
Троя 2004


1193 рік до нашої ери. Спадкоємець престолу Трої Паріс викрав прекрасну Єлену, дружину царя Спарти Менелая. За честь Менелая вступає його брат — цар Агамемнон. Його армія на чолі з Ахіллесом підійшла до Трої і узяла місто в криваву облогу, що тривала довгих десять років. Два світи воюватимуть за честь і владу. Тисячі помруть за славу. І за любов нація згорить дотла.


Troy: Fall of a City

Troy: Fall of a City 2018


A rich story of love, intrigue, betrayal and belonging told from the perspective of the Trojan royal family at the heart of the siege of Troy.


Helen of Troy

Helen of Troy 2003


Paris of Troy goes to Sparta on a diplomatic mission and falls in love with Helen, the wife of King Menelaus. When lovers flee to Troy, the bloody seeds of a long war, sown by King Agamemnon of Mycenae, finally sprout, so an old prophecy is fulfilled.


Legends of the Lost with Megan Fox

Legends of the Lost with Megan Fox 2018


Actress Megan Fox has peeked behind the curtain of some of these ancient sites, igniting an insatiable curiosity to learn more about these lost worlds. She embarks on an epic international journey to investigate and find answers to these enduring mysteries.


Troy the Train of Car City

Troy the Train of Car City 2016


Troy the Train is the fastest train in the world. He makes sure that new vehicles arrive safely in Car City, and join the Car Team. Every day, Troy the train meets new friends, who follow him in amazing adventures.