Kalit so'z Volunteer
Twelve Monkeys 1995
2035 yilda mahkum Jeyms Koul er yuzidagi deyarli barcha aholini qirib tashlagan va omon qolganlarni er osti jamoalariga majburlagan halokatli virusning kelib chiqishini aniqlash uchun o'z vaqtida qaytarib yuborilishini istamay ko'ngilli qildi. Ammo Koul xato qilib 1996 yil o'rniga 1990 yilga yuborilganida, u hibsga olinadi va ruhiy kasalxonaga qamaladi. U erda u psixiatr doktor Ketrin Reyli va qotil kasallikni yo'q qilish uchun mas'ul bo'lgan 12 maymunlar armiyasining sirli firibgar guruhining kalitiga ega bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan mashhur virus mutaxassisining o'g'li bemor Jeffri Goines bilan uchrashadi.
Shallow Hal 2001
Soul Surfer 2011
Coming Home 1978
Shooting Dogs 2006
River 2016
Cry 'Havoc' 1943
Answer the Call 2024
Violent Road 1958
Becoming Family 2006
Una pequeña acción 2022
Tositarkoituksella 1943
War Mamas 1931
The Tanks Are Coming 1941
The Midday Sun 1990
Bikes for Africa 2013
Εθελοντής στον Έρωτα 1971
Šerkšnas 2017
你是我的英雄 2024
Tot het Einde 2024
We all die, but you don't have to do it alone. We follow various volunteers who assist people in the final phase of their lives. What drives these volunteers to guide complete strangers to the end of their lives? And what does death teach them - and us - about life?
Canada Check-in 2022
Lee Hyo-ri, who has been volunteering for abandoned dogs for more than a decade, is on a journey to Canada to meet dogs who have been sent overseas for adoption in the arms of a new family.
And, Live 2019
Toko Ikuta lost her parents in a car accident at the age of 3. Afterwards, her uncle, who ran a barbershop in Morioka, raised her and she had a happy childhood. Toko Ikuta was active as a local idol and she dreamed of becoming an actress. At the age of 19, she is set to take an audition in Tokyo. The day before her audition, on March 11, 2011, the great Tohoku earthquake and tsunami hits Japan. In the autumn of 2011, Toko Ikuta works at a cafe. She goes with her Korean co-worker Han Yoo-Ri to do volunteer work in Kesennuma as the area recovers from the devastating tsunami. There, Toko Ikuta meets Kiyotaka Shimizu who is a university student from Tokyo and a member of a student volunteer group. While spending time together in Kesennuma, Toko Ikuta and Kiyotaka Shimizu develop feelings for each other.