Kalit so'z Sniper
Full Metal Jacket 1987
Civil War 2024
The Bourne Supremacy 2004
Jek Richer 2012
Noma'lum snayper ko'chada beshta begunoh odamni o'ldirganida, politsiya barcha dalillar bilan ko'rsatilgan gumondorni hibsga oladi. Ammo so'roq paytida bu odam hech narsa demaydi va faqat ko'plab issiq nuqtalardan o'tgan sobiq maxsus agent Jek Richerni topishni so'raydi. To'g'ri, uni topish unchalik oson emas, chunki u buni xohlamaydi va o'zini arvoh kabi tutadi. Ammo buni qilish kerak emas, uning o'zi politsiyaga boradi. Jek bu biznes bilan shug'ullanadi, ammo bu g'alati voqeani tushunish unchalik oson emas ekan ...
The Bourne Identity 2002
The Expendables 2010
Shooter 2007
Enemy at the Gates 2001
A Time to Kill 1996
Lucky Number Slevin 2006
Money Monster 2016
The Last Boy Scout 1991
Behind Enemy Lines 2001
Smokin' Aces 2006
Vantage Point 2008
The Hurt Locker 2008
Double Team 1997
Mud 2013
Shooter 2016
Bob Lee Swagger is an expert marksman living in exile who is coaxed back into action after learning of a plot to kill the president.
Family: The Unbreakable Bond 2023
Kwon Do-hun is an expert sniper and a secret agent working for the National Intelligence Service. To conceal his true identity, he lives a double life as a regular trading company employee, keeping even his wife Kang Yu-ra in the dark. Though he is occupied with his work, Do-hun cherishes his wife deeply. Meanwhile, Yu-ra, a dedicated homemaker, harbors a secret. Their tranquil existence is thrown into turmoil when Jo Tae-gu emerges, posing a threat to their carefully crafted façade.
Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit 2019
Set in a different Tokyo on a different world than ours, the story follows Tokunana, a unit of assembled misfits in the Metropolitan Police Department. Tokunana battles against "Nine" — an organization commiting crimes in their zealous worship of the dragons that once roamed the world.
Sniper Standoff 2013
When a secret police operation fails, sniper Lee Ho-yeung develops a personal grudge towards his co-worker Ko Chun-kin. Ho-yeung eventually decides to leave the police force and becomes the president of a firearms association, colluding with organized crime on the sky. Through abusing the trust of an unknowing detective and the trust of his girlfriend who still works with the police unit, Ho-yeung has secretly been working against Chun-kin, who has been kept in the dark the whole time. But when Chun-kin starts to suspect the clues within multiple murder cases, a tense standoff between the brothers unfolds.