神奇女侠 2017
她们非常漂亮,她们专门给蠢人教训,她们为查理工作。2003年6月27日,美国最秘密的武器将再次出击,娜塔丽·库克(卡梅隆·迪亚兹)、戴兰·桑德斯(德鲁·巴利摩尔)以及阿历克斯·芒蒂(刘玉玲)在查理的天使中再次挑战危险。 天使们在毫无预备的情况下集合到一起,承担了营救两位失踪的法官的任务。这不是普通的任务,她们必须持有密码才能正确找到每一个人,这是联邦证人保护计划规定的。当证人开始一个接一个的死去,只有天使们用她们的高超的伪装本领、间谍的技巧和功夫拳脚的厉害才能阻止罪犯——神秘的堕落天使(黛米·摩尔)。在她们可信赖的同行杰米(伯尼·麦克)的帮助下,天使们开始了在遥远的蒙古边境的冒险,而最后只有戴兰面对自己黑暗过去所隐藏的秘密后,事情才能结束,这个秘密让三个好朋友陷入危险……
14世纪爆发的英法持续超过百年,法国节节败退,大部分国土都被英国占领了。就在这个时候,珍妮(米拉•乔沃维奇 Milla Jovovich 饰)出生在法国的穷乡僻壤中。年少起,珍妮就经常看到各种幻想。一次,她看到幻想并根据指示找到了一把剑,当她带着剑回到家时发现家里已遭英军蹂躏。珍妮知道是上天安排她来捍卫法国。于是她向当时的皇太子查理(约翰•马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)请求率领一支军队去抗击英军。走投无路的查理答应了珍妮的请求。随后珍妮率领法军节节胜利,查理亦顺利登基。登基后的查理不再需要珍妮帮助,珍妮在以后的一次战斗中陷入困境但无人来救,她被英军捉住并带到了英国审批……
查理先生手下有三名女打手,她们才貌双全拥有一身好功夫,专门接受查理先生的命令为他人伸张正义。她们分别是:娜塔莉(卡梅伦•迪亚兹 饰)、戴兰(茱莉•巴里摩尔 饰)与艾利克斯(刘玉玲 饰)。 她们最近接受了一个任务:艾瑞克•克诺斯(萨姆•罗克韦尔 饰)先生设计了一款高科技的声音辨别系统。艾瑞克却不幸被绑架了,这三名“天使”需要从不法分子手中拯救艾瑞克。因为这套由艾瑞克设计的高科技系统,一旦被不法分子利用的话后果堪虞。 三位“天使”得知情况后,很快联想到了艾瑞克公司的对手,该负责人罗格成为了最大的嫌疑。三人于是日夜调查罗格的行踪,也掌握了重要的线索。正在她们有把握拯救艾瑞克的时候,一通电话打破了她们三人的全盘计划。
为了寻找失落于地球的量天仪宝珠,太空城族长扎尔塔(彼德·奥图 Peter O'Toole 饰)派遣女超人卡拉(海伦·斯雷特 Helen Slater 饰)前往地球。此时的宝珠落到了邪恶的女巫赛琳娜(费·唐纳薇 Faye Dunaway 饰)的手中,为了炫耀这价值连城的宝 物,赛琳娜举办了一场晚会,而这就是卡拉夺回宝物的最佳时机。卡拉的举动惹恼了赛琳娜,她设计将卡拉骗至恐怖城,夺走了她的力量与自由。 得知卡拉遇险,扎尔塔前来营救,却不想命丧赛琳娜之手。悲愤的卡拉想方设法逃脱了赛琳娜的桎梏,为了给死去的扎尔塔报仇,为了夺回珠宝,为了维护世界的和平,卡拉做好了准备,要与赛琳娜展殊死搏斗。
活跃于加勒比海上的哈里、道格(Frank Langella 饰)、莫迪三兄弟各保存着一份藏宝图的三分之一,道格欲独占宝藏将哈里重伤致死。哈里之女摩根(Geena Davis 饰)接管晨星号海盗船,继承了父亲复仇与寻宝的遗愿。摩根取下父亲头皮上的藏宝图,却因无法辨识图上的拉丁文而登陆求助,适逢惯偷肖(Matthew Modine 饰)被官方贩卖为奴,摩根依赖肖的翻译能力把他买下,并且很快在官军对自己的追捕中展现了悍女本色。摩根等人寻至莫迪处,不料道格意外出现,混乱中莫迪身死,而肖将第二张藏宝图占为己有。摩根惩治了肖的不忠,但却无法摆脱尾随的道格,最终船员叛变,摩根失去了晨星号,虽然肖协助摩根发现割喉岛宝藏所在,但是在道格和官军的围堵下,取得宝藏谈何容易?
1988年的万圣节,杀人魔王迈克尔•梅尔被警察射伤,几经周折,他逃到一条河边,并得到一位好心人的救治。一年时光转瞬即逝,伤愈的迈克尔如同僵死复苏的毒蛇一般杀掉救命恩人,并决定再次前往哈登菲尔德,向甥女杰米(Danielle Harris 饰)复仇。 一年前,杰米因攻击养母及经历了舅舅迈克尔的追杀噩梦而患上失语症,如今正在当地的儿童医院接受康复治疗。虽然失去说话能力,杰米却神奇地拥有了与迈克尔心灵相通的能力。主治医生卢米斯(Donald Pleasence 饰)意识到了这点,他决定利用这个能力和迈克尔做个了断……
《飞天小女警》(英文:The Powerpuff Girls),是美国时代华纳公司旗下的Cartoon Network推出的动画片。
纽约市摩天大楼的电梯开始莫名其妙地发生故障,使乘客处于危险之中,机械师马克·纽曼(James Marshall)和记者珍妮弗·埃文斯(Naomi Watts)开始单独调查。纽曼公司的上司得到抵制,该公司生产电梯,而额外的电梯事故造成几次可怕的死亡。警方涉嫌恐怖分子负责,怀疑是一个陌生人的解释。
是一部基于《蝙蝠侠新冒险》的2003年录像带首映式的动画电影 于2003年10月在美国发行,由华纳兄弟动画制作公司制作.《蝙蝠侠新冒险》由华纳兄弟动画制作,并从1997年9月13日 到1999年.1月16日在WB电视网络上播出. 本剧由三个少女扮成蝙蝠女侠,与罪恶势力做殊死斗争的故事,但这三个少女都非真正官方漫画里所设定的蝙蝠女侠,所以不能定义为女蝙蝠侠,不过真正的女蝙蝠侠二代女侠芭芭拉•科尔顿在本剧中居然打了一次酱油
本片是美国50年代一部优秀的科幻片。导演Jack Arnold运用特效,让一只小小的蜘蛛在银屏上变成一只体形庞大的塔兰图拉毒蛛。影片中的塔兰图拉毒蛛是一只十分可怕的怪兽,它四处破坏,但始终免不了灭亡的命运。
20世纪上半叶,战争的阴影盘旋于欧洲大陆上空。很快,一场惊世灾难席卷全世界,纳粹的铁蹄恣意践踏着人类的生命和尊严,地球变成了充满烈火的地狱。一列纳粹用来运输俘虏的火车,遭到了游击队员的袭击。对决中,一道黑色的身影格外引人注目。她仅凭着手中的冷兵器便将全副武装的纳粹士兵一一收拾。这便是已存活上半年历史的吸血鬼莱恩(Natassia Malthe 饰)。在这次行动中,莱恩手刃德军军官艾卡特(Michael Paré 饰),不曾想却让对方感染了自己的血,从而转化成一只有着邪恶力量的吸血鬼。而德军的疯狂医生马格勒(Clint Howard 饰)更企图打造一支吸血鬼部队。莱恩不得不去面对这个亲手种下的恶因……
电影根据真人真事改编,1986年9月一架泛美航空73号班机遭到4名恐怖分子挟持劫机,年仅22岁的空姐Neerja Bhanot牺牲了她自己拯救飞机上359条乘客性命的伟大故事。
《Mezzo forte》是日本动画悬疑电影,由梅津泰臣 Yasuomi Umetsu导演,Tomoko Kotani 、山崎卓美、广川太一郎 等主演。一扫A KITE的阴郁灰暗的风格,改走轻松兼些许搞笑的故事内容:说的是一个贩卖机器性玩偶的三人团队卷入帮派夺权阴谋中的故事。
打扮成男子模样的少女天上欧蒂娜因为某个原因而转学到贵族学校·凤学园,在那里,她遇到了被称为“蔷薇的新娘”的美丽少女姬宫安希,从而被卷入了一场以争夺“蔷薇的新娘”为目标的决斗游戏。 剧场版并非TV版的续篇,所有设定都作了大幅度变更。监督几原邦彦在制作剧场版时,对于电影的本质深思熟虑许久,针对TV和剧场的特性,减少突发演出的场面,希望让观众更容易理解作品的意涵。画面比TV版更华丽且超乎现实,但是相对地,故事更现实而残酷。 剧场版探讨到少年与大人、梦想与现实的冲突。编剧榎户洋司言道:「这是根据青春的价值观作出的作品。」所谓青春并不是多么愉快的事物,但其中仍有无可取代的快乐,所以才觉得怀念。榎户秉持这份对青春的价值观,创造令人为之动容的剧情。 剧场版中,欧蒂娜小时後不曾遇见过王子,想成为王子是由于其他更强烈的理由,男装打扮也比TV版更为彻底,只有在决斗时才会把头发放下回复成长发,动作和语气也显得更男孩子气。另一位女主角安希的造型则变成长直发,不戴眼镜。性格变得极其开朗活泼……另外,安希与晓生兄妹之间的关系,也变得更为悲壮残酷。 剧场版中依然充斥无所不在的「王子」符号。桐生冬芽是欧蒂娜的王子,树璃被学校里的女学生们称为王子,枝织的儿时玩伴是王子,凤晓生是被魔女封印的蔷薇的王子,主角欧蒂娜也想要成为王子。然而,不论「曾经是王子」或「想变成王子」,都不是真正的王子,王子的涵意究竟为何?而身为被王子保护的存在的柔弱的「公主」,又要如何独力面对现实的世界,进行「少女革命」?
江湖败类“索命五虎”作恶多端,杀人如麻。其老大被两江总督张大人俘获,不日问斩。其余四虎铤而走险,劫走张大人之子张步青以作要挟。张步青之妹张熙燕(郑佩佩 饰)武艺高强,人送绰号“金燕子”。为救兄长,张熙燕独闯虎穴,然恶徒狡猾非常,金燕子救兄不成,还险些丢掉性命。关键时刻,幸得隐于江湖的侠客范大悲(岳华 饰)出手搭救。 范大悲曾为某寺院修行者,其师兄了空大师为夺掌门人之位杀害师傅,师傅临死前将丐帮掌门人信物交给范大悲。念及师兄弟之情,范从此隐姓埋名,以醉猫的诨号浪荡江湖。此次索命五虎与了空大师联手,势要将金燕子和范大悲斩草除根……
When Hikaru Hoshina transforms into Cure Star, she embarks on an outer space adventure to find the rest of the Star Twinkle Cures and save the universe!
Ichika Usami is a second year middle school student whose family runs the Kirakira Patisserie shop. One day, she encounters a fairy named Pekorin and learns that evil monsters known as Henteko have been stealing "Kirakiraru", the energy that resides within sweets and desserts. Thus, Ichika becomes a Pretty Cure and, alongside four other cures, forms the Kirakira PreCure a la Mode to fight off the Henteko and protect the sweets.
The Healing Garden, a secret world that has provided treatment to heal the Earth, is under attack by the Byougenzu, who plan to infect Earth with an illness, putting it in great danger! To solve this crisis, the three medical trainees of Earth, known as the Healing Animals, along with Latte, who holds a special power as the Princess of the Healing Garden, escape in search of their partners! Three ordinary girls come across the group by chance, and together, they transform into Pretty Cure and take on the Byougenzu!
Tsubomi Hanasaki is a girl in the second grade of middle school who likes flowers and plants. One day she experiences a weird dream. In that dream, a large blooming tree appears. Suddenly, it loses all of its flowers and 2 fairies appear. A few days later after Tsubomi has transferred to Myoudou Academy, suddenly the fairies from the dream appear before her and plead to Tsubomi to become the legendary warrior Pretty Cure, and protect the Heart Tree. However, Tsubomi declines as she doesn't think that she would be able to do that. However, a mysterious enemy suddenly strikes and steals the Heart Flower of her classmate, Erika Kurumi. Now she doesn't have a choice. To retrieve Erika's Heart Flower, she has to transform into a Pretty Cure and fight. Working up the courage, Tsubomi turns into Cure Blossom and a new chapter of Pretty Cure begins!
On her first date with the cutest boy in school, Ichigo is zapped by a mysterious ray that scrambles her DNA with that of the endangered Iriomote wildcat. The next day, Ichigo discovers that she has developed the agility (and occasionally the ears and tail) of a cat, as well as the power to transform into a pink-haired superheroine, Mew Ichigo. She and four other girls, each endowed with the genes of a different "Red Data" animal, have been selected for the top-secret Mew Project, which aims to protect the Earth from an alien menace known as Deep Blue.
Xena is an infamous warrior on a quest to seek redemption for her past sins against the innocent. Accompanied by her comrade-in-arms Gabrielle, the campy couple use their formidable fighting skills to help those who are unable to defend themselves.
Love Momozono is a 14-year-old student at Yotsuba Junior Highschool that tends to care more for others than for herself. One day she visits a show of the famous dance unit "Trinity" and decides to become a dancer, too. On the same event, subordinates of the Labyrinth Kingdom show up who want to collect the unhappiness of the audience. Love gets the power to change into Cure Peach and fights them. Soon after, she is joined by her good friends Miki, who is Cure Berry, and Inori, who becomes Cure Pine.
Thanks to Sharuru, a fairy from the Trump Kingdom, and the power of mysterious accessories called Cure Lovies, Mana transforms into Cure Heart! Mana, her close friend Rikka, her high-class childhood friend Alice, and the enigmatic, cool super idol singer Makoto all become legendary saviors. Together, they purify the Jikochu, who have forgotten about love!
Hibiki and Kanade are two friends who grew up together in Kanon Town. Very different in their personalities, they share one thing in common: A connection to music. No matter how different they are or how much their differences cause them to quarrel, they both continue to share loving hearts. One day they meet Hummy, who is sent to the Human World from Major Land to collect the scattered notes of the Melody of Happiness. They have to instantly transform into Pretty Cures to resist the threats and evil music from Mephisto. Can they stop the Melody of Sorrow from disrupting their peaceful town, and can their warped friendship measure up to the bonds of Pretty Cure?
Candy, a fairy from Märchenland follows the shining light that leads to the five legendary PreCure warriors in order to fight Bad End Kingdom villains who are trying to vanquish the entire world to the “Worst Ending.
Go! Princess PreCure is set in a boarding junior high school, named Noble Academy. The protagonist Haruka Haruno is a 13-year-old first-year student. Her big dream is to be a princess someday because she admired a princess in the picture book she has kept since her childhood. One day, she transforms into Cure Flora with the "Dress Up Key" which Prince Kanata of Hope Kingdom gave her as a good luck charm when she was little. Then she also finds other Pretty Cure girls in her school, 14-year-old Minami Kaidou as Cure Mermaid and 13-year-old Kirara Amanogawa as Cure Twinkle. As the Princess Pretty Cure team, with two fairies Pafu and Aroma, they fight against the dark witch Dyspear, who hates all the dreams in the world and wants to turn them to despair.
Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro couldn't be more different. Nagisa is sporty and Honoka bookish, and while they attend the same school, they have very little in common - until one day, a shower of shooting stars brings two very unlikely visitors into their lives: Mepple and Mipple, refugees from the Garden of Light, which has been conquered by Darkness. Endowed with new and startling powers, Nagisa and Honoka become Cure Black and Cure White, the legendary warriors of light - together, they are Pretty Cure.
The world may know them as Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Batgirl, but not-so-typical teenagers Diana, Kara and Barbara, alongside their Super Hero friends have much more to deal with than just protecting Metropolis from some of the most sinister school-aged Super-Villains. After all, being teens is tough enough, what with school, friends, family and the chaos that comes with managing a social life. But add super powers and a secret identity to the mix, and things can get a lot more complicated.
In Animal Town where humans and animals live together, Iroha who loves animals is very close to her dog Komugi! One day, a mysterious creature called a GaruGaru goes berserk in her city. In order to protect Iroha, Komugi transforms into a human and even a Pretty Cure…!? We have to protect such berserk animals! Let's join forces and return the animals to the Niko Garden!
Nozomi Yumehara, a regular student, finds a magical book called the Dream Collet in the library and meets Coco and Nuts, two creatures from the Palmier Kingdom. They plead with Nozomi to restore their world, which has been destroyed by an organization called the Nightmares, by completing the Dream Collet and finding the 55 Pinkies to make any wish come true. Meanwhile, the Nightmares are moving into the real world. Once Nozomi agrees to help, Coco and Nuts transform her into the legendary warrior Cure Dream and turn four fellow students into her Pretty Cure team.
Mirai Asahina, a thirteen-year-old girl who is excited by various things, goes with her stuffed bear, Mofurun, to investigate a mysterious object that fell from the sky. There, she meets a young magician named Liko who is searching for something known as the Linkle Stone Emerald. When dark servants of Dokuroxy come seeking the Linkle Stone Emerald, Mirai and Liko join hands with Mofurun and transform into the legendary magicians known as the Pretty Cures to fight against them. Thus, Mirai joins Liko in attending Magic School, where they must learn how to use magic while also fighting off Dokuroxy's minions.
The scientists of the μ(Mew) Project use DNA of endangered species to create a team of heroines imbued with amazing abilities. Armed with the skills of an Iriomote cat, Ichigo must band together with other Mew Mew girls to repel an alien incursion.
A major incident has occurred in the peaceful Sky Land!? The young Princess Ellee has been kidnapped by the monsters of Underg Empire! A brave young girl, Sora, follows the princess through a mysterious hole. "TV"? "Cars"? Are those some kind of magic tools!?!? But there's no time to be surprised! She has to get the princess back to the castle...! Flying between two worlds! The adventure with the Pretty Cure begins now!
Manatsu Natsuumi is a first-year junior high school student born and raised on a small island. On the day she moves from the island, She meets Laura, a mermaid girl who has come to the earth alone in search of the legendary warrior, PreCure. Laura's hometown, Grand Ocean, is attacked by a witch who lives in the dark depths of the ocean, and all of their motivational power is taken away. It is said that if the motivational power of humans is also taken away, the world will be in deep trouble. Laura is captured by the witch's servant, and Manatsu transforms into Cure Summer to save her.
The ruler of the evil Phantom Empire, Queen Mirage, begins her invasion on Earth using an army of Choiarks and powerful monsters called Saiarks. All across the world, Pretty Cures are dispatched to fight against the Phantom Empire threat. Hime Shirayuki, a princess from the Blue Sky Kingdom, which was taken over by the Phantom Empire, joins the fight as a Pretty Cure named Cure Princess, but always finds herself running away scared. Given a Crystal of Love by the Spirit of Earth, Blue, and told to seek out a partner to fight alongside her, Hime goes to the city of Pikarigaoka and randomly throw the crystal in the air, deciding to partner up with whoever it lands upon. This person turns out to be Megumi Aino, a kind-hearted girl always looking to help others, who is recruited by Hime to fight by her side as Cure Lovely.