title was The Ford Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Show for the first season, and The Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse Presents The Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Show for the following seasons. It was the successor to the classic comedy, I Love Lucy, and featured the same major cast members. The production schedule avoided the grind of a regular weekly series. Desilu produced the show, which was mostly filmed at their Los Angeles studios with occasional on-location shoots at Lake Arrowhead, Las Vegas and Sun Valley, Idaho. CBS reran the show under the "Lucy-Desi" title during the summers of 1962-1967, after which it went into syndication.
Out All Night is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from September 19, 1992 to July 9, 1993 for one season. The series stars Patti LaBelle, and was created by Andy Borowitz, Susan Borowitz, and Rob Edwards.
The owner of The Phoenix Club is the wheelchair-bound Brian Potter, who has presided over two clubs in the past: the first (The Aquarius) flooded, the second (The Neptune) burned down. His ambition (with the help of Jerry St Clair) is to see The Phoenix Club become the most popular in Bolton and thus outdo his arch-nemesis, Den Perry, owner of rival club The Banana Grove.
Robert Schlag, nicknamed "Beat", is a Berlin club promoter who lives for the excesses of sex, drugs and the city nightlife. His connections to the underworld lead the police to use Beat to try and infiltrate a notorious organ smuggling ring.
Endless cleavage, bitchy girl fights, and an 800-pound disco ball. All in one slutty nightclub.
Dante is a short-lived NBC adventure/drama television series starring Howard Duff as Willie Dante, a former gambler who operates Dante's Inferno, a San Francisco, California, nightclub. Alan Mowbray co-starred as Stewart Styles, the Maitre d'; Tom D'Andrea as Biff, Dante's "man Friday", and Mort Mills as police Lieutenant Bob Malone. Dante claims to have put his past behind him but has retained old associates Stewart and Biff. While his club is legitimate, neither the police nor the mob believe that he is truly finished with the criminal underworld. Dante's old associates in crime keep appearing at the club in efforts to lure him back to the underworld. Dick Powell had previously played Dante in eight episodes of his Four Star Playhouse, initially written by Blake Edwards, who had previously created the radio drama Richard Diamond, Private Detective for Powell. There, Willie operates an illegal gambling operation in the back room of the "Inferno", which police soon shut down. The only regular from the Four Star Playhouse version to be cast in the series as well was Mowbray, who had first played a millionaire named Jackson who had gambled away his fortune and then worked as one of Dante's waiters. These episodes were subsequently rebroadcast under the collective title The Best in Mystery.
T.H.E. Cat is an American action drama that aired during the 1966-1967 television season on NBC, co-sponsored by R.J. Reynolds and Lever Brothers. The series was created by Harry Julian Fink, the creator of Dirty Harry . Robert Loggia starred as the title character, Thomas Hewitt Edward Cat. T. H. E. Cat is a forerunner of television characters such as The Equalizer, who skirt the edges of the law and bring skills from earlier careers on behalf of those needing more help than the police can offer. The series preceded the 1968-1970 ABC television series It Takes a Thief, which was also about a cat burglar who used his skills for good.
In this prequel to the movie, set from June 1940 to November 1941, American Rick Blaine runs the Cafe Americain in Casablanca and deals with Nazis, French, and locals in this center of World War II intrigue.
It's Always Jan is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from September 10, 1955 to April 28, 1956. The series stars Janis Paige as single mother 10-year old daughter and night club singer Jan Stewart.
The Duke is an American comedy series that aired on NBC from July to September 1954.
The Morey Amsterdam Show is an American sitcom which ran from 1948-1949 on CBS Television and 1949-1950 on the DuMont Television Network, for a total of 71 episodes.
Docu-series telling the full and unvarnished story of the Stardust nightclub fire and the 43-year search for justice undertaken by the families of those killed in the fire.
The Club was a reality show about the competitive and cutthroat world of ICE, the stand-alone nightclub in Las Vegas. The series aired on Spike TV from 2004 to 2005. The show was an insiders look at the pressures and demands the people behind the party face in making ICE the ultimate nightlife experience. It featured appearances from such DJs as Donald Glaude, Paul Oakenfold, DJ Dan, Tiesto and Armin Van Buuren.