库尔斯克 2018
《库尔斯克》的故事聚焦2000年俄罗斯核潜艇“库尔斯克”沉没事件。彼时进行作战训练的库尔斯克号艇内鱼雷自爆,118位船员全部罹难。事件也成了历史上最严重的潜水艇事故。 俄罗斯库尔斯克号核潜艇是当时世界最先进、最大的战术核潜艇之一,专门用来攻击航空母舰,曾被媒体誉为“航母终结者”。像“泰坦尼克”号超级油轮一样,库尔斯克号核潜艇也曾经被认为是“永不沉没”的潜艇。
《库尔斯克》的故事聚焦2000年俄罗斯核潜艇“库尔斯克”沉没事件。彼时进行作战训练的库尔斯克号艇内鱼雷自爆,118位船员全部罹难。事件也成了历史上最严重的潜水艇事故。 俄罗斯库尔斯克号核潜艇是当时世界最先进、最大的战术核潜艇之一,专门用来攻击航空母舰,曾被媒体誉为“航母终结者”。像“泰坦尼克”号超级油轮一样,库尔斯克号核潜艇也曾经被认为是“永不沉没”的潜艇。
一位当代电影人突然发现自己置身于1700年前圣彼得堡的一座古老宫殿里,同时周围的人都无法看到他。和他有同样经历的是一位来自19世纪的法国外交官,这一奇遇使两人开始了一场历史的漫游,目睹了俄罗斯千年来的风云变幻。 他漫步在宏伟壮丽的宫殿里,见证了彼得大帝用鞭子狂怒地抽打他的将军,凯瑟琳女皇的个人生活,以及革命前夕末代沙皇一家最后的晚餐,还有1913年最后一场辉煌盛大的皇家舞会。 在他们的时间旅行逐渐展开之时,两人之间也不断就俄罗斯的历史文化问题发生争执:侯爵秉持西方对俄罗斯爱恨交织的传统感情,而现代电影人却反思和质疑着他的国家的过去和现在。
二十年代初期,响往共产主义的美国名记者约翰·雷德千方百计跑到十月革命之后的苏俄体验生活,追求理想的政治国度,并写出了轰动世界的报导文学《震动世界的十天》。然而,他最后对共产主义彻底失望,重回自由世界。 电影摘要: 第一幕:雷德和露易丝·布莱恩特在波特兰相遇。 第二幕:20世纪10年代在格林威治村的知识分子生活。雷德和露易丝被尤金·奥尼尔和艾玛·高曼等思想家吸引。 第三幕:雷德和露易丝接受俄国革命的影响。 第四幕:雷德试图在美国建立共产党。 第五幕:雷德来到俄国接受布尔什维克的帮助宣传社会主义。1920年雷德去世,年仅32岁。 五个部分充满了乱糟糟的争吵,换句话说,这很难让你对这段历史激起足够的兴趣。在第一部分,观众必须容忍长时间谄媚性的诱导。在这之后,则是雷德和露易丝一段奇怪的爱情:当他们彼此凝视,伴随着革命的高潮和八十年庸俗的音乐,这对恋人的爱情似乎也达到了顶点。第二部分似乎值得一看,事实上,如果影片在这个间断之前结束的话,会比现在这个版本好的多,因为工人运动造成的气氛足以充实这部电影。也许沃伦·比蒂想得太多了,而且多是西方社会对苏联幻觉式的认知,所以才造就了这只嘈杂的万花筒。
13世纪成吉思汗之孙 拔都汗率领数千勇士征服欧洲大片领土。正当无敌的蒙古大军横扫俄罗斯时,却遇到了一个勇敢的战士带领的17位勇士拼死的抵抗。本片故事源自于真实的历史事件,号称俄罗斯版“斯巴达300勇士”。
迎接千禧年的除夕,时任俄罗斯总统叶利钦突然宣布辞职,普京时代开始。《幸福北韩》(40 届)导演维德利明斯奇,当时获邀为准备竞逐总统大选的普京拍摄纪录片,正好见证了政治强人在此关键时刻如何巩固个人权力。当年未曾公开的片段,近距离追踪即将大权在握的普京,还有戈巴卓夫和叶利钦现身镜头前,而当时在普京身边的同路人,不少后来都成为反对派,个中其实有迹可寻。获捷克卡罗维法利电影节最佳纪录片奖。
Five young German friends promise to meet again after WW2 ends, but soon their naive wishes of peace and happiness will become a long and tragic nightmare.
A young doctor who has graduated at the top of his class from the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry is thrust out into an isolated and impoverished country side as the village's only doctor. As he learns to adapt to his new lifestyle, he develops a morphine addiction to stay his sanity while realizing what being a doctor in the real world means.
Russian Empire. The second decade of the twentieth century. As a result of the conflict between the Entente and the bloc of the Central Powers led by Germany, which erupted in August 1914, Russia is drawn into the First World War. A wave of unrest is rolling through the country. Revolutionary moods are increasing every day. Counterintelligence is trying with all its might to suppress the activity of German spies active in the territory of the country ...
Story is set in deep Russia, on a wild river in woods called "Ugrum-reka" - the Moody river. Son of a dishonest trader, Prohor Gromov wants to become his own man. He takes his fathers order and goes trough the woods to deliver the furs to the byer in the nearest town. He tries to take the shorter way and get`s lost. At the highest point of this, his fathers servant, Abdulla, who is sent with him to guard him almost shoots him driven by hunger, but comes to the senses and saves his life by continuing to go on.
A detailed account of the two millennia of intolerance and persecution suffered by the Jews, from antiquity to the present day.
A Prussian princess is chosen to marry the heir to the Russian Throne, but faces plots and intrigues against her.
Russia’s War provides an important and in-depth account of the nation’s history throughout the period of Joseph Stalin's rule (1924-53). Told in ten parts, this astonishing documentary reveals eyewitness accounts, archival photography, documents and footage, and gives a remarkable insight into what let to the death of sixty-five million Soviets during Stalin’s reign of terror.
Explores history through the stories of three major Russian cities: St Petersburg, Volgograd – the former Stalingrad, and Moscow.