Ben Washam Pent-House Mouse Tom-ic Energy The Unshrinkable Jerry Mouse Horton Hears a Who! Long-Haired Hare Дак Доджерс у 24½ столітті Rabbit Seasoning Rabbit of Seville One Froggy Evening Duck Amuck 90 Day Wondering A Hitch in Time A Pest in the House A Witch's Tangled Hare Chow Hound Bewitched Bunny Broom-Stick Bunny Drafty, Isn't It? Duck Dodgers and the Return of the 24½th Century Feed the Kitty From A to Z-Z-Z-Z Haredevil Hare Hell-Bent for Election Kiss Me Cat The Hasty Hare Scaredy Cat The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics 8 Ball Bunny Baby Buggy Bunny Fast and Furry-ous Gee Whiz-z-z-z-z-z-z Drip-Along Daffy The Bear That Wasn't Baton Bunny Bunny Hugged Rabbit Hood The Dover Boys at Pimento University or The Rivals of Roquefort Hall The Scarlet Pumpernickel Cat Feud So Much for So Little Scent-imental Romeo Zipping Along Going! Going! Gosh! Ready.. Set.. Zoom! Guided Muscle There They Go-Go-Go! Scrambled Aches Deduce, You Say Love Me, Love My Mouse Purr-Chance to Dream Advance and Be Mechanized A Bear for Punishment Bully for Bugs Operation: Rabbit Dog Gone South Rabbit Rampage Gay Purr-ee Як Ґрінч украв Різдво! Wackiki Wabbit To Duck.... Or Not to Duck Cat and Dupli-cat Fastest with the Mostest Who Scent You? Ready, Woolen and Able Horton Hears a Who! Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness Hare Tonic Ah, Sweet Mouse-Story Of Life The Cat Above and the Mouse Below Claws for Alarm Haunted Mouse Two Scent's Worth The Pogo Special Birthday Special Much Ado About Nutting Jerry, Jerry, Quite Contrary Nelly's Folly Zip Zip Hooray! Advance and Be Mechanized Forward March Hare Hold the Lion, Please You Were Never Duckier My Favorite Duck Super-Rabbit Mississippi Hare Love Me, Love My Mouse Duel Personality Lost and Foundling Daffy Duck's Thanks-for-Giving Special Of Feline Bondage Frosty the Snowman Is There a Doctor in the Mouse? Much Ado About Mousing Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy in the Pumpkin Who Couldn't Smile Carnival of the Animals Як Ґрінч украв Різдво! Raggedy Ann & Andy: The Great Santa Claus Caper Mouse-Warming The Ducksters Wild About Hurry Quentin Quail