Rudolph Maté The World's Most Beautiful Girls Бути чи не бути Вампір: Марення Аллана Ґрея Страсті Жанни д’Арк Гільда Cover Girl Second Chance The Black Shield of Falworth Foreign Correspondent Charlie Chan's Secret Forbidden The Violent Men The Green Glove Union Station The Dark Past That Hamilton Woman Liliom When Worlds Collide D.O.A. The Pride of the Yankees The Prince Who Was a Thief The 300 Spartans It Had to Be You Three Violent People The Far Horizons Miracle in the Rain Over 21 The Deep Six For the First Time The Rawhide Years Seven Sinners Sally and Saint Anne Branded The Mississippi Gambler The Barbarians Il dominatore dei sette mari No Sad Songs for Me The Return of October Our Relations The Siege at Red River Paula Port Afrique Monsieur Albert Le Dernier Milliardaire The Real Glory Come and Get It Metropolitan Professional Soldier They Got Me Covered Address Unknown Додсворт The Adventures of Marco Polo A Message to Garcia Stella Dallas Trade Winds Dans les Rues Love Affair Aren't We All? Prix de beauté Сахара Tonight and Every Night Aren't We All? Blockade Outcast The Flying Deuces Michael Lily Christine My Favorite Wife Αλίκη αγάπη μου Dressed to Thrill It Had to Be You Der Kaufmann von Venedig La Belle marinière It Started with Eve The Flame of New Orleans Down to Earth Navy Wife Le roi du camembert