制暴:无限杀机 2025
影片改编自查克·迪克逊所著同名系列小说,主人公莱文·凯德(杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham 饰)是黑色行动界的传奇人物,他放弃职业从事建筑工作,想过简单的生活,做女儿的好父亲,而当他老板的十几岁女儿珍妮突然消失后,莱文被召回要求重操旧业。在追踪过程中,莱文卷入到 一个邪恶的犯罪阴谋的中心,产生了连锁反应,将威胁到他的新生活方式。
影片改编自查克·迪克逊所著同名系列小说,主人公莱文·凯德(杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham 饰)是黑色行动界的传奇人物,他放弃职业从事建筑工作,想过简单的生活,做女儿的好父亲,而当他老板的十几岁女儿珍妮突然消失后,莱文被召回要求重操旧业。在追踪过程中,莱文卷入到 一个邪恶的犯罪阴谋的中心,产生了连锁反应,将威胁到他的新生活方式。
黑人小伙克里斯(丹尼尔·卡卢亚 饰)和他的白人女朋友露丝(艾莉森·威廉姆斯 饰)相处到了见父母的阶段,她邀请他去自己父母家度周末。起初,克里斯把她家人过度热情的行为,解读为他们对女儿的跨种族恋爱的紧张应对。但随着时间的推移,一系列令人不安的发现使他认识到一个难以想象的真相,这一切背后是一个邪恶的种族阴谋。
结婚五周年纪念日的早上,尼克·邓恩来到妹妹玛戈的酒吧,咒骂抱怨那个曾经彼此恩爱缠绵的妻子艾米以及全然看不见希望的婚姻。当他返回家中时, 却发现客厅留下了暴行的痕迹,而妻子竟不见了踪影。女探员朗达·邦妮接到报案后赶来调查,而现场留下的种种蛛丝马迹似乎昭示着这并非是一件寻常的失踪案,其背后或许隐藏着裂变于夫妻之情的谋杀罪行。艾米的失踪通过媒体大肆渲染和妄加揣测很快闻名全国,品行不端的尼克被推上风口浪尖,至今不见踪影的爱人对他进行无情审判,你侬我侬的甜言蜜语早已化作以血洗血的复仇与折磨……
疯狂动物城是一座独一无二的现代动物都市。每种动物在这里都有自己的居所,比如富丽堂皇的撒哈拉广场,或者常年严寒的冰川镇。它就像一座大熔炉,动物们在这里和平共处——无论是大象还是小老鼠,只要你努力,都能在此闯出一番名堂。不过乐观的警官兔朱迪(金妮弗·古德温 Ginnifer Goodwin 配音)却发现,作为史上第一任兔子警官,要和一群强硬的大块头动物警察合作可不是件容易事。为了证明自己,她决心侦破一桩神秘案件;追寻真相的路上她被迫与口若悬河、谎技高超的狐尼克(杰森·贝特曼 Jason Bateman 配音)联手,却发现这桩案件背后隐藏着一个意欲颠覆动物城的巨大阴谋……
1989年,位于缅因州的德里市,正被恐怖的阴影所笼罩。从上一年开始,儿童失踪案接连发生,似乎某个可怕的未知存在悄然来到了人们中间。痛失弟弟的少年比利(杰顿·李博赫 Jaeden Lieberher 饰),决定和艾迪、瑞奇、史丹利等伙伴利用暑假寻找弟弟乔治的下落。不久之后,遭小坏蛋们欺负的小胖子本、被疯传放荡的坏女孩贝弗莉以及父母死于大火的孤儿麦克相继加入这个受到嗤笑的窝囊废联盟。在这一过程中,他们经历了一连串的超自然的恐怖体验。少年们发现,在这个被诅咒的城市,每隔27年非正常死亡人数就会飙升。狞笑着的小丑(比尔·斯卡斯加德 Bill Skarsgård 饰),深入每个人的心底,挖掘他们最恐惧的部分…… 本片根据斯蒂芬·金的同名原著改编。
莉娜(娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)除了工作就是整天想着自己的丈夫凯恩(奥斯卡·伊萨克 Oscar Isaac 饰),因为凯恩在执行任务中已失踪了一年。没有想到凯恩一年后从一个高度机密的军事任务中回来后,莉娜高兴坏了,不过她很快发现,丈夫连简单的问题都不能回答了,生命也出现了危险,在去医院的路上,她们被一个军事小组拦下。当莉娜醒来之后,发现和文崔斯博士(詹妮弗·杰森·李 Jennifer Jason Leigh 饰)在一起,文崔斯告诉她,一种神秘的能量从黑水国家公园里传出,被称为微光。三年前一次无法解释的光脉冲导致了微光,并且它正在缓慢扩散。但是关于微光起源的更广阔的真相和本质是什么,仍不得而知。莉娜志愿和其他三名专家队员——乔西(泰莎·汤普森 Tessa Thompson 饰)、安雅(吉娜·罗德里格兹 Gina Rodriguez 饰)、卡斯·谢泼德(图娃·诺沃妮 Tuva Novotny 饰)一起,跟随文崔斯博士的脚步,去往那个被限禁的区域,搞明白之前消失的队员都遭遇了什么,以及微光对于人类来说意味着什么。
Marion 在亚利桑那州凤凰城上班,每天中午都急匆匆地与男友幽会,然而男友却因为推说没钱给前妻赡养费而迟迟不肯离婚。这天Marion要替老板存进4万美元进银行,一时冲动之下她决定捐款潜逃。沿途她换车后又遇下雨,身心备受煎熬的她见到路边有一家贝兹汽车旅馆,便决定留下过夜。贝兹汽车旅馆的老板Norman 是个个性良善的青年,只是面对房间中的母亲十分敬畏。Marion只想赶紧度过今晚,然而在她淋浴时被恐怖杀害。Marion的妹妹Lila 一路追踪失踪的姐姐过来,也住进了贝兹汽车旅馆,私家侦探Milton则帮助Lila将目标锁定在Norman身上。一切都似乎与Norman的母亲有关,那控制着儿子的母亲,到底是何方神圣?
乔什·哈彻森饰演的男主角肖恩接收到来自神秘岛屿的求救信号,这个信号与他失踪的祖父息息相关。肖恩决定去神秘岛一探究竟,但母亲的男友(巨石·强森饰演)竭力阻止他,因为传说神秘岛有许多未知的危险。肖恩一意孤行,为了保证他的安全,母亲的男友只好陪同他前往,与他们一起去的还有飞行员父女。 在经历重重困难后,肖恩祖孙终于重逢,然而这份高兴没持续多久,岛上的五个人就面临着更大的危机:神秘岛火山喷发地震袭来,岛屿岌岌可危,他们必须赶在岛屿沉没于大海前逃出去。
蒂姆·古德曼(贾斯提斯·史密斯饰)为寻找下落不明的父亲来到莱姆市,意外与父亲的前宝可梦搭档大侦探皮卡丘(瑞安·雷诺兹 配音)相遇,并惊讶地发现自己是唯一能听懂皮卡丘说话的人类,他们决定组队踏上揭开真相的刺激冒险之路。探案过程中他们邂逅了各式各样的宝可梦,并意外发现了一个足以毁灭整个宝可梦宇宙的惊天阴谋。
劳拉·克劳馥年少时,她的冒险家父亲突然神秘消失。她拒绝接受父亲已经去世的事实,并暗下决心要解开父亲神秘死亡的谜团。 放下眼前的一切,劳拉前往父亲最后出现的地方探寻一座传说中的古墓。要踏上这场未知的旅程,她必须以敏锐的头脑、坚定的信仰和顽强的精神武装自己,并迫使自己超越极限。如果她能在这场危机四伏的冒险中存活下来,她才可能成长为名副其实的“古墓丽影”。
一年前,几名摄影工作者深入亚马逊丛林,企图寻找消失的食人族部落,没想到几人从此却一去不回。为了查明真相,一位勇敢的教授(罗伯特•卡曼 Robert Kerman 饰)在电视台的资助下出发前往该丛林探究他们失踪的原因,最后,教授历尽千辛万苦找回了当时那些摄影工作者留下来的 一批影片,上面真实纪录了这些摄影者的整个探险过程!他们先是深入到丛林深处,侵入当地的原始部落,最后竟被当地的原始部落食人族活活吞食!
改编自BOOM!Studio于2014年推出的同名漫画小说,由美国漫画届最高荣誉艾斯纳奖(Eisner Award)得主Cullen Bunn创作。讲述人类社会被一种名为“躯壳”的疾病困扰,患上这种病的人会性格易怒、出现幻觉与自杀倾向,变得有如灵魂被掏空的空人躯壳。疾病 爆发后,依然找不到解药,同时美国邪教组织兴起。FBI与CDC投入调查,希望能找寻一切真相。
少女朱恩(斯托姆·瑞德 饰)为了寻找离奇失踪的母亲(尼娅·朗 饰),展开抽丝剥茧般的互联网跨国追踪。巨大的信息量浩如烟海,未知的危险在暗中潜伏,朱恩能否找到真相,妈妈能否平安归来?
一个去世议员的家人无意中发现了议员的一件遗物——一卷8毫米的影片,里面竟然有女孩被虐杀的整个过程,于是交给了一名私家侦探汤姆威勒(Nicolas Cage尼古拉斯•凯奇饰)调查真相。汤姆威勒本来平静的生活开始危机四伏。汤姆威勒一步步破解真相的过程,亦是一步步陷入泥潭的过程。但是影片中陌生女子的受虐惨剧在他脑中挥之不去。良心促使他在凶险的真相面前变得无惧。但当真相揭露之时,世间的丑恶不堪得令汤姆威勒也陷入了惊恐……
For more than 25 years, Dateline has brought viewers investigations into some of biggest mysteries in America. This entry in the franchise takes a second look at some of the most mysterious cases of recent history. It explores the stories through firsthand accounts told by people who are close to the crime, including investigators who dedicated their time to the cases and family members who are still trying to confront the tragedies that befell their loved ones.
A story about people who succeed in life thanks to nothing but their own efforts. Maria do Carmo is the main character of the telenovela; a mother of five who struggle to be successful in life, but whose most important will be recovering the love of her daughter who was kidnapped when she was just months old.
When a young boy vanishes, a small town uncovers a mystery involving secret experiments, terrifying supernatural forces, and one strange little girl.
Dateline NBC, or simply Dateline, is a weekly American television newsmagazine series. It was previously the network's flagship newsmagazine, but now focuses mainly on true crime stories with only occasional editions that focus on other topics.
Award winning journalist Paula Zahn unravels shocking crimes interviewing those closest to the case including lawyers, the victim's family, detectives and the convicted murderer themselves.
Strange things are happening at an English boarding school called House of Anubis. Popular student Joy goes missing, the school's cranky caretaker has a creepy stuffed crow and the school's attic may be haunted. When recent American transplant Nina gets thrust into the school during this time, she decides to investigate along with her new friend, Fabian, and housemates.
The series follows the ventures of a Missing Persons Unit of the FBI in New York City.
The real-life stories behind unique homicide cases with in-depth interviews, authentic archival material and cinematic recreations all packaged together into a fresh spin in the genre.
In any given year, more than 600,000 people are reported missing in the U.S. Of these reported cases, more than half of the missing people are people of color, too easily neglected by the system. Gabi Mosely, a former missing person herself, now specializes in PR and leads a crisis management team that seeks out these missing people. But unbeknownst to anyone, Mosely is hiding a dark secret of her own.
Jess Mastriani was a normal person who only wanted to take over her parents' restaurant in Indiana. But that changed when she was hit by lightning. After that she began seeing visions of missing people. Jess decides to use her newfound ability to be a consultant to the FBI, helping locate missing individuals. Eventually, she is hired by the bureau full-time and trained to become an agent, but her by-the-book nature sometimes clashes with the personality of her partner. Jess and her colleagues work out of the FBI's Washington, D.C., office.
Romance between a girl who wants to seek revenge for her father, and the second son of the Yue family who owns a rogue manufacturing factory.
The story of families haunted, despite themselves, by a past that has not died.
Uncover the heart-wrenching true stories behind crimes that transcended headlines and became part of popular culture. Exclusive first hand interviews reveal shocking twists, new evidence, and unexpected resolutions.
Sara Collins is gone. But before the FBI can solve the mystery of where she is, they first need to figure out who she really is. Nothing is as it seems. Everyone is a suspect. Everyone has a secret. And no one is safe. Sara is the beautiful young wife of prominent Georgia Senator Jeffrey Collins, and she has gone missing. Through the eyes of Senior FBI Agent Graham Kelton, ambitious reporter Judy Nash and the distraught members of the Collins family, viewers will journey inside a sensational, mysterious national soap opera.
When police officer Nikki Batista’s son goes missing, she joins the Philadelphia Police Department's Missing Person’s Unit (MPU) to help other people find their loved ones, even as she searches for her own. Six years later, her world is turned upside-down when her ex-husband, Jason Grant, a former police officer, shows up with a proof-of-life photo of their missing boy. Or is it?
A dark comedy about four self-absorbed twenty-somethings who become entangled in an ominous mystery when a former college acquaintance suddenly disappears.
Disappeared is a gripping series that focuses on missing person cases. Each hour delves into one story, tracing the time immediately before the individual vanished for critical clues about the disappearance.
When 2% of the world's population abruptly disappears without explanation, the world struggles to understand just what they're supposed to do about it. This is the story of the people who didn't make the cut.
4400 centers on the return of 4400 people who, previously presumed dead or reported missing, reappear on Earth. Though they have not aged physically, some of them seem to have deeper alterations ranging from superhuman strength to an unexplained healing touch. A government agency is formed to track the 4400 people after one of them commits a murder.
Noor is a lawyer whose brother is mysteriously murdered. When she starts looking for his murderer, clues point to some of the people closest to him.