俄罗斯方块 2023
艾格顿饰演荷兰游戏设计师Henk Rogers,他获得了在游戏机发行《俄罗斯方块》的权利,其很快在全球大受欢迎,而在1980年代,Rogers卷入了一场有关版权的纠纷。
艾格顿饰演荷兰游戏设计师Henk Rogers,他获得了在游戏机发行《俄罗斯方块》的权利,其很快在全球大受欢迎,而在1980年代,Rogers卷入了一场有关版权的纠纷。
21世纪初,一个标榜着“实现真正的言论和文化传播自由”的网站横空出世。它就是日后大名鼎鼎并惹来无数争议的最大的档案分享网站海盗湾(Pirate Bay)。该网站由高特弗里德·萨特霍姆·瓦格、弗雷德里克·内伊以及彼得·桑德三个瑞典人创立,他们的精神和魄力得到来自全世界复制派(海盗党)的热烈支持,与此同时也遭到号称损失高达61亿美金的版权方的嫉恨。2008年,以好莱坞为首的巨头向海盗湾提起诉讼,三位创始人不得不“离开键盘”,与检方展开一连串的周旋。 一方以法律为手段,一方以技术为武器。这不仅是一场来自不同价值观阵营的战争…… ©豆瓣
A Docu-series of events of two prose litigants Terri and William that go toe to toe with Hollywood moguls, Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey over U.S. Copyrighted works that span over a decade evolved into a Civil RICO case April (2017). Season 1 is available on Prime Video and is 6 episodes 62 min each and has a Season 2 in postproduction.
A 3-chapter documentary about the stories we tell ourselves around creativity. Using a plethora of studies from anthropology, psychology and neuroscience, the film tries to demystify the way we use our brains to create, to make art and science. The products of our minds are extraordinary, but the process in which they are brought about are in fact, quite ordinary. Shakespeare copied. Mozart copied. Picasso copied too. But we're still obsessed with originality. We're living in the most creative time in humanity's existence, so maybe it's time to rethink our preconceptions about creativity.