Billy Williams The Wind and the Lion Ґанді Billion Dollar Brain На золотому ставку The Silent Partner Підозрюваний Pope Joan The Glass Menagerie Eagle's Wing Сатурн 3 Two Gentlemen Sharing Мангеттенський проект Horowitz in Dublin Five Guineas a Week Women and Men: Stories of Seduction Monsignor The Mind of Mr. Soames This Year – London Voyage of the Damned Just Ask for Diamond Night Watch Ljuset håller mig sällskap Driftwood Reunion Тінь вовка Стелла The Rainbow Eleni Dreamchild Ordeal by Innocence The Survivors Going in Style Boardwalk Des Teufels Advokat The Wind and the Lion Kid Blue Zee and Co. Sunday Bloody Sunday The Ballad of Tam Lin Закохані жінки San Ferry Ann Just Like a Woman Red and Blue Red, White, and Zero The Lottery People Apart The Magus