Familien Olsen 1940
Familien Olsen is a 1940 Danish family film directed by Lau Lauritzen, Jr. and Alice O'Fredericks.
Livet på Hegnsgaard 1938
Verdens rigeste pige 1958
Danish comedy from 1958.
We Meet at Tove's 1946
Eight old school friends meet at Tove's to discuss what has happened in the last 10 years. Some have made careers, others have become homemakers, some are married and others alone. The community is intact, but what no one knows is that Tove is hiding a big, unhappy secret.
The Heir 1954
Anders returns to Denmark to visit his ill mom too late. Her lawyer tells him he's the illegitimate child of an estate owner. He goes there incognito and works on the big farm and falls for the maid and later for a gold digger.
Father of Four: And Uncle Sofus 1957
At home in the small family is nothing new. Tiny Per is the school's mischief maker, Sister has heartaches, Mie and Ole has to be in the school play, etc. But suddenly something happens. Good old Uncle Anders has a twin brother in the United States. He called Sofus, and now he comes home to celebrate 70th birthday. He was a troublemaker when he left and now he has become even worse
Kærlighedens melodi 1959
Pas paa svinget i Solby 1940
Præsten i Solby låner 2.000 kr. i menighedsrådskassen for at betale for et af sine sognebørns hospitalsophold i Tyskland. Rigmandsdatteren Marianne skal være brudepige i Aalborg og tager fra København mod Jylland. I Solby kører hun for stærkt gennem byen, hvorfor hun kommer ud for et biluheld og lander i præstens have! Hun begynder straks at dirigere rundt med alle i præstegården, hvilket tante Marie bestemt ikke er glad for. Præsten er derimod tiltrukket af pigen. De bader i søen og går til bal sammen, hvilket medfører at fru Larsen tager ind for at tale med biskoppen. Efter at Marianne er taget tilbage til København melder Biskoppen sin ankomst i sognegården. Hvor skal præsten nu finde de 2.000 kr. ? Præsten har dog en del venner der forsøger at hjælpe ham, men han får også uventet hjælp af biskoppen.
Father of Four: In the Countryside 1955
Its summer and everyone are going on holiday to a small fisher town in Jutland.
Hvad vil De ha'? 1956
Danish Black & White Movie from 1956 starring 32 of the most popular danish actors...
Sømand i knibe 1960
Eva comes to visit the ship, and when the alarm is raised and they are facing the sea, she hides in a cabin. This leads to various complications, not least because the admiral later come aboard.
Red Meadows 1945
A suspense tale revolving around the memories of a Danish saboteur as he awaits his execution in a German war-time prison.
Father of Four: In the Snow 1954
Ib Schønberg is again the kindly father - and now he is crowned "the ideal driver". This means that he can take all his four children to winter holiday in Norway.
Farlig ungdom 1953
Egon, a young man from Jutland living with relatives in Copenhagen, meets sensible young girl Ruth and falls in love. But Egon is involved with a gang of criminals, and when they assault a man they meet in a bar they are caught by the police. Egon is sent to a juvenile home, but can he stay out of trouble?
Bedstemor går amok 1944
The Key to Paradise 1970
The Key to Paradise
The Man Who Thought Life 1969
The mysterious Mr. Steinmetz has acquired the ability to create things and beings by will alone. Only, after a while his creations invariably disappear. He therefore approaches a famous brain surgeon, Max Holst, who he hopes can help him with this problem. When Max refuses, Steinmetz brings his doppelgänger into being to replace him.