Bernard B. Brown Sittin' on a Backyard Fence Cavalcade of the Academy Awards The Bank Dick Вийти на лід The Brute Man Enter Arsène Lupin It Started with Eve Maybe It's Love Unfinished Business The Flame of New Orleans Buddy's Day Out Those Were Wonderful Days Gold Diggers of '49 The Spoilers Arizona Trail Black Angel Хто це зробив? The Spider Woman Strikes Back Nightmare The Dark Horse Tangier The House of the Seven Gables Gypsy Wildcat Sudan Біла дикунка I Love to Singa Black Bandit Ghost Town Riders Riders of Pasco Basin It Comes Up Love Hi'ya, Chum Never a Dull Moment Give Us Wings The Leather Pushers When Tomorrow Comes Christmas Holiday Danger in the Pacific Frisco Lil Little Miss Big Strange Conquest The Road to Reno Франкенштейн зустрічає Людину-вовка The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry Canyon Passage Rio Син Франкенштейна Tower of London Привид Франкенштейна Calling Dr. Death Weird Woman Dead Man's Eyes Будинок Франкенштейна Strange Confession The Frozen Ghost Будинок Дракули Pillow of Death Honeymoon Hotel It's a Date Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror Pirates of the Skies The Booze Hangs High Ups 'n Downs Box Car Blues Big Man from the North Congo Jazz Hold Anything Dumb Patrol Smile, Darn Ya, Smile! Yodeling Yokels The Tree's Knees Bosko's Soda Fountain Bosko the Doughboy Bosko Shipwrecked! Bosko at the Zoo One More Time Lady, Play Your Mandolin! You Don't Know What You're Doin'! Red-Headed Baby Bosko and Bruno Bosko's Fox Hunt Big-Hearted Bosko Pagan Moon Bosko's Party Bosko's Dog Race Battling Bosko Bosko the Lumberjack A Great Big Bunch of You It's Got Me Again! Bosko at the Beach Ride Him, Bosko I Wish I Had Wings Goopy Geer Bosko the Drawback I Love a Parade Bosko's Store Bosko's Woodland Daze Bosko in Dutch Bosko's Dizzy Date One Step Ahead of My Shadow Gambling Ship Вбивці Тінь сумніву Scarlet Street Pursuit to Algiers The Pearl of Death The Spider Woman Dressed to Kill Terror by Night All by Myself The Woman in Green Unseen Enemy Moonlight in Hawaii South of Tahiti The Mystery of Marie Roget Bombay Clipper Destry Rides Again The Old Chisholm Trail The Alchemist in Hollywood A Cartoonist's Nightmare Bosko and Honey The Big Chance Cuban Pete Саботаж Tough as They Come Mug Town Keep 'Em Slugging The Mysterious Mr. Wong Night Monster Arabian Nights She-Wolf of London Man-Made Monster На флоті The Black Cat Hearts of Humanity Horror Island Привид опери Рука мумії Людина-невидимка повертається Невидимий агент Гробниця мумії Привид мумії Помста людини-невидимки Прокляття мумії The Witness Vanishes Mr. and Mrs. Is the Name Phantom Lady Buddy the Woodsman Buddy the Gob The Cat Creeps The Jungle Captive Buddy Steps Out Captive Wild Woman I Wanna Play House Eyes of the Underworld Hired Wife Nice Girl? I've Got to Sing a Torch Song Between Us Girls The Mad Ghoul Pettin' in the Park The Sun Never Sets Blonde Alibi Гнів Парижа Let Them Live Ex-Champ River Gang Син Дракули South of Dixie Green Hell Madame Spy Country Mouse Country Mouse Country Mouse Жінка-невидимка Одна ніч в тропіках Midnight Intruder The Suspect South to Karanga Людина-вовк Her Adventurous Night The Blow Out I Haven't Got a Hat Hollywood Capers Alpine Antics My Green Fedora My Green Fedora Country Boy Beauty and the Beast Into Your Dance The Girl at the Ironing Board The Climax The Phantom Ship The Lady in Red The Fire Alarm The Phantom Ship My Little Chickadee Lady in a Jam Those Beautiful Dames We've Never Been Licked What We Are Fighting For