Ke Tidar Belay 2025
A theater by Dagmawi Alemlewerk Feyisa
A theater by Dagmawi Alemlewerk Feyisa
A Film By Bisrat Mohammed
Three hours outside of Addis Ababa, a bright 14-year-old girl is on her way home from school when men on horses swoop in and kidnap her. The brave Hirut grabs a rifle and tries to escape, but ends up shooting her would-be husband. In her village the practice of abduction into marriage is common and one of Ethiopia’s oldest traditions. Meaza Ashenafi, an empowered and tenacious young lawyer, arrives from the city to represent Hirut and argue that she acted in self defense. Meaza boldly embarks on a collision course between enforcing civil authority and abiding by customary law, risking the ongoing work of her women’s legal aid practice to save Hirut’s life.
A mild-mannered man journeys across a post-apocalyptic landscape in search of answers regarding a derelict spaceship hovering in the sky.
The Ethiopian intellectual Anberber returns to his native country during the repressive totalitarian regime of Haile Mariam Mengistu and the recognition of his own displacement and powerlessness at the dissolution of his people's humanity and social values. After several years spent studying medicine in Germany, he finds the country of his youth replaced by turmoil. His dream of using his craft to improve the health of Ethiopians is squashed by a military junta that uses scientists for its own political ends. Seeking the comfort of his countryside home, Anberber finds no refuge from violence. The solace that the memories of his youth provide is quickly replaced by the competing forces of military and rebelling factions. Anberber needs to decide whether he wants to bear the strain or piece together a life from the fragments that lie around him.
In this meditative film the everyday lives of poor Ethiopian peasants are shown using documentary as well as storytelling techniques, with its drama arising out of the timeless yet persistent issues of their lives.
Made in Ethiopia examines China’s increasing impact on Africa through the story of charismatic businesswoman Motto, who is tasked with expanding the biggest Chinese industrial zone in Ethiopia.
A film by Amaha Duguma Tsehay
When an Ethiopian boy moves in with distant relatives he takes his pet sheep with him but the upcoming holidays spell danger for his beloved friend.
A FIlm By Chirnet Fikadu
A theater by Teshale Assefa
(Suheir Fadel) an Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctor is unable to have kids from her Husband (Hazem Kharbash) after many years of marriage. Her husband Hazem goes for some medical tests to find that he is incapable of procreation and his wife is perfectly healthy, and he lies to her to maintain their marital life.
A film By Abel Regassa
In 1969, a group of Egyptian frogmen target and destroy two Israeli vessels in the port of Eilat during the War of Attrition.
The film follows the fate of two boys, one of whom hopes to become an Olympic runner and the other a photographer.
Asalif and his mother defy Ethiopia’s omnipresent modern housing development culture, by continuing to live a life characterised by proximity to nature and rootedness in community. The boy counters the ruptures in his accustomed surroundings and the threat posed by the hyena that haunts his neighbourhood by reinventing himself as a hero: as Anbessa, the lion.
A Film By Tariku Mekonnen
A film by Tewodros Alemayehu
A film By Fitsum Kassahun Agonafir
In 1896, Ethiopia, an African nation, largely armed with spears and knives, defeats a well-equipped and organized Italian military bent on colonization.
1950’s local shop owner, Yemeni citizen Melike has been forced to leave Dessie. His love afire with the local chiefs daughter, become the Couse for his death. On the last moment, his young helper Tame ru has acquired a watch from the dead body. After decades Tameru learns the watch might worth a lot of money and had been in search for years. The old-fashioned Tameru refused to exchange or to give up his childhood memory. But this mild-manner will ruin his and his family peaceful life. Tamerus only son Yosef makes a desperate verdict in order to get pure justice, for what he couldn’t get legally. [filmoch]
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