The Full Circle

The Full Circle 1989


The factories pollute the air so much that every living creature in town must wear a gas mask if they want to survive.



Variants 1980


Two neighbours argue about which one of them should get rid of a pile of rubbish.


Chile Lives

Chile Lives 1976


This short, animated piece of agitprop fiercely expresses the hopes of the Chilean people.



Hello 1984


A man visits a variety of locations in an attempt to find a place free of noise and distraction, only to discover he may be looking for something which does not exist.


Belly and Soul

Belly and Soul 1988


An elegant crowd attends a meeting but, while they listen to the speech, all they really care about is the buffet.


The Rescue

The Rescue 1980


A man and his donkey rescue someone from a crevice, who repays the man with gold and the donkey with sugar. Later, they hear another cry for help and proceed to a second rescue.



Consequence 1987


The fumes emanating from a traffic jam make everybody, and every animal, cough.



Lautaro 1977


The Mapuche tribe asks their Gods for help in difficult situations, including illness and drought. When the Spanish conquerers on their horses invade their country, the indigenous people think that they are aliens. The Spaniards capture and enslave many of the Mapuche tribe. Lautaro, a young captured native, realizes that these aliens are human beings without any divine power. He learns to use their weapons and organizes a resistance movement against the intruders.


The Flying Windmill

The Flying Windmill 1982


Olli, the main character in the movie, got a very bad grade and is terribly annoyed. She runs away from home and, together with a dog and a horse, finds a (mad? nutty?) scientist in a windmill. They experience the strangest adventures in this windmill and find other interesting characters, a lot of excitement and peril. While you may well interpret something as the "socialist value system" into this movie, it is more meant to be a children's movie, showing the kids that there are more exciting things out there than the ones that your parents and teachers show you, and that you will only find out most of those things on your own, if you show enough curiosity.


Zwei Lieder

Zwei Lieder 1963


In ancient China, there is a poet named Lo who lives in the emperor’s palace. While the hardworking people long for peace and happiness, Lo writes hymns in honor of the militant emperor, who is perpetually hungry for conquest. The monarch is pleased by the poet’s words, but the people do not want to hear the hymns praising him anymore. Lo is completely unaware of this and is surprised when the kitchen maid Hsi-Hua refuses to sing his hymns. With her help, Lo learns what the people really want and is able to see how cruel the emperor is.


Die große Reise der alten Schildkröte

Die große Reise der alten Schildkröte 1989


Somewhere in an unknown land of turtles, an old turtle wants to see the world. After hearing a cancan record she wants to dance and decides to take a ship to Europe - to Paris. Once there, she learns how to do the cancan, wears sequinned dresses, stiletto-heeled shoes and net stockings. She loses these wonderful things on her journey home but she still has her memories and the zest for life.



Pünktchen 1964


Simple artistic structures, including dots and moving lines, create a story.