Frank Shaw The Egg and I Man Without a Star Black Bart Mandalay Playgirl Congo Crossing The Square Jungle All My Sons My Man Godfrey Man Afraid A Double Life Star in the Dust The Lady Gambles Sally and Saint Anne Christmas Holiday War Arrow Mystery Submarine Kathy O' The Frisco Kid The Spoilers Joe Dakota The Wild and the Innocent Hers to Hold The Amazing Mrs. Holliday The Petrified Forest The Story of Louis Pasteur The Mayor of Hell Таємниця музею воскових фігур State's Attorney A Lost Lady Ever in My Heart Gambling Lady The Star Witness The Singing Fool Spy Hunt Night Nurse This Happy Feeling The Raging Tide It's a Date Операція «Нижня спідниця» The Lion and the Mouse State Street Sadie Woman in Hiding The Saxon Charm Toy Tiger Once Upon a Horse... Sailor Izzy Murphy Girls in the Night Імітація життя Lady Godiva of Coventry One Way Street His Butler's Sister Гнів Парижа Pay as You Enter Desert Legion Appointment for Love It Happens Every Thursday Temptation Border River The World in His Arms