Slovenská televízia Bratislava
Brazil: 64 Years of History 2022
The documentary follows the footsteps of the first Slovak expedition to Brazil.
Ženský vtip 1996
Orchester 1972
Tajomstvo šťastia 1995
Pod vŕbou 1994
Sila lásky 1990
Golden Horseshoe, Golden Pen, Golden Hair 1998
The biographical story of Pavel Emanuel Dobšinský - a television film about the life and knowledge of a man who managed to stay true to himself, his people and his ideas despite the times. The story begins at the end of the great storyteller's life, when through his own memories, captured by his hand and in book form, he returns to his childhood, the time he entered the Levoč grammar school, to 1840. In this film, author Peter Glocko, a trusted expert on Dobšinský's work and life, guides us through all the personal and historical vicissitudes of the hero's life, reveals the influences that marked his ability to squeeze into his stories the wisdom of knowledge and knowledge of the people from which he came, as well as the basic life principles that the reader - young or old - still draws from his tales.