Garrison's Finish

Garrison's Finish 1914


Billy Garrison, a successful young jockey, rides the favorite "Sis" in the Louisville Derby. He does not ride with his customary vigor and dash. He feels "doped" and entirely out of condition and as a consequence "Sis," instead of winning the race, trails in last under the wire. At the stables he is accused of throwing the race, but denies it.


The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 1910


An early version of the classic, based more on the 1902 stage musical than on the original novel.


The Primitive Way

The Primitive Way 1915


Mildred Manning is the spoiled daughter of wealthy parents. She has a host of admirers, but does not permit them to become serious. Jimmie Blake, who frequents the household more than anybody else, is a rattle-brained young chap who fancies that he is in love with Mildred and insists that he wants her to marry him. Mildred jokes him and refuses to take him seriously.


The Spoilers

The Spoilers 1914


The Spoilers is a 1914 film directed by Colin Campbell. It is set in Nome, Alaska during the 1898 Gold Rush, with William Farnum as Roy Glennister, Kathlyn Williams as Cherry Malotte, and Tom Santschi as Alex McNamara. The film culminates in a spectacular saloon fistfight between Glennister and McNamara. It was adapted to screen by Lanier Bartlett from the Rex Beach novel of the same name.


The Blood Seedling

The Blood Seedling 1915


Farmer Allen Golyer finds his romance with his naïve sweetheart Susie usurped by Bertie Leon, a traveling salesman. Leon's slick, citified ways win the girl's heart and she leaves Golyer for him . Just then Golyer's friend, Colonel Blood, shows up with a sapling which he presents to him. Leon meanwhile leaves the little country village and is never heard from again. Susie, believing that he was fickle, agrees to marry Golyer. For the next 20 years they are happy, until Golyer goes to a seer.


Too Many Chefs

Too Many Chefs 1916


When Ruth returns to the Bar "G" ranch after acquiring eastern polish, she chides the boys for chewing tobacco, cussing and smoking cigarettes. When Tom, the foreman, orders the boys out on the range to round up cattle they are pleased, for they are anxious to be away from Ruth's constant admonitions.


A Trip to Chinatown

A Trip to Chinatown 1917


I. Noah Heap, after giving a number of the race track patrons some poor tips, is chased by the copper, Welland Strong, who is ever on his trail. Noah's attempts to panhandle the crowd are also thwarted by the ever watchful Strong, who seizes and throws him bodily into the street. Noah wanders into a Chinese laundry and induces the owners to give him a smoke. He plants himself in the old man's bunk and after a couple of drags at the pipe he is off for a wonderful dream.


Wives of the Rich

Wives of the Rich 1916


John Grant, capitalist, is devoted to his wife, but is obliged to curtail her weekly allowance because of her fondness for cards. Robert Baker, a wealthy bachelor, is a great admirer of Mrs. Grant and calls frequently. Finding that her allowance is not enough for her losses at cards, Mrs. Grant, incited by society friends, deceives her husband in the hope of gaining more pocket money. Mrs. Grant loses a hundred dollars at cards, and she gives her I.O.U. to Mrs. Condon, the hostess.


Alas! Poor Yorick!

Alas! Poor Yorick! 1913


A mentally deranged sanatorium patient imagines that he is the world's greatest actor.


The Man with the Iron Heart

The Man with the Iron Heart 1915


I.M. Mann, millionaire president of a large corporation, is known as "the man with the iron heart." James Boyd, cashier for Mann's corporation, is delayed one morning because of a dying mother, and is discharged. Then Boyd goes to Union headquarters with his story. The thousands of workmen employed by Mann finally reach the limit of endurance, and at a union meeting, resolve to demand increased wages, a cessation of child labor and other benefits, or strike. He refuses to hear a committee of workmen and says, "I'll close up the factories and let you starve."


Through Another Man's Eyes

Through Another Man's Eyes 1913


A young man addicted to liquor; he becomes a drunkard and later a felon. After serving time he returns to his home and, looking through a window, sees his old-time sweetheart married to the worthy man she should have married.


The Understudy

The Understudy 1913


Stella Le Vere, an ambitious but struggling actress, is abandoned by her husband and is forced to leave her baby girl, Grace, in the care of an orphan asylum. Later, the child is adopted by a well-to-do and kindly family named Thornton, who bring Grace up in ignorance of her identity.


So-Jun-Wah and the Tribal Law

So-Jun-Wah and the Tribal Law 1912


Red Reagan, and two companions, Brooks and Mathis, lose their way while on a prospecting trip in the mountains. Fortunately they come to an Indian camp where they get food and water, and So-Jun-Wah a beauteous Indian maid, shows them the trail to the settlement.


The Adventures of Kathlyn

The Adventures of Kathlyn 1916


Feature version of the thirteen episode serial, Adventures of Kathlyn, released three years earlier.


Lost in the Jungle

Lost in the Jungle 1911


Jan Kruga and his daughter Meta live on a farm in the Transvaal. The nearest neighbor, Sir John Morgan, lives 20 miles away, and it is only on rare intervals that she ever goes even that far away from her isolated home. Toddles, a work elephant on her father's farm, is her only pet and in the first part of our story we see her befriend him from a cruel keeper. Hans, a neighboring Boer farmer calls and asks for Meta's hand in marriage. The girl is ordered by her father to accept Hans' attentions. She has been taught to obey and when Hans gives her a love offering, a huge necklace of beads, she meekly offers her cheek for the betrothal kiss. Sir John's nephew, Hirshal, comes for a visit from England and Sir John brings him for a friendly call on the Krugas. Meta's heart awakens at the sight of the handsome, young Englishman, and she returns Hans's necklace. The father, however, orders her to marry Hans, or never darken his door again.


The Guardian's Dilemma

The Guardian's Dilemma 1915


Prof. Jaquin Delano joins a circus to study practical zoology. Old man Cummings is the guardian of Anita, a beautiful girl. Cummings rages because the circus tents are pitched too near his palatial home. Anita visits the menagerie tent, sees Jaquin and is impressed with his kind treatment of the wild beasts.


The White Mouse

The White Mouse 1914


Billy Silver, a young trapper, lives with his wife and little baby up in the region of the snows. Billy is energetic and finds trapping profitable. One morning while he is out examining his traps, the cabin catches fire. In the distance he hears the cries of his wife for help, and hastening to the scene as rapidly as he can


Greater Wealth

Greater Wealth 1913


John Sharon, a steel magnate is immensely successful from the worldly point of view, while Ed Young, his humble employee, views himself as a failure because his income shrinks as his family responsibilities increase. Sharon's only son is a drunken disappointment, his wife becomes alienated from him, and his daughter falls critically ill.


The Only Chance

The Only Chance 1913


Charley West, a lineman, complains about his rickety old hand-car, and is given one that is up-to-date. He tries it out and finds he can send it sixty miles an hour. The train dispatcher, forgetting an oncoming special freight, allows a passenger train to leave the yard before he discovers his mistake.