Arthur Lonergan Мобільний армійський хірургічний шпиталь М*А*Х*Ш Заборонена планета The Pied Piper of Hamelin Apache War Smoke The Cariboo Trail Outpost in Morocco Bannerline Чорний красень Man-Eater of Kumaon Holiday for Sinners The Actress Who's Got the Action? Mrs. Mike Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed? Che! The Caper of the Golden Bulls За межами Лялькової долини Ransom! My Geisha The Search for Bridey Murphy The Tender Years A Life of Her Own Tickle Me Young Man with Ideas The Oscar The Tender Trap A New Kind of Love Young Fury The Magnificent Yankee Good Times Pitfall It's Always Fair Weather Song of My Heart Cause for Alarm! Plaza Suite Робінзон Крузо на Марсі On the Double The Errand Boy The Sellout Red Line 7000 For Those Who Think Young The Todd Killings