歌声不绝 2017
影片根据乔恩·强森的回忆录改编,他与《锅匠,裁缝,士兵,间谍》的编剧彼得·斯特劳汉一起负责影片的剧本。影片中多姆纳尔·格利森饰演一个意欲成为音乐家的年轻人乔恩,加入了由弗兰克主导的古怪流行乐队之后发现自己超负荷承受磨练,片中饰演谜一般的乐队领导人弗兰克的正是迈克尔·法斯宾德。而玛吉·吉伦哈尔饰演的是弗兰克的助手。 片中的乐队领袖弗兰克以Chris Sievey为原型。Chris Sievey在七八十年代红极一时,同时也是个风趣演员,以喜剧形象“Frank Sidebottom”驰誉。在弗兰克身上还能看到Daniel Johnston、Captain Beefheart等特立独行的音乐人的影子。
1971年,五位即将毕业的德州大学生,由於当时越战正如火如荼的进行中,他们面临着被徵召的命运,不只如此,对往後人生出路的安排,亦让他们心烦意乱。於是带头的盖德纳(凯文科斯特纳,「与狼共舞」、「未来水世界」)提出开车创天涯的建议,希望能在踏入现实社会之前,好好享受年轻人的特权。 本片原为学生形式的记录片,片长只有22分种,但是史蒂芬史匹伯看过之後,建议导演凯文雷诺,可将本片拍成一部电影,在本片中主角凯文科斯特纳有精湛的演出。
影片开始是一个年轻人(理查德·林克莱特 Richard Linklater 饰)在的士上向司机叙述他的一个古怪的梦,还有他搭上这辆的士的可能性,然而司机毫不在意。年轻人下了车,目睹一个女人出了车祸躺在地上,他拿走了女人的手提包。女人是被她的儿子撞死的,两个警察把儿子从家里带走。街头有人在弹奏吉他唱着歌,餐厅里三个男人在讨论陀思妥耶夫斯基和伟大的作品。一个男人的朋友失踪了,一个陌生人告诉他关于美国登月的秘密还有一些人失踪的真正原因。一个年轻人从他悄无声息地搬走了,他的室友们在他的房间里找到了许多明信片,上面贴着的是从各本书上撕下来的话语。两个女人在街上说话,预言下一个从她们身边经过的人将在两周内死去.....这是一部没有具体情节和具体主角的电影。
这部78分钟的纪录片由Michael Dunaway和Tara Wood联合编剧、导演,以理查德·林克莱特这位艺术家21年的职业生涯为主要线索,采用了真人讲述与动画场景相结合的表现手法。值得关注的是,该片邀请了伊桑·霍克、朱丽·德尔比、基努·里维斯、马修·麦康纳、扎克·埃夫隆 、比利·鲍伯·松顿、杰克·布莱克、凯文·史密斯、马克·杜普拉斯、贾森·雷特曼等等很多与他合作过的电影人,一起讲述他们心目中的林克莱特。 这些演员是怎么看待林克莱特?他们对着摄影机发表意见时,会比其他时候更尖锐一些吗?与他合作最多(多达7次)的男演员伊桑·霍克表示:“他有些特别之处,这让他显得独一无二。”《日出之前》三部曲女星朱丽·德尔比形容他聪明过人,对一切举重若轻。杰克·布莱克甚至打了个比方:“他就是藏在我们身边的莎士比亚。” 马修·麦康纳则称他是一个“老派、固执的林克莱特”,马修的出演的第一部电影《年少轻狂》就是林克莱特执导,他回想那次电影首秀,形容“如同触电”,依然心有余悸。基努·里维斯则借用林克莱特早年作品《都市浪人》("slacker")语带双关地说:“在他的Slacker(都市浪人)里可没有人敢slacker(偷懒)”,意思是在他手底下干活,都得打起十二分精神。
Nearly 20 years ago, Owen Strand was the lone survivor of his Manhattan firehouse on 9/11. In the wake of the attack, Owen had the unenviable task of rebuilding his station. After a similar tragedy happens to a firehouse in Austin, Owen, along with his troubled firefighter son, T.K., takes his progressive philosophies of life and firefighting down to Texas, where he helps them start anew. On the surface, Owen is all about big-city style and swagger, but underneath he struggles with a secret he hides from the world - one that could very well end his life.
A high school teacher in Austin tries to balance the competing demands of the students and their parents in a world where the rules seem to change every day.
SKAM Austin follows the lives of students at Bouldin High.
STREET STORIES is a hard-hitting, entertaining, dramatic episodic film series that focuses on the travails, temptations, trauma and triumphs of people who are trying to make it in this tough and difficult world. People just like you and me. We have undertaken the task of developing STREET STORIES episodes in order to shine a light on many of the moral dilemmas we all encounter. All of our episodes are true-to-life; which means we portray the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, success and failure, life and death. Sometimes our treatment is raw and biting. Sometimes it's friendly and humorous. Just like life. These 6 PRE-episodes are the 1st generation of STREET STORIES, to get you familiar with most of the main characters. We will be adding many more episodes throughout the foreseeable future for your entertainment and inspiration.
A documentary crew follows the stories of nine classmates during their high school years in Austin, Texas, and then revisits them ten years later to examine how far they have come.
Rollergirls was a 2006 A&E Network reality show examining the personalities, antics and motivations of the women involved with the Austin, Texas Lonestar Rollergirls roller derby league. The show focused primarily on the lives of Cha Cha and Venis Envy of Las Putas Del Fuego; Punky Bruiser, Miss Conduct, and Sister Mary Jane of the Holy Rollers; Lunatic and Clownsnack of the Hellcats; and Lux of the Rhinestone Cowgirls. Many other skaters were also highlighted. The league, now known as Texas Roller Derby or TXRD, was founded in 2001 and is run as a "skater-owned and operated" company that continues to this day. The five home teams are the Cherry Bombs, Hellcats, Holy Rollers, Las Putas Del Fuego and Rhinestone Cowgirls. Episodes were initially broadcast on Monday nights beginning on January 2, 2006, with repeated showings throughout the week. Rollergirls was produced by Gary and Julie Auerbach, the creators of MTV's Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County. The show ended after one season.
A comedic web series about two best friends who struggle with their friendship after college.