致命塔罗 2024
也许在爱情的天平上,神与人是平等的。死神为了体验人世的悲欢,化身翩翩少年Joe Black(Brad Pitt 饰) 降落到新闻媒体大亨William Parrish(Anthony Hopkins 饰)的家中。机缘巧合,Joe爱上了William的小女儿Susan (Claire Forlani 饰),品尝到人世间爱情的甘醇。这孩子般纯真的,迷恋花生酱的翩翩死神与他美丽端庄的,拥有夜色深邃眼睛的女孩会有着什么样不同寻常的奇遇?他们把爱情谱成乐章,邀你我一同聆听。
Nora(Greta Lee 饰)自小便因家庭因素搬离首尔移居加拿大。她与青梅竹马 Hae Sung(刘台午 饰)的关系最终停留在稚幼的凝视不语。而在二十年后,命运令两人于纽约重逢。可此时 Nora已拥有新的身份,甚至已和Arthur(John Magaro 饰)建立家庭。和Hae Sung 分开二十年后的重逢,也令她重新思索生活中的真正渴望。
韦斯利刚刚步入25岁的黄金年龄,然而对于一个生来就喜欢逃避现实的人来说,他的生命却已经到了混吃等死的最后阶段。不过在性格与偶然性铸就的人生当中,很多现状都是他自己一点一滴亲手促成的。韦斯利非常讨厌自己正在面对的境地,因为这样的生活让他充满了失败感:在公司中韦斯利的大块头老板几乎每小时都会辱骂他一番,已经把折磨他当成了人生的一大乐事;回到家中韦斯利那堪比性感尤物的女友,却又把他当成虚无的空气一样视而不见。每一个人都相信,像韦斯利这种闲散的懒鬼,最终的结局只会是一事无成,最最糟糕的是,就连韦斯利本人也这么认为,在他看来,生命的意义就是消磨时间,等待死亡——直到他遇到了一个名叫福克斯的女人,所有的一切都改变了。 韦斯利一直以为自己的亲生父亲早在他出生那会儿就已经去世了,然而事态全然不若他想得那般简单,福克斯为他带来了真相:他的父亲于昨天被人谋杀,而她奉命带韦斯利回去,完成他父亲未竟的事业。福克斯身上所散发出来的致命吸引力,让韦斯利毫不犹豫地跟随她加入了“互助会”,一个存在了几个世纪的秘密社团组织,并在那里接受训练,释放隐藏起来的能量,为父亲的死复仇——原来,杀戮的本性在他的血脉当中早已经如此根深蒂固了。就在福克斯教会韦斯利如何开发像闪电般快速的反应能力和成果显著的敏捷性时,他也发现这个组织一直秉承着一个古老且牢不可破的信念:贯彻执行由命运赋予的死亡命令,杀一人,救千人。 在一群技艺高超、才华横溢的导师的指点下——包括“互助会”中像谜一般高深莫测的领袖斯隆,韦斯利开始深深着迷于自身被开发出来的强大潜能,他也意识到这些危险的“同伴”背后隐藏着的是肉眼看不到的秘密,尤其是执行刺杀任务的时候,当初的高贵与纯粹也荡然无存。纠结在被新进开发的英雄主义和复仇的愤怒当中,韦斯利将会学会一件任何人都没办法教会他的事实:命运是掌握在自己手中的。
法国巴黎某处共享办公室内,一名神秘杀手(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)正静待猎物的到来。他外表冷酷,沉默寡言,内心则絮絮不止,一遍又一遍重复着作为杀手的准则,仿佛这样才能使他有所凭依,内心安定。然而即便如此,他准备了数日的刺杀却以失败告终。失手之后,杀手按照既定的路线迅速撤离,并在上线的安排下躲到多米尼加的家中暂避风头。谁知才刚踏上自家院落,他就嗅出了危险气息。原来在此之前,早已有两名杀手踏足此地,并将杀手的妻子(索菲·夏洛特 Sophie Charlotte 饰)殴至重伤。杀手恼羞不已,他根据仅有的线索,一路追查幕后的指使和参与者。 一旦失手,万劫不复,此时此刻他有切身体会……
巴都村是泰国一个宁静、与世无争的小村庄,村民都过着安逸、悠闲的生活。岂料,一名无良的村民巴瑞竟然砍掉用来保护整个村庄安全的安北佛佛头,贩卖给非法的集团,牟取暴利。这件事惊动了整个村庄,令到每位村民惶恐不安。 为保家园平安,负责打理村内庙宇的阿天(柏朗依林饰演)自告奋勇,单枪匹马海报(17张)前赴曼谷市夺回佛头。 身负重任的阿天以为出外靠朋友,找来曼谷的同乡阿含莱协助寻找佛头的踪迹,岂料那人不是阿含莱,而是阿扬,他却借着天不凡的身手,哄他在地下擂台比武赚钱,将他当做摇钱树。虽然身处这样一个纸醉金迷的城市,但阿天仍决心寻回佛头,就算赴汤蹈火都在所不惜,故阿天决定重拾行装独自上路找佛首。 好在后来阿扬及时醒悟,决定帮助阿天。 几经艰苦,天终于找到巴瑞,得知他们在依腊山的一个山洞里。并在他们砍掉一处洞穴内的大型佛像时赶到。不过,那里的人早已埋伏好。最终,在阿含莱(阿扬)的帮助下,天以寡敌众,身受重伤,但最终在阿含莱(阿扬)牺牲的代价下夺回了佛首,送回了巴都村。
986年,哈里(德里克·理查德森 Derek Richardson 饰)一生都跟随父亲生活在学校地下室中,而一直呆在母亲身旁的洛德(艾瑞克·克里斯蒂安·奥森 Eric Christian Olsen 饰)则从未踏进过校园一步,两人的共同点只有一个,那就是他们都是常人眼中的“低能儿”。在偌大的校园中,“心心相惜”的两人迅速成为了朋友。 校长柯林斯(尤金·列维 Eugene Levy 饰)和女友赫勒(切里·奥特莱 Cheri Oteri 饰)想在学校内建立一个特殊教育班,可是,哈里和洛德却发现,柯林斯真正想要的,其实是政府的巨额教育拨款。无意中发现了柯林斯的阴谋,哈里和洛德十分着急,可是,又有谁会相信这两个呆瓜的“疯言疯语”呢?
他——Harold Crick(威尔·法瑞尔 Will Ferrell 饰)是一个国税局的审计员,每天过着极具规律性的单调生活,一把旁白的声音却打破了这一切——他发现耳边常常响起某个人的说话,她能洞悉自己每日的生活规律,甚至能预测他不久将来的死去,他深深惶恐。 她——Karen Eiffel(艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson 饰)是一个作家,性格悲观颓唐,从来不让笔下的主角逃过死去命运,正为如何安排主人公死得伟大而烦恼。她不知道,笔下的那个男主角,和现实生活的他完全重合,而男主角死去的剧情,将一一在他身上应验。 然而,当他得知自己的人生被他人设计,但可以死得其所获得生命的价值时,他再也没有惊恐和反抗,而是坦然接受这一切。他的选择让作家开始了新的顿悟,故事也随之峰回路转。
讲述的是以一句古老的中国箴言:福(happiness)、乐(pleasure)、忧(sorrow)、爱(love),所映照出来的四段故事与四个人命运的奇妙故事,生意人福(福里斯特·惠特克 饰,《颤栗空间》)为了金钱挺而走险,将自己的生命押注在地下赌庄的赛马赌注上;黑帮份子乐(布兰登·弗莱瑟 饰)则是可以预见未来;忧(莎拉·米歇尔·盖拉饰)是个流行歌手却被黑帮老大手指Finger(安迪·加西亚饰)盯上,做为诈财的工具;而爱(凯文·贝肯 饰)则是个婚姻失败的医师,极欲挽回妻子的爱。 这四个拥有不同人生的人,在某个命运交叉点相会,能够预见未来是否就代表能避过所有灾祸?四个人的生命互相交缠,一个失控,让所有的生命都在危险边缘游走,能预见未来?是否也能改变结果?
罗拉(弗兰卡•波滕特 饰)和曼尼(莫里兹•克雷多 饰)是一对年轻的恋人,其中曼尼是一个不务正业的小混混,而罗拉则是相信“天大的事情有爱情顶着”的爱情至上主义者。 一天,曼尼为老大完成一项钻石交易,带着装有10万马克的钱袋等候罗拉的接应,然而罗拉的自行车被人抢走,耽误了约定的接应时间,曼尼只好乘地铁回去。在地铁车厢里,曼尼扶起身边的乞丐,同时,看见两名警察向他走来。慌乱中,曼尼下了车,竟然把钱袋忘在了车厢里。显然,钱袋被乞丐拿走了。此时距离曼尼和老大约定见面交钱的时间只剩下20分钟,如果20分钟之内筹集不到10万马克,曼尼就会被老大杀死。走投无路的曼尼打电话向罗拉求救,如果罗拉20分钟之内不能赶到,曼尼只能铤而走险抢劫电话亭对面的超市。 考验罗拉爱情的时候到了,为了在20分钟内筹到10万马克,救出曼尼,她狂奔在向银行家父亲求助的路上。
缘分真的天注定?一个普通、忙乱的圣诞夜,乔纳森(约翰•库萨克 John Cusack 饰)和萨拉(凯特•贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale 饰)相遇了。认识的短短几个小时,他们就不可救药地爱上了对方。虽然,他们各自都有自己的生活圈子,自己伴侣。当他们幸福地在曼哈顿的街头漫步了一整个晚上后,黎明来临,他们不得不面对现实。萨拉拒绝了乔纳森互留号码的请求,并决定一切由老天决定。几年时光转瞬即逝,他们再也没有重遇。此时,乔纳森已准备踏入婚姻殿堂,而萨拉也收到了男友的求婚戒指。只是,一本书、一张电影海报,都能让他们不由自主的想起几年前的那个圣诞夜。乔纳森在婚礼前夕开始的依靠几年前留下来的线索找寻萨拉。
女孩雅娜(纳瓦·尼姆利 Najwa Nimri 饰)自幼丧父,男孩奥图(费雷·马丁内兹 Fele Martínez 饰)父母之间的感情也以破裂告终,两个孤独的人相识在8岁的那一年。机缘巧合之下,雅娜的母亲和奥图的父亲组成了新的家庭,雅娜和奥图亦成为了兄妹。随着年岁的增长,两人的感情日益加深,终于越过了那条伦理的界限。奥图的母亲在孤独中割腕自杀,这带给了奥图毁灭性的打击,心碎的他远走他乡成为了一名飞行员,不久,伤心的雅娜也和他人组成了家庭。 在街道上,在车流间,在天空中,两个相爱的人被命运捉弄,一次次的擦肩而过,但他们的感情却没有半分折损。数年之后,雅娜离开丈夫,来到地球的极点,她相信,在那个太阳永远不会落下的地方,她和奥图一定会再次的相遇。 ©豆瓣
本影片根据菲利普·K·迪克的短篇小说《规划小组(Adjustment Team)》改编。天生就适合走上政治舞台的大卫·诺里斯(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 饰),是一名政坛的明日之星,他在信心满满的参选纽约州参议员期间,意外认识了认识美丽的芭蕾女演员爱丽丝(艾米莉·布朗特 Emily Blunt 饰),两人一见钟情,正当情意正浓时大卫突然被一群穿黑西装、戴黑帽和墨镜的神秘人士绑走。这群自称是隶属于联邦的人生命运调整局的人,告诉大卫他命里该当总统,伊丽丝也会成为世界著名的编舞家,他们的相爱会使两人的前途都成为泡影。规划局想尽一切方式阻止两人再次相遇。知道真相的大卫是会追求自己的梦想而放弃爱丽丝?还是为了真爱,对抗命运调整局呢?
宗教狂热份子丹尼尔在一次讲道中遭乱枪射杀,横尸太平间却奇迹似的死而复生,更遭莫名杀手一路追击。原来,丹尼尔是带有天使血统的半人半神,天堂的黑暗天使群起反抗上帝围剿人类,若菲尔更亲临人间直取丹尼尔的心脏,因为他,正是解救这场危机的唯一希望。 改邪归正的天使盖布瑞亚默默协助丹尼尔逃亡,但若菲尔挟持著丹尼尔女友紧追不舍,末世纪的预言就要成真,人间化为炼狱的翻搅梦魇不断浮现,人类的命运是福是祸,全仗著这背水一战……
Natsuki Subaru, an ordinary high school student, is on his way home from the convenience store when he finds himself transported to another world. As he's lost and confused in a new world where he doesn't even know left from right, the only person to reach out to him was a beautiful girl with silver hair. Determined to repay her somehow for saving him from his own despair, Subaru agrees to help the girl find something she's looking for.
In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.
A paragliding mishap drops a South Korean heiress in North Korea -- and into the life of an army officer, who decides he will help her hide.
A woman with only a short time to live and a man with the supernatural power to bring the world to an end discover the true meaning of life and love.
Three hundred years ago, Bai Qian stood on the Zhu Xian Terrace, turned around and jumped off without regret. Ye Hua stood by the bronze mirror to witness with his own eyes her death. Three hundred years later, in the East Sea Dragon Palace, the two meet unexpectedly. Another lifetime another world, after suffering betrayal Bai Qian no longer feels anything, yet she can't seem to comprehend Ye Hua's actions. Three lives three worlds, her and him, are they fated to love again?
Drama anthology series where each season presents stand-alone stories with different plots and main characters focusing on the theme of boys' love, also known as BL.
Chun Changsheng was abandoned in a flowing river and plucked up by a Taoist monk. He’s actually the fourth Prince of the Chen’s Royal bloodline. He’s plagued with an incurable illness, fated not to live past the age of 20. To find a cure, he leaves his temple, armed with a promise of marriage scroll, to become a student at a famous academy. He meets Xu Yourong and they slowly fall in love after hopping through the trials and tribulations of his journey.
High school student Hitomi is transported from Earth to the magical world of Gaea, where she meets boy prince Van Fanel, and is caught up in his quest to unite the countries of Gaea against the ominous Zaibach empire. On the way, she discovers an hidden ability and strives to unravel layers of mystery surrounding Van, his past, and the giant machine known as Escaflowne.
Seo Hyun-Joo works as the leader of a webcomic planning team. She declares that she plans to remain single, but she receives confessions from two men: Hwang Ji-Woo and Park Do-Gyeom. Hwang Ji-Woo is the CEO of a pharmaceutical company. He has a cold personality and excellent business ability. Park Do-Gyeom is a popular webcomic writer. He is a sociable person. He and Seo Hyun-Joo grew up like siblings, but he has held a crush on Seo Hyun-Joo for a long time.
One day, Naho Takamiya receives a letter written to herself from ten years in the future. As Naho reads on, the letter recites the exact events of the day, including the transfer of a new student into her class named Kakeru Naruse. The Naho from ten years later repeatedly states that she has many regrets, and she wants to fix these by making sure the Naho from the past can make the right decisions—especially regarding Kakeru. What's more shocking is that she discovers that ten years later, Kakeru will no longer be with them. Future Naho asks her to watch over him closely.
Kyotaro Kakei has always had an affinity towards books in hopes to find answers to his life. With a mentor's promise, he continues to search for a book with his absolute hope. However, this changes when he receives a foretelling message saying that "Today, something will happen that will change your fate. --From the Shepherd." Due to this premonition, his normal school life at Shiomoi Academy becomes entangled due to the optimistic Tsugumi Shirasaki and the Shimoi Happy Project.
In the late 19th century, the Joseon Dynasty is in peril because the Kim Family abuses power. The king's power has already weakened, and the people are suffering famine and hardship. Choi Chon-joong is Joseon's best fortune teller and physiognomist, who lost people he loves to Kim Family. He swore to overthrow the Kims and reform the country. He read the hunger to power in Lee Ha-eung, a humble-looking member of the royal family, and decides to help him to set his son on the throne. Meanwhile, the Kims also find the heir to the throne, using Bong-ryun's special gift. Bong-ryun, the daughter of the current king, has the power of psychometry. While the royals and powerful politicians are making and breaking alliances to get ahold of the thrones, Chon-joong focuses on kingmaking that can bring Chosun a new era.
Guan Pi Pi lives a quiet life until a mysterious man named Helan Jing Ting appears. Jing Ting is blind when he’s under the sunlight, but has an excellent vision at night. Furthermore, he’s a vegetarian. He’s an expert when it comes to ancient jade and he always stares at the moon while listening to a serenade at night. At first, it seems like Pi Pi and Jing Ting met each other by coincidence, but they’re actually tied together by fate. However, Jing Ting’s father pronounced a curse on them: Pi Pi always dies a terrible death when she wants to reciprocate Jing Ting’s love. Jing Ting isn’t willing to give up though. Will he be able to change their fate in this life?
The Fate of Arad
A guardian of the stars, Chi Yu, is charged with maintaining the balance of power in the cosmos. When he loses the key to his power, the precious Sun Moon Jade, he’s forced to wander the realm of mortals in a desperate attempt to find it.
Two people living on "parallel lines" were never meant to interact, but an unanticipated meeting transforms them into each other's destiny. On a cruise ship bound for Hungary, fledgling art editor Chen Jiaxin meets the highly-educated Wang Xiyi, heir to a huge conglomerate. Flaring passions are quickly followed by 'I do's'. Then shortly after the wedding Chen Jiaxin becomes pregnant. She prioritizes family over her career before suffering a miscarriage. Heartbroken, she journeys to Hungary alone. There she endures trials and tribulations. But with perseverance and help from friends, she becomes an accomplished potter. Meanwhile, over seven years of separation Wang Xiyi has matured into someone capable of raising a family. Since so much time has passed, history and possibility converge when the two meet by chance in Hungary.
A fantasy medical drama about a high-ranking grim reaper named Kkok Du, who is the only being to exist in the underworld. Every 99 years, the cold and cruel Kkok Du must take a break from his job in the underworld and spend 49 days in the mortal realm—and this time, he winds up inhabiting the body of the human Do Jin Woo. While living as Do Jin Woo, he meets Han Gye Jeol, a female doctor who has the mysterious ability to order Kkok Du around.
In the shadow of an enormous hydraulic dam, the lives of the residents of a small French town are changed to their core when hundreds of previously dead relatives all return home on the same day.
After an accident shatters her storybook life, a comatose woman gets a second chance at life when a reaper from above intervenes, at a cost.
Originally a celestial being guarding the myriad demons of Wangchuan, Chun Yao was mistakenly demoted and became the King of All Demons at Bailing Lake. He is reluctantly joined by the unfortunate Princess Hansheng of the Northern Kingdom, as they embark on a mythical journey to search for the "Destiny Book" and evade a "millennial catastrophe."