Alle Mod Alle 2023
Politijagt 2009
The Olsens 2020
Stjerner i trøjen 2021
Remee og Mathilde 2019
12 uger i helvede 2021
Estonia - A Find That Changes Everything 2020
In 1994, M/S Estonia sinks during its route from Tallinn to Stockholm. 852 people sink with the ship. For 26 years, survivors and relatives to the victims have asked one question: what truly happened to Estonia?
De Uduelige 2022
Far hvem er du? 2018
Gitte Talks 2015
Medina: Hele min historie 2022
Medina has, like few others, delivered hits, cover material and glitter dreams throughout her impressive career. But who is she really - as a musician, boyfriend, daughter, sister and mother? For the first time ever, we get the whole story of Medina's stormy life.