妖精的尾巴剧场版:龙泣 2017
妖精的尾巴故事叙述在一个充满魔法的世界——“阿斯兰特(EARTH LAND)”中,位于菲奥雷王国的一个众多厉害魔导士云集的魔导士公会“FAIRY TAIL”。露西一直希望能加入,成为其中的成员。在纳兹的引导下,露西终于得尝所愿,并结识了许多厉害的魔导士。随后,露西跟纳兹、格雷、艾露莎和哈比组成“最强队伍”,在这个全世界最吵闹、最暴力,但也是最快乐的公会里,创造出数不清的传说的,借着各种委托人的任务而不断变强,伙伴也一个一个加入,故事就这样渐渐揭开……
妖精的尾巴故事叙述在一个充满魔法的世界——“阿斯兰特(EARTH LAND)”中,位于菲奥雷王国的一个众多厉害魔导士云集的魔导士公会“FAIRY TAIL”。露西一直希望能加入,成为其中的成员。在纳兹的引导下,露西终于得尝所愿,并结识了许多厉害的魔导士。随后,露西跟纳兹、格雷、艾露莎和哈比组成“最强队伍”,在这个全世界最吵闹、最暴力,但也是最快乐的公会里,创造出数不清的传说的,借着各种委托人的任务而不断变强,伙伴也一个一个加入,故事就这样渐渐揭开……
在某个临海小镇,隶属魔导士公会下设分支机构“妖精的尾巴(Fairy Tail)”的纳兹·多拉格尼尔、露西·哈特菲利亚、格雷·佛尔帕斯塔 等人接受委托,前来捉拿某盗贼团头领基斯。经过一番激战,虽然纳兹等人消灭盗贼团的大多数成员,可是基斯还是在露西面前溜走。心灰意冷的众人回到总部,露西则意外在途中救助了神秘少女艾克蕾娅。失去记忆的艾克蕾娅手持半块凤凰石,她隐约记得要前往一座森林。纳兹他们决定出手相助,谁知在旅途中不断有敌人向他们袭来,而他们的目标便是那半块引来无数纷争的凤凰石……
在怪异专家忍野咩咩的帮助之下,阿良良木历战胜了3位强大的吸血鬼猎人——德拉曼兹路基、艾比所特以及奇洛金卡达。 他终于成功夺回吸血鬼姬丝秀忒・雅赛劳拉莉昂・刃下心的四肢。这一切都是为了让他变回普通的人类。 但当历再次来到姬丝秀忒身边时才发现吸血鬼让人惧怕的本质,历因此对自己犯下不可弥补的过失感到自责。此时,在后悔万分的历面前出现的不是别人,正是历的“友人”羽川翼,她给了历一个提案……
在高二的舂假里,阿良良木历遇上了姬丝秀忒・雅赛劳拉莉昂・刃下心而变成了吸血鬼。为了变回人类,历必须从吸血鬼猎人的手上夺回姬丝秀忒的四肢。 德拉曼兹路基——双手拿着焰形剑、身高超过两公尺的巨汉。艾比所特——单手就将比自身体格大三倍的巨大十字架扛在肩上的男人。奇洛金卡达——乍看之下非常沉稳,没拿任何武器、深不可测的男人。 在忍野咩咩的交涉下将与三位吸血鬼猎人一决死战的历,于3月的最后一晚前往决斗地点。 历在下雨的学校操场与德拉曼兹路基对峙。面对夺走姬丝秀忒右脚的对手,阿良良木历为了变回人类的战斗即将展开……
时间为3月25日——是在春假里的某一天。就读私立直江津高中的高二学生阿良良木历,偶然认识了全校第一名的优等生羽川翼。而历从她嘴里听到的,是近来甚嚣尘上的“金发吸血鬼”传闻。 平常总是避免与人交流的历,却觉得自己喜欢善解人意的翼。但就在这天夜里,他遇上了传说中的吸血鬼——那就是被称为“怪异之王”的姬丝秀忒・雅赛劳拉莉昂・刃下心。金发金眼的她四肢遭人砍断,倒在血泊之中向历求助。 历顺着姬丝秀忒的要求,将自己的血给了她。等到历再次醒来时,他已经变成了姬丝秀忒的眷属。姬丝秀忒面对感到困惑的历则如此说道: “欢迎来到暗夜的世界……”
拥有能够使世界崩坏的“魔王因子”的魔王候补·春日新,与“TRINITY SEVEN”的一人·浅见莉莉斯一起进行遗迹调查。一股强力冲击波与阿新的力量产生反应,周围被覆盖在耀眼的光芒之中,而后一行人便到了从古代以来一直存在于天空之上,掌管着全世界智慧的场所·“天空图书馆”。 突然伴随着赤红的闪光,长得和阿新一模一样的某个男子出现在他们的面前——其名为真红魔王“三重混沌”。他就是能够消灭其他魔王的魔王,由于其拥有的能够一瞬间毁灭一座城市的强大力量,而被常年封印在“天空图书馆”。 与阿新的魔王因子产生反应而解开了封印的他,为了取回身为魔王的力量,打算将整个世界彻底毁灭。而这其中的关键就在于——他的女儿·莉莉斯。没想到,莉莉斯居然是最强魔王的女儿…… 在“三重混沌”过于危险的力量下莉莉斯被掳走。阿新等人,为了救回莉莉斯和打倒最强魔王而打算寻找关键的魔王兵器。 然而,如果使用了这个兵器,就会失去理智而完全魔王化……
「……我没有名字。一片空无。你叫什么名字?」「我的名字是时崎狂三。」 失忆少女「空无」在所谓邻界之地清醒,邂逅了时崎狂三。 她跟着狂三来到一所学校,里面聚集了一群被称为准精灵的少女。 为了互相厮杀而齐聚一堂的十名少女,以及空空如也的校外人士少女。 「我是狂三的同伴兼诱饵……诱饵吗!」「是啊,不想当诱饵的话,虏饵也行。」 「不是一样的意思吗!」这是独树一格的时崎狂三另类故事。 好了——开始我们的新战争(DATE)吧
剧场版将会紧接着第二季完结时的剧情,新的天使机器人风音日和将会正式在剧场版中登场。风音日和是智神的第四位天使机器人后宫,同时也是四个天使机器人中最温柔,最容易害羞,最有女人味的一个,也是智树发誓绝不会忘记的一个人。她是原来居住在西纳普斯的天使,新大陆的原住民,在作品中是第一个说出“喜欢智树”的女孩。面对主动告白的风音日和,猥琐的男主角樱井智树还能够继续对她做出像TV版中对待其他女生一样的猥琐行为吗? 当她变成了万能天使之后,智树和天使们又该如何去拯救她呢?这一切都是这部剧场版的看点所在。各位喜欢《天降之物》的粉丝们,你们是否知道结局了呢?
电视动画《新妹魔王的契约者》宣布将推出新作OVA「新妹魔王的契约者 DEPARTURES」,预计2018.1.27开始为期两周的剧场限定上映。而该作的Blu-ray&DVD(无修版)将于3.28发售。另外,收录了TV动画第一季12话+第二季10话+同捆OVA2话(共24话)的Blu-ray BOX也将于2.23发售。
某个春天的日子,安艺伦也决定做一部以在樱花飞舞的坡道上命中注定般相遇的少女——加藤惠为女主角的同人游戏。邀请了加入了美术部、作为同人插画家活动的泽村·斯潘塞·英梨梨,以及学年第一的优等生、作为轻小说作家活跃的霞之丘诗羽,成立了blessing software。终于发表了第一部作品。 英梨梨和诗羽为了开发游戏大作《Fields Chronicle》,来到了人气创作者红坂朱音的身边。blessing software的代表伦也继续进行社团活动,与副代表惠一起开始了新作的开发。启用学妹波岛出海为插画师,委托出海的哥哥——伊织为制作人,和冰堂美智留以及她的乐队——icy tail一起进行新作的开发…… 英梨梨和诗羽的大作究竟如何?伦也和惠的关系有什么异变?blessing software究竟将去向何方?围绕路人女主的青春涂鸦,迎来大结局。
基于Raita的色情漫画系列。 仓本埃里卡(Kuramoto Erica),新田唯(Nitta Yui),铃原美沙(Suzuhara Misa)和佐佐木浩子(Sasaki Kotone)不是普通的女生。 实际上,他们拥有超自然的力量,它们可以用来保护平民免受外来生物的伤害。
17岁的缇妲,继承了父亲的遗志,成为了宠物商店猎人船“茶茶丸”的船长。某天,正当缇妲外出购物买齐了需要的东西时,被一名少女给撞倒了,那名叫作伊莉丝的少女正被穿着黑色服装的军人所追杀,就在少女被粗暴军人抓住当下,缇妲紧急驱车冲向前去,救出了伊莉丝。然而,伊莉丝就是唯一握有启动“重力破坏装置 ”密码的人。遭到军方追缉的缇妲和“茶茶丸”的船员,以及伊莉丝,接下来会有怎样的命运在等待着他们呢……
一个不可阻挡的外星舰队入侵地球,和主角行动时意外失败的kaamu公主。突然,她在爱上了他,想嫁给他!如果这是不够的”,kaamu父亲的皇帝,对人类是一点不感兴趣的。不会允许 灵长类或那些蠕虫人类得到王位。
改编自80年代传奇工口漫画。讲述了色胚男主人公诚豪介,转入了一所“女尊男卑”的超大小姐学园,为了争取男权、废除“三禁”,向自治会会长美崎静香宣战。决战当日却惨遭凶恶教师岚铁美迫害,豪介的色情能量,能否拯救全校的危机?他又能否成为静香的骑士 ?
Rentaro Aijo was rejected 100 times in middle school. He visits a shrine and prays for better luck in high school. The God of Love appears and promises that he'll soon meet 100 people he's destined to date. But there's a catch—once destiny introduces someone to him, the two must happily love each other. If they don't, they'll die. What will befall Rentaro and his 100 girlfriends in high school?
After dying in a fight against the forces of evil, a knight found himself reincarnated as one of the most powerful monsters in the world: a behemoth! Problem is, he has to grow up before he can really strut his stuff, and a baby behemoth looks an awful lot like…a housecat?! And when an elf adventurer decides to take him in, she may need his help as much as he needs hers!
Fourteen warriors set out to prevent an invasion, but only seven return. Three died along the way, and four were slain for betraying the empire. In truth, it is the Seven Heroes who turned on their allies so they could take all the glory. Ascheriit was their victim, but now, 20 years later, he is back to get revenge.
For Mona Kawai, winning hearts and turning heads comes naturally. Everything changes when Medaka Kuroiwa, a new transfer student, arrives. He won’t even give Mona a second look, and it turns her life upside down! Mona tries everything she can to win Medaka over, even going to the extreme at times. Tune in to a new rom-com about a queen bee and an unfazed boy among the school’s halls.
Uryu Kamihate is a high school student hoping to enroll in Kyoto University’s medical school. After being taken in by the chief priest at Amagami Shrine, he is told he must marry one of three maiden sisters—Yae, Yuna, or Asahi—to live at, and one day inherit, the Amagami Shrine. Kamihate will need to sweep one of the maidens off her feet in this story of romance, friendship, and fun.
Kaji’s good looks and charm have made him popular with everyone at his office. However, beneath the surface, he secretly looks down on others and judges them by a scoring system! If only he could find the perfect bottom who could live up to his standards. One day, Kaji finds himself on an overnight business trip with his bland colleague, Fukami. Unimpressed by the plain-looking Fukami, Kaji vows that even if they were the last two people on a deserted island, he would never consider sleeping with him! At least, that’s what he thought... until he glimpsed Fukami coming out of the shower and realized his irresistibly cute and erotic side!
A 34-year-old hikikomori is kicked out of his home by his family after the death of his parents. After his eviction, he saves a group of teenagers from being killed by a speeding truck, but loses his life in the process. When he comes to, he realizes he has been reborn as Rudeus Greyrat, in a world of swords and sorcery.
This is the story of a boy, who became the lone Adam among four billion Eves. In a world where a pandemic has rendered all men impotent, high school student Itsuki is the exception who escaped it. In order to protect this secret, he transfers to a very special high school, which turns out to be composed of 90% girls! There, he encounters an upbeat and friendly senior, a sexually frustrated female teacher, a tomboyish school 'prince,' and an heiress from a wealthy family. For Itsuki, who has his pick of any woman in the world, the question remains: which one will he choose?
Online gamer siblings are thrust into a new realm where they must play to take over the world.
One morning, the high school student Takashi Komuro enjoys the silence at school when he's suddenly interrupted by strange noises and a shaky-legged person who tries to enter the school grounds. Subsequently, several teachers come to the school gate to shoo the person away. All of a sudden, a teacher is bitten by the person and within seconds the school campus becomes a place of violence, blood, death and undead zombies. Takashi, shocked by the scenery, runs for his life to save his schoolmates and childhood love, Rei Miyamoto. The struggle for survival has just begun…
High school student Issei Hyoudou is your run-of-the-mill pervert who does nothing productive with his life, peeping on women and dreaming of having his own harem one day. Things seem to be looking up for Issei when a beautiful girl asks him out on a date, although she turns out to be a fallen angel who brutally kills him! However, he gets a second chance at life when beautiful senior student Rias Gremory, who is a top-class devil, revives him as her servant, recruiting Issei into the ranks of the school's Occult Research club. Slowly adjusting to his new life, Issei must train and fight in order to survive in the violent world of angels and devils. Each new adventure leads to many hilarious (and risqué) moments with his new comrades, all the while keeping his new life a secret from his friends and family in High School DxD!
Shuichi Kagaya is an ordinary high school kid in a boring little town. But when a beautiful classmate is caught in a warehouse fire, he discovers a mysterious power: he can transform into a furry dog with an oversized revolver and a zipper down his back. He saves the girl’s life, sharing his secret with her. But she’s searching for the sister who killed her family, and she doesn’t care how degrading it gets: she will use Shuichi to accomplish her mission…
Toujou Basara is a high school student whose father has suddenly just remarried. His father then departs overseas leaving Basara with two new beautiful step-sisters. Little does he know, his new sisters, Mio and Maria are actually the new Demon Lord and a succubus!? Almost trapped into a life of servitude, Basara forms a reverse contract by accident and ends up becoming Mio's master! Hijinks ensue as Basara finds himself in one ecchi situation after another. However, Mio's life is in danger as she is pursued by demons and heroes!
Due to a childhood curse, anything that the Duke touches will die - which makes his flirty maid’s behavior all the more shocking! Can the Duke and his companions break the curse, or is he doomed to a life where love is forever out of his reach?
Shadowbrokers are those who go unnoticed, posing as unremarkable people, when in truth, they control everything from behind the scenes. Sid wants to be someone just like that more than anything, and something as insignificant as boring reality isn’t going to get in his way! He trains in secret every single night, preparing for his eventual rise to power—only to be denied his destiny by a run-of-the-mill (yet deadly) traffic accident. But when he wakes up in a another world and suddenly finds himself at the head of an actual secret organization doing battle with evil in the shadows, he’ll finally get a chance to act out all of his delusional fantasies!
Andy, a Negator with the ability "Undead," has been long in search for someone with the ability to give him a 'real death.' Fuko Izumo brings misfortune to those around her due to her ability "Unluck." The two decide to join the Union, an organization which aims to control and protect the world from unidentified phenomena. The two uncover the mystery of the world as they search for the "greatest death ever."
In a world of monsters, adventurers and magic, some of the most gifted healers are subjugated to brute force. Keyaru gains the ability to rewind time and turns the tables on those who’ve exploited him in this dark fantasy tale of vengeance and fury.
Kimito Kagurazaka is an ordinary high school boy who is kidnapped by an elite young lady's academy to be a "sample of the common people." The school is full of sheltered girls who have never met male peers before.
When evil forces threaten to resurrect Anthrasax, the God of Destruction, the Kingdom of Meta-llicana calls on a volatile dark wizard for help.
"A girl in a lower grade just made me cry!" One day, Senpai visits the library after school and becomes the target of a super sadistic junior! The name of the girl who teases, torments, and tantalizes Senpai is "Nagatoro!" She's annoying yet adorable. It's painful, but you still want to be by her side. This is a story about an extremely sadistic and temperamental girl and you'll feel something awaken inside of you.