Farlig ungdom

Farlig ungdom 1953


Egon, a young man from Jutland living with relatives in Copenhagen, meets sensible young girl Ruth and falls in love. But Egon is involved with a gang of criminals, and when they assault a man they meet in a bar they are caught by the police. Egon is sent to a juvenile home, but can he stay out of trouble?


Red Meadows

Red Meadows 1945


A suspense tale revolving around the memories of a Danish saboteur as he awaits his execution in a German war-time prison.



Flintesønnerne 1956


Flintesønnerne is a 1956 Danish family film directed by Alice O'Fredericks.


Father of Four: In the Snow

Father of Four: In the Snow 1954


Ib Schønberg is again the kindly father - and now he is crowned "the ideal driver". This means that he can take all his four children to winter holiday in Norway.


Father of Four and the Wolf Cubs

Father of Four and the Wolf Cubs 1958


Tiny Per gets its biggest wish: He becomes a scout. Sister also gets hers biggest wish: She's getting married. So now Mie take over the household and it's not going to go quietly.


Lykken kommer

Lykken kommer 1942


Det rige par Jytte og Ole bruger livet til fest og ballade. Efter endnu en aften og nat med fest beslutter ægteparret at blive skilt. Næste dag fortæller de dette til onkel Frederik, der i stedet foreslår et væddemål: i et år skal Jytte og Ole leve for 400,- kr. om måneden, for at de kan mærke hvordan almindelige mennesker lever. De går ind på forslaget og flytter ind i en lille lejlighed. Efterhånden lærer de at klare sig, men opgiver dog væddemålet efter en måned. Da Ole fortæller onkel Frederik, at de ikke vil være med mere, kan Frederik desværre fortælle dem, at han har sat deres formue over styr. Da Ole kommer hjem får han at vide, at Jytte er gravid. Dette ændrer i høj grad deres liv - Jytte og Ole har pludselig fået et livsindhold.


Life on the Hegn Farm

Life on the Hegn Farm 1938


Also known as Life on the Hegn Farm, this domestic drama is based on a popular novel by Jeppe Aakjear. Simple in the extreme, the story concerns the romantic travails of country lass Trine (Karen Nellemose), who is being forced into a wealthy marriage to a man she does not love.


Den kloge mand

Den kloge mand 1956


In the small idyllic town Randrup, lives on nature-loving and friendly thatcher Rasmus Thomsen (Oswald Helmuth). In addition to refurbish people's roofs, he runs a small "geschæft" that "The wise man". Son Ulf (Frits Helmuth), which reads the doctor's home on leave before the final exam in Copenhagen. Rasmus' big dream has always been that Ulf had to be "real doctor" and achieve what he always wanted so dearly. By thrift and income have gained through the many patients who seek Him from far and near, he has been able to afford his son's studies. His reputation as a wise man has knowledge of.


Familien Olsen

Familien Olsen 1940


Familien Olsen is a 1940 Danish family film directed by Lau Lauritzen, Jr. and Alice O'Fredericks.


We Meet at Tove's

We Meet at Tove's 1946


Eight old school friends meet at Tove's to discuss what has happened in the last 10 years. Some have made careers, others have become homemakers, some are married and others alone. The community is intact, but what no one knows is that Tove is hiding a big, unhappy secret.


Father of Four

Father of Four 1953


Everyday portrayal of a single father with four children


Laan mig din kone

Laan mig din kone 1957


Salgschef Lund øjner muligheden for at blive underdirektør i det babyudstyrsfirma, han arbejder i. Uheldigvis har han hverken kone eller baby. Det er ellers kvalifikationer, som både chefen og en konkurrerende kollega finder helt nødvendige. Lund lader derfor som om, han har været gift længe. Den lille nødløgn får imidlertid uoverskuelige konsekvenser, da chefen inviterer Lund og frue til middag. Lund må på jagt efter en kone til låns og så griber forviklingerne om sig i et rasende tempo.